Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Battle for American Survival: An Urgent Call to Patriotic Political Action


Not many realize it yet, but immigration is currently the determining issue of all other political issues. Every political, economic, and social issue facing the country today and most importantly in the future depends on how we resolve the immigration issue.

Other issues, such as taxes, education, government spending, government regulations, judicial appointments, abortion, gun control, energy, property rights, foreign policy, national security, marriage and family, and Constitutional limits to government power receive much more attention by the media and politicians. These are all very important issues, yet national policy on all these issues and many more depend upon how the immigration issue is resolved.

The public is still scarcely aware of the immense importance of the immigration issue.  They have not yet seen that every freedom, our very liberty, and the future of our Constitutional Republic are in the balance. Only a few in Republican national leadership seem aware of the implications that massive amnesties and massive increases in legal immigration will have on the economic welfare of American workers, taxpayers, and communities.

Most seem blind to the impact of massive expansions in immigration on the voting electorate. All the the principles upon which the nation was founded may soon be lost to us and and our posterity. All the important issues fore-mentioned would be determined by a new electorate unfavorably disposed to our cultural heritage and principles of government.

The amnesty for unlawful immigrants and massive expansion of legal immigration proposed by the Schumer-Rubio immigration bill, S.744, if passed, would bury forever any chance of future immigration reform. Nothing would stand in the way of tyrants and demagogues to change the fundamental nature of American culture and government. Thereby would also be buried any hope of future conservative majorities in Congress. Thereby would also be buried all the principles of true liberty, which conservatives hoped to see maintained and prevail.  Thereby every issue will be decided according to the godless principles of materialist statism, unresponsive to the will and cries of the people. Thereby will be buried the Republican Party except as a shadow of its former principles and influence.

Thereby would be buried a great Republic and the freedoms and hopes of its people.

I hope it is not too late for the American people to wake up to the chilling facts. Our nation is in grave and immediate danger of irreversible self-destruction by extraordinarily misguided immigration policy. The worst imaginable and most arrogant form of this self-destruction is in the Schumer-Rubio or "Gang-of-Eight" Senate immigration bill S.744.

If ever there is a time to write, call, fax, or email your U.S. Senators, it is now.

I am an Air Force Vietnam veteran. A third of my squadron was killed in action. Their sacrifice and the sacrifice of every American patriot since the founding of our country will have been futile if S.744 is passed.

There is no honorable excuse for any informed member of Congress to vote for S.744. They owe it to their people and personal honor to oppose it with all their energy and courage.

I especially hope North Carolinians will contact Senator Richard Burr, who is said by reliable informants to be "on the fence." Contact information is listed below. Please pass this on to like-minded patriots.

Mike Scruggs
June 4, 2013

Senator Burr's contact information:

217 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Asheville office:

151 Patton Avenue, Suite 204
Asheville, NC 28801

Fax     (828) 350-2439

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