Monday, November 7, 2011

'15,000 strong' army gathers to take on Syria........

........ An insurgent army which claims to be up to 15,000 strong is being coordinated from Turkey to take on President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, which risks plunging the region into open warfare. The national "Syrian Free Army" aims to be the "military wing of the Syrian people's opposition to the regime," its leader told The Daily Telegraph from a heavily guarded camp in eastern Turkey. Confirmation of an armed force operating with the covert approval of the Turkish authorities follows evidence that attacks inside Syria are causing high levels of casualties in the security forces. It also shows the anger of Recep Tayipp Erdogan, the Turkish premier, with Mr Assad, a former ally whose failed promises of reform have caused a deep rift. – Daily Telegraph

Dominant Social Theme: War is breaking out all over. The Arab Spring is rising. What a coincidence.

Free-Market Analysis: Now it is Syria's turn. History will record that an Arab Spring swept across the Middle East and Northern Africa and turned dictatorships into Islamic democratic republics.

History will also show, we tend to believe, that the West has been challenged to reshape this radical Islamic surge along more "democratic" lines. It's all a lie, of course. It's all "directed." The 20th century appears to us to be "full on" directed history and right now the same appears for the 21st.

There's plenty of evidence these modern "revolutions" were spawned by the Anglo-American elites, determined to continue their advance toward one-world government. Various groups, affiliated perhaps with the CIA, were set up to promulgate "revolution." AYM is one such American/gobalist movement and obviously has ties to the US state department and large US corporations.

Now the "revolution" has come to America and is masquerading as Occupy Wall Street. Overseas, "revolutionary youth" have created an Islamic crescent arc. Within the US and Europe the "revolution" will serve a different purpose: It will build a "populist" movement blaming private industry and banking for the one-world program put in place by the elite money mafia creating this turmoil.



  1. "History will record that an Arab Spring swept across the Middle East and Northern Africa and turned dictatorships into Islamic democratic republics."

    History will show that the final crusade is under way as is the next Caliphate....

    Nobody told me there would be days like these... Strange days indeed...

  2. The news just doesn't get any better........
