Monday, January 9, 2012

Loving Our Enemies

Via Cousin John
Crazy is beating your head against a wall to cure a headache. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Stupidity is continuously buying into the lies of a consistently duplicitous Federal government.

“We’re under attack because we love freedom, is why we’re under attack. And our enemy hates freedom. They hate and we love. We differ from our enemy because we love. We not only love our freedoms and love our values, we love life itself. Our enemy hates innocent life.” — George W. Bush, addressing schoolchildren, Sept. 23, 2002

Any discussion of Ron Paul as a GOP Presidential candidate inevitably begets rants from the paranoids about how Paul’s non-interventionist foreign policy would make America vulnerable to attacks from Iran or Islamic extremists from one Muslim nation or another.

Typical of the responses are irrational, fact-devoid screeds like these, taken from our comments section last week:

  • “Ron Paul is truly a loose cannon , short sighted and ignorant of world relations . On one hand he is correct , we should worry about America . On the other , we MUST worry about the spread of nuclear weapons in the hands of a militant regime who has no compunctions about using them in order to advance their agenda . If this half senile old fool thinks for one instance that Iran would be justified in closing down the Straights to prevent sanctions he should not be seeking the Presidency . Those who defend him should stop and think what it would mean to listen to him an sit back ignoring this bunch of crazed Iranian leaders as they lead us to a war no one will survive . You Have Been Warned !”
  • “Screw Ron Paul and Screw Iran. A vote for Paul will just Make it easier for the A-hole to get back in and finish his job of destroying the economy. As for Iran, they need to be taken out, NOW! They are a pus filled infection on this planet.”
  • “Is Ron Paul a Jimmy Carter replica? He needs to be sent off and released on the Afghanistan/Pakistan border. As a life long registered Republican, I will vote for Obama if Ron Paul win the Republican nomination. Puttin would make for a better President than Ron.
    Ron is a total loser, a Bolshevik !!!!! How low has the Republican party gone, to have him a a presidential candidate. Disgraceful”

The truth is the U.S. policy of the past 50-plus years of meddling in the affairs of other countries by covertly backing coups, propping up friendly dictators and fighting proxy wars with Russia and China — using billions of dollars stolen from the American people — have only made the world a more dangerous place. Sadly, not more than three in 10 people seem to understand this. They’ve swallowed the lie that America’s overseas adventures are not empire building, they are simply making the world safe for democracy. They live in a state of confusion and cognitive dissonance.


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