Monday, September 10, 2012

Since 1945 the Pentagon has never fought a war it had to win.........

......... Fred Reed at Fred On Everything

Fred Reed


Some goodies from
Ol' Remus

Yesterday's mental illness is today's social policy.
Kathy Shaidle at

Neither Mitt Romney's governance of Massachusetts nor the way in which he violated party rules and used his power to silence dissent at the Republican National Convention indicates he will be a lesser evil than Obama.
Vox at
art-link-symbol-small.jpg A Scottish skipper has found the oldest message ever in a bottle at sea... Andrew Leaper, skipper of the Shetland fishing boat "Copious," made the discovery on April 12 when hauling in his nets in the North Sea off the coast of Shetland. He later learned that the message in bottle had been adrift for 97 years and 309 days, says Rossella Lorenzi in this article at Discovery News.

art-link-symbol-small.jpg"No one can legally swear that Mr. Obama is constitutionally eligible to be president; and because the DNC bylaws require the Democratic presidential candidate to be constitutionally eligible, there is also, therefore, no party official who can legally swear that Mr. Obama is the 'legally qualified candidate' of the Democratic Party..." For a party official to do so "would be to perjure him or herself," says Larry Klayman in this article by Bob Unruh at WND.

art-link-symbol-small.jpg You can close your eyes, and wish really, really hard that the Republicans will change. This time will be different. But they won't change. You can click your heels together, chanting, "I want to go home. I want to go home." But when you sneak a peek, you'll still be in Oz. We need to change the political environment, and voting for "the lesser of two evils" is insane. They're the "equal of two evils". The Dems will bleed us financially, and the Repubs will bleed our liberty. Same destination, different paths, says Chief Instructor in this article, See? I Told You So!, at Accept The Challenge.

DNC - Everyone's welcome. Except unless you own a corporation, or if you're a hunter, a gun owner, white males. They are a bunch of gun-toting, hillbilly, Tea Partiers, that's all I have to say.
DNC attendee, Reason TV video via Jonathan Seidl at

Democratic National Convention - It's likely the first time an illegal immigrant has taken the podium at a major party convention, and highlights President Obama's own stance on the issue.
Stephen Dinan at

Abandoned buildings in Detroit - If the city's demolition squads were able to tear down more than 3,000 buildings a year — an extraordinary number that would require dismantling at least a dozen buildings every working day — it would take Detroit 25 years to rid itself of this detritus.
Foreign Affairs Reporter, Toronto Star, via Robert Folsom at

Attorney General Janet Reno inaugurated the Pentagon's Law Enforcement Support Organization, through which police departments can have access to military hardware of any description on the assumption that each police department is "a DoD organization."
William Grigg at

QE will not only continue ad infinitum but will in fact accelerate until the wheelbarrows are worth more than the piles of cash they're able to tote.
NewWorldOrange, comment at


  1. I was a 100 per cent Fred fan for a long time and then Brock wooed half of me away. But I still love Fred.

    1. :)I first found him when I saw the post below and wrote him immediately that I well remembered the scent of the flower trees. I used to go and pick some of the flowers each night until I found out that it was illegal and I could be arrested.:)

      Re-post: War (or) Maybe We Could Go Bowling Instead
      At night the smell of charcoal and flower trees drifted from neighboring roofs and people murmured in Khmer. Reporters--mostly stringers--lay on the roofs in a fog of gin and Nembutal and listened to the rockets whistle in from the swamps.

  2. You are both national treasures.

  3. I had a blonde and the brunette both manipulating my frame this morning to get the little pebbles in the inner ear to where they belong. Two really attractive women. My wife sat there and watched with smoke coming out of her ears like the smoke that has blanketed the grandkids sub-division from the fires.

    As she drove me home I said, "Honey, I'm just doing this to write about it and inspire other old men to check out Testosterone therapy and inner ear treatment. Somebody has to do it. It's not my fault that all the women nurses and techs in this town are so good looking."
