Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Obama’s Promotion of Racial Hatred Exposed

Via Don


 Last night, on the eve of the first and perhaps most important debate between President Barack Obama and Gov. Mitt Romney, the Daily Caller released the first “October surprise” of the 2012 election in the form of an unedited 2007 video of Obama speaking at Hampton University. Dubbed by the Drudge Report and the Daily Caller as “Obama’s Other Race Speech,” the video promised to show the President describing America, in the Daily Caller’s words, “as a racist, zero-sum society, in which the white majority profits by exploiting black America.” Indeed, the raw footage of Obama exposes odious racial hatred and demagoguery more befitting Rev. Jeremiah Wright than a mainstream political candidate. Moreover, far from conforming to the persona the President has marketed to the public over the last several years, the ideology put forth in the video more closely parallels what we know of Obama’s radical pre-presidential life.

Prior to the video’s release, many media outlets speculated that the speech in question was the one delivered by Obama in 2007 at Hampton University, a historically black college located in Virginia. Furthermore, some media sources decided that the speech had already been shown in full, that there was nothing controversial about it, or that a rebroadcast of it could be construed as “race-baiting” by a conservative news outlet.

While the speech in question was the one delivered at Hampton University, as Daily Caller editor-in-chief explained to Fox News’ Sean Hannity, who broadcast some of the video, some of the most revealing aspects of the speech had not been heard before, and the media had reported on what was in the transcript of the speech, despite the fact that the president ad-libbed the most incendiary remarks (at length).

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