Wednesday, June 15, 2011


A video has been making the rounds on Al Gore’s information superhighway today that shows a group of college students answering questions about affirmative action. Now, it’s a given, a great many college kids are morons…they’re supposed to be. Why, AWD himself probably came a driver and a six iron away from being a moron myself while studying free-lance gynecology during my college days. (Disclaimer: if any of AWD’s children…that I know of!…are reading this, your old man is exaggerating a little..ok…a lot!) The problem is college kids think they’re not morons and actually have something worthy of being heard. Truth is, college kids think they know everything when they really know very little. Especially about the world.

Any college that has these two letters…UC…preceding the city, guarantees it is a leftarded waste of tax and tuition dollars! UC is an acronym for University of California. I know, I know…say no more! But sometimes one must see the libtarded to truly grasp the libtardation of the libtarded. And there is nowhere that surpasses the high levels of libtardation like a university in the once-great, now-pathetic state of California! If Albert Einstein was a libtarded idiot, he would have studied at UC-Anywhere. Want proof of the quality of the ‘young minds’ coming out of the UC system? Well, lookie here!


  1. That looked like UCSB...sad to say but I went to that school in the 80's. I was in ROTC and got all kinds of dirty looks and comments when I was on campus in uniform. You are right about the UC system in eductaing going on there, just indoctrinating.

    I had an English teacher who gave me bad grades on my papers but the papers were well written and supported with lots of facts. I eventually confronted the teacher and said that this was supposed to be English, NOT political science and the opinions in my papers were irrelevant, only how well those opinions were written and presented mattered. I noticed a marked increase in my grades thereafter but sadly in many courses like sociology I just had to regurgitate the leftist talking points in order to get a good grade.

  2. in many courses like sociology I just had to regurgitate the leftist talking points in order to get a good grade
