Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Fearfully, the US Treasury's Secret, 75-Year-Old Fund and Its Dark History Has Been Exposed? ...

After months of work, the video series on the Treasury's Exchange Stabilization Fund is finally finished! Why you should watch these five videos: It is impossible to understand the world today without knowing what the ESF is and what it has been doing. Officially in charge of defending the dollar, the ESF is the government agency which controls the New York Fed, runs the CIA's black budget, and is the architect of the world's monetary system (IMF, World Bank, etc). ESF financing (through the OSS and then the CIA) built up the worldwide propaganda network which has so badly distorted history today (including erasing awareness of its existence from popular consciousness). It has been directly involved in virtually every major US fraud/scandal since its creation in 1934: the London gold pool, the Kennedy assassinations, Iran-Contra, CIA drug trafficking, HIV, and worse ... " – Market Skeptics

Dominant Social Theme: The US Government has taken over the world and the ESF has been its weapon of choice.

Free-Market Analysis: We're not sure who Eric deCarbonnel is, but he has posted five YouTube videos that contain extraordinary allegations about the US Government's Exchange Stabilization Fund. In aggregate, the series is called, "What I have been afraid to blog about: THE ESF AND ITS HISTORY."

We were made aware of the series just last night by a considerate feedbacker who was puzzled by them. We used Google to find out about Mr. deCarbonnel, whose ESF thesis has been covered by GATA, where he contributes. He also contributes to some other alternative media websites and has received coverage there and elsewhere.

The videos don't seem to have made a wide stir as of yet (not that we could tell, anyhow). But they are certainly interesting. Having listened to all five presentations, we will try to provide an analysis of what we might call "holistic" journalism, where someone tries to put a lot of different facts together to create a scenario not previously well known.

You might call him a practitioner of conspiratorial or directed history. Perhaps that's why we're drawn to it. Many of the problems of the modern world can be traced to the ESF, according to Mr. deCarbonnel. He proceeds to make the case for his argument in over an hour of insights and detail.



  1. Brock:

    I don't really understand anything about financial stuff, but I'm trusting you because of your track record for posting or relaying reliable information, with links to original sources.

    Thus, I created a playlist combining all five (05) of those videos, which I embedded on my own web site, while also posting the Treasury Department's explanation.

    Thank you.

    John Robert Mallernee
    Armed Forces Retirement Home
    Gulfport, Mississippi 39507

  2. Thanks and you might want to show the conclusion.

    Conclusion: Whatever one thinks of Mr. deCarbonnel's point of view (we're not endorsing it, merely presenting it), his perspective regarding the ESF is intriguing, and he seems to us a passionate financial journalist in the modern Western tradition. He states at one point that his expose – and others – could not have found their way to the public forum without the Internet, which Mockingbird still does not control. In providing this interesting group of videos to the general public via YouTube, deCarbonnel seems to be providing proof of his point of view.
