Friday, December 23, 2011

Bill Clinton: "There is too much information on the internet!

Via Rebellion

Now wouldn't that be convenient for your little Collectivist friends.

"We need to go back to the Big 3 networks."

Dominant Social Theme: Too much information is bad for society.

Free-Market Analysis: Bill Clinton (left) wants to return to the days when three big television networks explained the Way the World Worked.

According to "Dilence Sogwood," a financial-industry DB feedbacker, Clinton spoke at a luncheon he attended and made these and other provocative points. What Clinton is revealing in these speeches he is giving around the world is that there is a historic struggle going on between free-market thinkers and those, like Clinton himself, who are attempting to maintain and justify the status quo.

We have no direct or corroborating evidence that Dilence Sogwood's statements are accurate; however, we have a history of his feedback going back nearly a year. In that time, we have never had a sense that he was anything other than a feedbacker who wished to share information about freedom, investing and elite social themes.

For purposes of this article, we will treat them as legitimate "sourced" statements. His feedback on Clinton's luncheon talk is important in our view because it provides a window into how Clinton and others who work for the Anglosphere elites are grappling with what we call the Internet Reformation.

The statement mentioned in Sogwood's feedback (above) is especially startling because in making it, Clinton reveals himself as pure utilitarian. He also reveals inadvertently the pervasiveness of the Anglosphere power elite control in the US.


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