Monday, June 27, 2011

Kill Whitey

The Elector Retards



Kill whitey, no need for the link. Those that have plucked their heads from the sand long ago have already read the story. Looking for your crystal ball? You had best understand what is brewing, it's a dangerous concoction.

There are those that want to eradicate the white devil because of the sins of the father, I say go ahead and try, light the fuse I double dog dare you! I will not be prosecuted for events and crimes I did not commit, now if you want to lump me into a group because of the sins of the past, then you had best be prepared for one hell of a fight.

I could go into a long diatribe of government cheese and modern slavery, with a side of poverty pimps, and for the third course we could discuss work ethic and responsibilities, why? It's not necessary is it? This has more to do with the RACIST that is occupying the WHITE HOUSE.

The future need not by acquired by paying the local ethnic ten bucks, opening your eyes is all it takes. Understanding your enemies and why they hate you is a concept you need to wrap your mind around, and quick. The hatred happens to hold the highest office of the land, and he is NOT sending mixed messages, no his message has been very clear to those that want to harm us.

I feel sorry for those that knew better and never left the suburbs and the inner cities, you no longer have control over your fate. RIP WHITEY!



  1. Does anyone remember who rounded up their brothers and sisters and sold them to Whitey in the first place? Not that it matters.

    Slavery has been over for nearly 150 years. Thats 7 generations, give or take. It must be beneficial for someone to keep it alive, eh? I wonder whom that might be? Certainly isn't Whitey.

  2. Does anyone remember who rounded up their brothers and sisters and sold them to Whitey in the first place?

    Good one.

  3. Ditto Blue, but I wish West would run as Cain has some problems on the 2nd and, of course, was on the Federal Reserve Board.

    The Trouble with Herman Cain
