Tuesday, May 29, 2012

8 Reasons Why The Great Depression Is The Best Case Scenario

Via Bonnie Gadsen

Old, but first time I've seen it.

We are on the verge a collapse far greater than the Great Depression and we are far less capable of taking care of ourselves. Our way of life is dangerously dependent upon the ability for us to create unlimited amount of debt and the willingness of others to buy that debt. This way of life has a mathematically inevitable end and things that cannot go on forever, won’t.

Let us look a 8 reasons why the Great Depression is the best case scenario and also look at how difficult the Depression was for people who were far more prepared to deal with a harsh world.

  1. Back during the Depression most of America could feed themselves with farming, now we only know corporate frankenfood.
  2. Back then people only knew of real wealth, now we think the digits in our brokerage account in wealth.
  3. Back then people had a strong family on community support systems, now we live little lives of narcissism.
  4. Back then people had a strong spiritual strength, now we have chemically induced denial.
  5. Back then people were of fit body and strong mind, now we are obese and willfully ignorant.
  6. Back then people had a classical education to help them figure things out, now we wait for answers.
  7. Back then people had a real economy, now we have a consumer/debt economy.
  8. Back then people did physical activity for fun, now we have entertainment that turns us in to mental and physical mush.
I would like you to take a few seconds to look at the faces of shame in these photos from the Great Depression.

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