Friday, December 2, 2011

Comment on WRSA

It’s not easy to give up all that you have worked for all of your life. Think of all the hours of hard labor, hating what you do for the sake of your children, so they might have something or some advatage you didn’t have. And now think of “them” taking it away.

Well “they” have taken it away. NINTY THREE SENATORS just flushed the Bill of RIghts down the Toilet. This is not just our work they flushed, this is the work of our fathers as well, and their fathers before them. My ancestors fought in the Revolutionary War against England on my mom’s side. Fought against the Mexicans in 1836 on my Dad’s side, for Texas independence. My dad was a tail gunner in WW2. I joined the AF to continue the family tradition of fighting for freedom. Not as a career. None of my ancestors were career soldiers. Civilian warriors all. And went back to their real work as builders and engineers after the wars they fought for our freedom. Freedom that we have now lost.

Now it is time for a new war. Not of our choosing, but one again that has been thrust upon us. This time by our own government. Traitors in the houses of representatives; aliens in the white house; subversives in the judiciary.

It is up to us now.

We have already lost our “stuff.” Let us not lose our humanity; our children, and our manhood as well.


Signing out.

Deep cover now. Over and out.

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