Monday, December 10, 2012

NC: In Case You Thought That Republicans Are Conservatives

Via Bernhard 

An recent internal disagreement within a North Carolina Republican organization reveals what this “Tea Party” friendly group really thinks.  Some honest and truthful comments regarding the secession petitions and historical evidence justifying State’s withdrawing from the federal compact was noted as unwelcome in their ranks and the word “secession” was something associated with the “wacky right.”  T

This is a group which claims to be “conservative” yet is afraid that the mere mention of the “S” word by their faithful will elicit charges of racism and neo-Confederatism from the Marxist Left.  This is today’s Republican party, a pseudo-conservative group that regularly asks for the votes of patriotic North Carolinians on the “wacky right.”


Anticipating Designing Presidents:

“In all free governments, there always have been, and there always will be, some under the cover of patriotism, forming schemes for overturning the liberties of the people, and establishing themselves in arbitrary power.  Such men are generally at first the idols of the people, and before their latent designs come to be discovered, they prevail with the people to enter into such measures, or to make such regulations, as may contribute to the success of their schemes.

But, if the people of the States be wise enough, and sufficiently jealous of their liberties, they will never fail to discover these designs upon our government before they are ripe for execution. And in case a Caesar should ever obtain the executive chair, and should attempt to remove the obstructions which the State governments would interpose to his ambition, the States, by the bare refusal to act, may, within four years, arrest his course, and reduce him to a private station.”  
--Nathaniel Macon


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