Monday, December 12, 2011

WWII food stash found

Via Survival

"The Fed thinks they are playing with a thermostat - the house is too cool so we dial it up a little bit, now it's too warm, so we dial it down. In reality, they are playing with a nuclear reactor. If you get it wrong, you're going to have a meltdown."

-- James Rickards


"From what I can tell from the somewhat garbled [automated] translation, it seems that a chunk of old masonry fell from the second floor of a building on the grounds of a hospital in Germany. When the blocks fell they revealed an attic storage room that had been sealed up for decades. The room had apparently been used to store field mess supplies during the US occupation of Germany, shortly after WWII. Some of the cans look to be in bad shape, but others are surprisingly clean."

C-rations, U.S. Meals, Epa, use food, MRE, Meals-man, Iron Ration

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