Monday, February 11, 2013

Liberty & Lead, Wordpress & DOD


this is 55six from Liberty and Lead. I have been locked out of my blog by Wordpress after being unable to access it for a while last week. DOD was all over my stat counter during that time. My email has been tampered with too. Please post about this in case I go missing or something. This is not a joke.


He warned me about this possibly happening last week and I recommended to him that it would be better to post this information now. 

Liberty and Lead

23 hours ago – My Liberty is too important for an evil and corrupt system to smother it. Sacred cows become putrid corpses when we allow our vision to be ... is no longer available.
This blog has been archived or suspended for a violation of our Terms of Service.


  1. Looks like meeting in person just became that much more important. PTB, go ahead. keep pushing. We have not yet begun to fight.

  2. Much thanks to Brock. I am OK. No black chopper or vans yet. I hope it's nothing and I will be able to laugh about it tomorrow. I contacted Kerodin, TL and Kenny as well. What's funny is I had just posted a comment at TL's place about them coming after PatBlogs soon and within 5 minutes I was locked out. My email HAS been accessed from another computer. DOD HAS been all over my site. If they are reading this, I am clean as a whistle, have NOTHING illegal in my home and engage in NO illegal activity. Please DO NOT SHOOT MY DOGS. -55six

    1. Please DO NOT SHOOT MY DOGS.

      Ex-wives, girlfriends.......?:)

  3. Them Neither :)
    But they ALWAYS seem to shoot the dogs. -55six

  4. I was contacted by WordPress. They state a link on my site caused the account to be locked down. I am still locked out. We will see what happens today. Maybe everything will be back to "normal" soon. Did not sleep much, but no stacks as far as I can tell :)

    I will keep you posted. -55six
