Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Not your mother's MOC


I just got off the phone with the Mayor of Appomattox, Mayor Harvey. He spoke with me about the Ru Paul picture. He had just finished talking with the director of the MoC, Mr. Rawls. Apparently that picture was part of an exhibit on "Improper" treatment of the Battle flag. They had an exhibit that was going to show how, over the years, ways that it has been disrespected. Due to the response their exhbit generated, they have decided to pull it.

Bryan Gilmore


First part via Billy

Susan Frise Hathaway
This is NOT your Grandmother's museum!

Va Flaggers got a sneak peak inside the Museum of the Confederacy at Appomattox while doing some RECON yesterday for Saturday's Flagging of the Grand Opening.

Yes, that is RuPaul...in all his/her glory, mocking our colors, and on display inside YOUR Museum of the Confederacy.

These are comments by members of the Southern Heritage Preservation page on Facebook.

This is what greets you when you first walk into the new Museum of the Confederacy in Appomattox. Yes, sadly it is a life sized photo of Rue Paul drag queen wearing the Confederate Battle Flag as a dress. This is Waite Rawls flipping the bird to all Southerners. The perfect illustration of how out of touch Rawls is with the duties and responsibilities of running the any museum, much less the Museum of the Confederacy. I think it is time for a full on assault on the museum's board to have Rawls removed as director. What an arrogant bastard...

And here is another comment...

Apparently this is not the end to the atrocities that Waite Rawls is committed to - I just heard a rumor that in order to demean and insult the memory of our gallant Confederate Soldiers, that Rawls has made arrangement to have blue uniformed reenactors portraying the yankee war criminals at the grand opening ceremony. The garbage that spews from Waite Rawls is never ending just as his intense hatred for Southern truth and heritage.



SCV Chaplain Responds To Scalawag Rawl

(From the current Confederate Veteran. (October 5, 2007) BT)

Rev. Fr. Alister C. Anderson
Ten East Third Street
Frederick, Maryland

October 5, 2007

Dear Mr.Rawls:

I have been a member of the Museum of the Confederacy for many years and I am happy to hear you state that ''We will not abandon Richmond." I am, however, disappointed to read some statements you made in a letter I received dated 9 September 2007. In the third paragraph, I am sorry you used the words "Civil War." I need not define to you -the words "Civil War." You must know that our war was the War for Southern Independence; the War of Northern Aggression; the War Between the States. Take your pick, Mr.Rawls, but do not say "Civil War."

When you write in your letter, "... when we say the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag, the phrase 'indivisible, with liberty and justice for all' rings in our ears,".. .and we're the products of the crucible of our own internal conflict," I must insist that these words are not the products of our own internal conflict.
These words were written in 1892 by Francis Bellamy, a Baptist minister who was forced to resign his pastorate because of his Socialist sermons and political activities.

Mr. Rawls, you should know that "our own internal conflict" was fought to defend the Constitutional principles of States' Rights, to free the people of the South from their economic strangulation by the radical Republican Lincoln Administration,which government was determined to destroy our Southern culture. Our War was fought to prevent a rapacious Federal Government (it is not federalat all, having repudiated in concept of federalism given to us by the Founding Fathers) to impose its way of life and dictatorial politics and culture upon the South.

Francis Bellamy admired the ideas of the French Revolution. He believed that it helped men to appreciate their personal dignity and God-given rights, to which you and I will say "Yes," but at what a horrendous and demonic and totally unnecessary price in blood and possessions. Through some devious political connections he was permitted to write the Pledge of Allegiance with his Socialist intentions to weld together the mentality of all Americans in their allegiance to a centralized Federal Government.

For example, the word allegiance was taken from President Lincoln's Oath of Allegiance, which all Southerners had to take to regain citizenship, and to admit that they were guilty of rebellious, and that they were evil people.
Bellamy used the word indivisible to impress Southerners that secession was a grevious sin and that they were guilty; and especially the children were made to feel guilty that their parents fought for freedom, independence, self-government, and the protection of their families, houses, churches, farms and cities from destruction. And by the way, no human political construct is ever indivisible. Only GOD IS INDIVISIBLE! Southern scholars and historians have written that Bellamy's idea to include "liberty and justice for all" is a substitute phrase which he was forced to use instead of his preferred phrase, "Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity," the atheist words of the radical French Revolution.

John Dewey admired Francis Bellamy and we all know that Dewey, who advocated "Progressive Education," willingly played into the subversive agenda of the cultural Marxists. Francis Bellamy can be linked to Dewey, who has produced a morally corrupt, anti-Christian, multi-cultural, secular public school system which now openly attacks traditional Christian culture.

Finally, Mr. Rawls, the Museum of the Confederacy was designed and established to celebrate the Confederacy and the Southern history and culture and people who had to go to war to defend themselves. For you to say that the museum exists to help Southerners "find an understanding -warts and all-" is to undermine the original and true purpose of this museum. There
are many other museums in our country which deliberately try to impose on the South and our ancestors ugly lies about our warts and all We Southerners should not surrender our duty to celebrate the Confederacy.

We have an understanding of what the war was all about. .

If I were in your position as President and CEO of the Museum of the Confederacy, I would place on the most visible place in the museum the immortal words of General Stephen D. Lee:

"To you, sons of Confederate Veterans, we submit the vindication of the Cause for which we fought. To your strength will be given the defense of the Confederate soldier's good name, the guardianship of history, the emulation of his virtues, the perpetuation of those principles he loved and which made him glorious and which you also cherish. Remember it is your duty to
see that the true history of the South is presented to future generations."

With best wishes for you in your care of OUR museum,

I am,

Sincerely yours,

The Rev.Fr.Alister C. Anderson
Chaplain (Colonel) U.S.Army (Ret.)
Past Chaplain-in-Chief
Sons of Confederate Veterans


  1. Clarification just in about the Ru Paul issue

    I just got off the phone with the Mayor of Appomattox, Mayor Harvey. He spoke with me about the Ru Paul picture. He had just finished talking with the director of the MoC, Mr. Rawls. Apparently that picture was part of an exhibit on "Improper" treatment of the Battle flag. They had an exhibit that was going to show how, over the years, ways that it has been disrespected. Due to the response their exhbit generated, they have decided to pull it.

    Bryan Gilmore

  2. Yes, I had posted this as an update at the top yesterday. Good news, for a change.
