Friday, November 18, 2011

Female Soldiers from around the world

Via Cousin Colby



  1. At one time I was married to a Army Officer who was deployed overseas several times. Many times I hear of women soldiers getting pregnant to avoid deployment, getting pregant while deployed so they would be sent home, having affairs with married officers they were deployed with and pissing and moaning about carrying their ruck sack and asking other men soldiers to do it for them. Not only do they cause mem to be unfocused on their mission due to sexual tension and otherwise, but they could cause accidents or casualties as well since men usually will do whatever to help out a woman solider. Yes, they all look good in these pics and I'm sure they are proud of themselves. But ask the wives or fiances of soldiers deployed with them. I don't think they like what goes on (if they know about it). I've heard all the stories at Officers Balls and the OCs. Just my opinion.

    P.S. Not to mention the letters I read from a female officer to my husband while they were deployed in ODS that he kept when he got back home. He was her HERO!!!

    P.S.S. We are no longer married. And none of them I met looked like these women over the 10 yrs we were married.

    Tarboro, NC

  2. I've heard all the stories at Officers Balls and the OCs

    I'm sure, and unfortunately, married a Yankee with his kind, approving of all Southerners family.......:)
