Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Syria: Western Pro-War Propaganda Unravels as Fakery

Why should the West intervene in Syria when it turns out "activists" giving daily body counts, the sole source of "evidence" for the UN's ever climbing grand total, are caught not only lying, but staging entire interviews complete with fake gunfire directed "off stage?" Why should the US, UK, EU, or the West's stable of Arab proxy-regimes be allowed to arm Syrian rebels admittedly carrying out their own horrific atrocities? Clearly Syria's opposition have turned out, just as they have in Libya, to be craven, murderous, and ultimately deceitful extremists - making any further contact with them by the West a direct violation of their own national and international laws.

Video: Classic war propaganda - complete with staged-gunfire off camera and the intrepid actor "Danny" relaxed and joking before getting into character to give a hysterical "casualty report" to his co-star, CNN's Anderson Cooper - just one of many he regularly gives to Western media networks.


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