Friday, February 24, 2012

Burn The Quran!


  1. Call me Islomophobic if you like. I for one am tired of all the Political correctness surrounding this pseudo religion which has since its inception been nothing more than a totalitarian theocratic political ideology whose only reason for being was to expand Sharia Law and to subjugate the infidels and gain world domination.The accidental burning of the already desecrated Korans which were desecrated by Muslim detainees who scribbled notes in them and passed them among other detainees has brought about riots in many countries from outraged Muslims. They are outraged not by the desecration of the Korans by those of their own faith but by the inappropriate disposal of them by US troops. This has already caused the death of two US soldiers and untold damage and destruction. I for one say enough is enough. Time to pull all our troops home. But unlike our Apologist In Chief who is bowing down to Muslims apologizing for our transgression I would clear out and give 24 hour notice and then bomb anything we have built up and restored in Afghanistan, Iraq and any other Muslim country we have tried to bring the light of freedom to. Hospitals, power plants, bridges, dams, water supplies... You name it if we built it we should take it down and then just go home. Let them cling to their Korans and their AK 47's in the dark of the caves they will have to live in for all I care. I am pissed and enough is enough...
