Wednesday, October 12, 2011

For Occupants to blame the actual perpetrators would take both brains and brass nuggets, neither of which they possess.

The left is desperate to have Occupy Wall Street ripple into a movement to challenge the Tea Party. The problem is that this movement’s “Occupants” are as relevant as navel lint.

The Occupants say one reason they need a movement is to go after banks [wink] who may have taken advantage of some of the people who lost their homes. The premise sounds noble and is meant to elicit outrage from mindless drones.

Even though the vast majority of people who got subprime loans knew they really couldn’t afford their homes, I don’t necessarily blame them for taking advantage of the credit loopholes that gave them a chance at ownership. If liberal politicians were willing to provide a shortcut to that small piece of the American Dream, why not give it a shot?

So I blame liberal politicians. They changed the rules to help uncreditworthy folks take a shortcut to their dreams. As with most shortcuts, the relaxed rules led to worse credit and false hope for millions of poor people. Subprime loans did for homeownership what the Hindenburg did for travel. The harsh reality is that your home is not your home until you possess the clear deed; until then you are a renter who gets a tax break.

Don’t expect the Occupants to actually connect the dots and blame Jimmy Carter, a white racist Democrat who got all this started with the Community Reinvestment Act, an attempt to assuage his guilty conscience. Nor will Occupants blame Bill Clinton and ultimately Barack Obama, John Kerry, Barney Frank, and about all other powerful Democrats in office at the time who took bribes to “help the poor.”

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