Sunday, March 13, 2011

"A State Forced Out of the Union"

3% Say Ivy League Schools Produce Better Workers

only three percent (3%) say individuals who go to Ivy League schools are better workers than those who go to other schools. A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey finds that 79% do not think Ivy League students make better workers. Eighteen percent (18%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Future governor, Quaker and avid Unionist Jonathan Worth believed that his State was driven out of the

Union by the actions of the Lincoln administration, which was trying to force North Carolinians to not only

violate the United States Constitution, but also wage war on a neighboring State. On May 30th, he wrote:

“We are in the midst of war and revolution. North Carolina would have stood by the Union but for the conduct

of the national administration which for folly and simplicity exceeds anything in modern history.”

Writing on December 7, 1861, Worth concluded:

“This State is a unit against the Lincoln Government. It is one great military camp. Some ten thousand troops

are in the field. The old Union men are as determined as the original secessionists. The State is totally alienated

from the Lincoln Government and will fight to extermination before they will reunite with the North.”

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