Monday, July 19, 2010

What If They Threw A Race War And Nobody Came?

"The great leading objects of the federal government, in which revenue is concerned, are to maintain domestic peace, and provide for the common defense. In these are comprehended the regulation of commerce that is, the whole system of foreign intercourse; the support of armies and navies, and of the civil administration."
--Alexander Hamilton, remarks to the New York Ratifying Convention, 1788

"So far, thankfully, that sums up the results of the left's recent efforts to instigate racial animosity in America." Read the rest HERE.

1 comment:

  1. Well, the problem here is that there is a group with a vested interest in racial chaos. We all know who they are though they are spread across a host of organizations and scattered throughout all socio-economic groups.

    Of course, you have the criminal element - you know, the ones who were looting big screen TVs, shooting at bus drivers and raping trapped white women during Katrina. Then you have the standard welfare recipient who sees in racial anarchy a sure raise in his or her next guvmint check as a means of quieting things down. Then you have the race-mongering entrepreneurs - the Jacksons and the Sharptons and the Farrakhans who make their fortunes convincing their witless followers that they is poorly done by "The Man". Then there are the politicians who if their constituents had half a brain or were not loaded with white guilt couldn't get elected dog catcher. Then you have the sports star who fears most of all falling out of public favor lest his value to the team cost him in the wallet. And finally, you have the very wealthy and important blacks - industrialists, academics, professional men and women moving in the elite circles of the culture. A small percentage of these folks - as in the case of all the other categories (except the criminals, of course) know and understand that the present racial situation is destructive to EVERYBODY - including blacks. Unfortunately, wealth, culture and education do not seem to prevent this group from being just as adamant for entitlements and just as protective of "black rage" as any race monger or ghetto dweller.

    I'd certainly like to see a race war in which nobody came, but as long as it is profitable for certain folks - white and black - that just ain't gonna happen.
