Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Watergate Squared to the Tenth Power

he Gunwalker Scandal with Operation Fast & Furious have a far more insidious and sinister motive behind it than a stupid break in for campaign dirt. Not only was this whole operation of running guns via all the Alphabets of the Federal Government to Mexican drug cartels, an attempt by the Obama regime to blame the Constitution’s 2nd Amendment as the culprit for violence in Mexico and our borders – but it was funded and paid for by Obama’s Stimulus program - meaning we taxpayers funded this crime, and Obama signed that into law so it could be used to abolish our right to keep and bear arms.

But wait there’s more. The hoped-for intent was that both the Mexican government and the Alphabets in the Fed would reveal that gun shows and gun sales in the U.S. were putting guns in the hands of drug cartels that then were being used to kill U.S. law enforcement officers. Obama prepped this narrative of blaming America for the gun and drug violence in Mexico way back in April of 2009, a few short months after taking office. Obama wanted to create a demand for renewed gun bans on all semi-automatic weapons in the hands of Americans, and push for a treaty to be ratified in the Senate to track and curtail arms in the U.S. It was after this that Porkulus money was apportioned to the alphabets to conduct gunwalking operations to get guns into the hands of Mexican drug cartels. The promise of increased annual funding and power over average Americans was a drug they could not pass up.

Not until those same weapons handed to the Mexican cartels were used to murder border patrol officer Brian Terry, did the moral weight of what was being done cause some whistleblowers in the ATF to go to public and ask Congress for help.

But as Senator Chuck Grassley is discovering – he is being stonewalled and stymied by Eric Holder at Obama’s IN-Justice Department at every step and turn.

Like the idiots they are, the GOP made a fatal blunder in thinking they could negotiate in good faith with Marxists hell-bent on turning the country upside down. Like morons with no clue of the nature of a wolf, they thought if they spoon fed the beast – the beast would cooperate in the name of justice. Eric Holder’s Justice Department that is. See, Grassley and his clueless cadre of Republicans on the Judiciary Committee actually believed that if they confirmed James Cole as Deputy Atty General, Eric Holder promised to stop the stonewall and provide the information they requested. Idiots, played for fools as they are finding out:


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