Friday, January 20, 2012

“Every Brave People….Would Have Done As We Did.”

Via Bernhard

Remembering Robert E. Lee: A Week-Long Observance
North Carolina’s Legal Holiday Observes Lee’s Birthday January 19th

“…General Robert E. Lee, now president of Washington College…was writing a letter to R.S. McCulloch which showed that Lee too was in the same unrepentant state.

”Every brave people who considered their rights attacked and their constitutional liberties invaded,” it ran, “would have done as we did. Our conduct was not caused by any insurrectional spirit, nor can it be termed a rebellion; for our construction of the Constitution under which we lived and acted was the same from its adoption, and for eighty years we had been taught and educated by the founders of the Republic, and their written declarations, which controlled our consciences and actions. The epithets that have been heaped upon us of “rebels” and “traitors” have no just meaning, nor are they believed in by those who understand the subject, even at the North…”

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