Monday, January 23, 2012

On the Intellectual Inferiority of Liberalism

In consequence it is not difficult to see why the Southern gentleman looked upon religion as a great conservative agent and a bulwark of those institutions which served him. Spokesmen of the South were constantly criticizing Northerners for making religion a handmaid of social and political reform…..a writer in The Southern Literary Messenger thus described the North’s mixing of religious and secular causes: “Her priesthood prostitutes itself to the level with a blackguard and enters the secular field of politics, in the spirit of a beerhouse bully: and the politician as carelessly invades the sanctuary of the priest.”………The Evangelical sects aimed at a conversion of the inner man; the conservative ones at the exposition of a revealed ethic; both regarded themselves as custodians of the mysteries, little concerned with social agitation and out of reach of winds of political doctrine.the whole below*


Via Old Virginia Blog

Liberalism used to be a respectable position for intelligent, well-meaning, and informed people. That was a long time ago. No longer.

Today the "liberal" faith requires an extraordinary act of ignorance, purposeful forgetting, and constant spinning. To be a faithful "liberal" today you have to forget the whole 20th century, and its 100 million victims of the radical left -- that is, victims of Obama's brand of leftism. You have to shut out of your mind the fact that Obama hails from today's Chicago Machine, the most storied and undemocratic political machine since Boss Tweed.

You have to ignore the bloody history of black nationalism in America, where Obama's hero Malcolm X was assassinated by the followers of Elijah Muhammed. You have to ignore the racial blackmail that has controlled American politics since the rise of the post-MLK "civil rights" movement, when all the heroic actions of a few civil rights campaigners like Martin Luther King, Jr., was taken over by dangerous racial demagogues like Rev. Al, the Rev. Wright and the radical left.

All those facts have to be sunk into your capacious black hole of memory, along with the history of the Soviet Union and its 100 million helpless victims. The Nazis only had 13 years to kill six million Jews, and even more Gypsies, homosexuals, Poles, democratic Germans, and of course, the religious. The Soviets and Chinese had seventy years or longer, and killed correspondingly more millions of victims with the same style of sociopathic control freakery. North Korea is the biggest Communist museum piece today, but nobody on the liberal side seems to take any responsibility for it -- just as they deny their alliance with Muslim fascists all over the world, who are agitating for another century of mass murder.

As Michael Ledeen recently pointed out, the Hitler-Stalin alliance is alive today, only the names have changed. It's now called Left-Islamofascism. The same old murderous alliance under a new label.

If you are a self-labeled "liberal" today, you own that history; therefore you must deny and evade it.


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