Tuesday, May 29, 2012

May FTF recap/June FTX

NCRC Piedmont Region

To all Alamance personnel,

Our FTF was this past weekend and I would like to thank everyone who attended. After the hot dog lunch, discussion included the NC PatCon, GA PatCON and the national PatCon. From what I could find out, the NC PatCon had more attendance than the national. Randy Dye (NCRenegade blog), Michael Downing (NC Rangers) and NC State Representative Glen Bradley were some of the speakers there. Brock Townsend hosted the PatCon and the hospitality was excellent. He's planning another PatCon for the 1st weekend of October. Other items discussed at the FTF was: possible False Flag events, local, tactical and state comms in the event of a SHTF situation.

The June FTX is tentatively scheduled for the 22-24th. This will be held at Tom's location. Will send out directions when we get closer to the dates. Training covered will be as follows:

Weapons sight-in/possible drills (depending on turn-out)
Wild Edibles
Patrol procedures and Hand Signals
Land Nav
Possible other training

If you have and questions or suggestion, as always, please feel free to contact me.

Eric L Albright, C.O.


  1. I teach landnav, along with tracking, to local CERT volunteers. One of the resources I use as an added bennie is: landnavigation.org

    Although I teach using orienteering compasses as they are geared more toward the civilian side of things this site is based on the use of a .mil lensatic compass.

    Again, it is very well put together, filled with information, and it does start with the very basics.

    A.S. Layman
