Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Occupy Wall Street – Lighting The Fuse To Begin A Bloodbath

Marxists promise an “American Fall”, goading useful idiots into what may become the violent end-game of their revolution.

This blog has been warning since 2008, that the regime being put into power at the White House was going to wage a Marxist revolution. Since Obama took office, the patterns and efforts of this regime were an amalgamation of the programs and efforts by last century’s most notorious madmen and despots with a twist; instead of capitalizing on woe and misery to pit one group against another in order to achieve power – this time, they would create the misery first by collapsing our system, while stoking hatred for their political adversaries to foment the REAL CHANGE they seek to impose.

The contempt the Ruling Class have for Conservative America is no shock. What is surprising, is how quickly the demonization and castigation of the political enemies of this regime, has led to overt calls for violence and bloodshed by the useful idiots who support this regime, and by those with the shared targets of contempt, whether it be those with wealth, banks, corporations, Jews or Republicans. In response, there are increasing calls for violence from the Libertarian/anarchist movement, and the boiling rage of Conservative TEA Party Americans who are being pushed into a corner.



  1. Like he says, they are useful idiots being manipulated to things that they do not know... Cannon fodder.

  2. I did see one Ron Paul poster, but I think 99% are Communist.

  3. My response...

    Much of what you present is indeed true but things have not been normal for a long, long time. The Republic has been under fire from its very inception. At the close of the Constitutional convention when asked what form of government we would have Franklin replied, “A republic, if you can keep it.” The game is not over and indeed has not even entered the final quarter. The end game will be decided by which III% wins. It has been said that the American Revolution was won by 3% of the population who took up arms against tyranny. Today the odds may be all too much equal. The Marxists/Socialist Progressives may well have their own 3% who can fuel the fire with the assistance the indolent, the innocent young liberally minded and the entitlement addicted. On the other side will be the 3% who truly believe in Liberty and the Republic and those individuals will have a clear advantage.

    The Marxist/Socialist Progressive is all too eager to have others die for their cause while the true Patriot will without second thought give his life for the cause of Liberty or for his Brother or Sister in arms. If it comes to a final confrontation I agree it could well be one that this country has never seen before. Not since Lincoln’s move against Liberty have we seen such assaults against the original Constitution. I pray there is a peaceful path to resolve this pending confrontation but if not I know which III% i will serve. God Bless…

  4. The Marxist/Socialist Progressive is all too eager to have others die for their cause while the true Patriot will without second thought give his life for the cause of Liberty or for his Brother or Sister in arms. If it comes to a final confrontation I agree it could well be one that this country has never seen before. Not since Lincoln’s move against Liberty have we seen such assaults against the original Constitution.

    Very well said, Michael.
