Saturday, April 16, 2011

EPA Admits Jobs Don't Matter

According to an April 15, 2010 article written by Christopher Neefus of CNSNews:

“Americans now spend billions of hours each year doing their taxes, or pay someone else to help them. But the first 1040 federal income tax form from 1913, including the instructions, was only four pages long (the instructions covered only one page)…

“Today, the instructions for the basic 1040 tax form total 101 pages, and there are 76 lines that taxpayers must fill-in with information.”

"The Environmental Protection Agency, which boasts 18,000 full-time employees, a $10 billion budget, and has the power to impose economy-crippling regulations on the American way of life, has admitted a dangerous truth: to them, jobs just don't matter."

Via PUMABydesign

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