Sunday, April 1, 2012

Georgia PATCON

Alrighty then...

Returned from the GA PATCON last night, and it was an unbelievable session, with some of the heavy hitters in the Patriot movement and also some of the familiar RTC faces.

The discussions were excellent, wide ranging, and VERY in-depth, they went from, organizing our troops, to aggressively AND passively engaging OPFOR, for the lack of a better word. But most importantly, EFFECTIVELY and relentlessly taking the "message" back from the Left.

Another major thrust will be, and as all here know... Re-establishing control of the Federal Government, BUT starting at the local level and branching ourselves back up to the top.

As many know, we are now in a foot race to the finish line and the competitors are Freedom and Tyranny... To even have a hope of winning this race, ALL will have to engage on ALL fronts. I know many of us are tired and damn near used up, but as is often mentioned here...

"Better to die on your feet as a free man, than on your knees as a slave"

The main thrust of the meet was to come up with techniques and solutions to engage the population through various means, not only through the Net, but with heavy outreach and support "operations" to various groups throughout the country... To my great joy most of the players are, like me, completely out of the "Box" they are attempting to stuff us in.

Who would have thought that OWS and RTC stand TOGETHER, more on that form of "outreach" later, as the plans are tightened up.

Another heavy push which I hadn't given much credence to, was the direct impact of Home schooling and economic "uplift" throughout the country, prepare to get some info to push anywhere you can, it MUST be a major push in the Re founding movement.

There was so much info put that I'm still tired this morning, a lot is still swirling in our heads that must be digested and put into an aggressive action plan.

More detail will be brought out little later as the info is condensed and combined with the NC PATCON and the Liberty Summit.

More to come.

Don, L&P

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