Saturday, July 20, 2013

Black America's Real Problem Isn't White Racism


In the aftermath of the acquittal of George Zimmerman, Eric Holder, Al Sharpton and Ben Jealous of the NAACP are calling on the black community to rise up in national protest.

Yet they know — and Barack Obama, whose silence speaks volumes, knows — nothing is going to happen.

"Stand-Your-Ground" laws in Florida and other states are not going to be repealed. George Zimmerman is not going to be prosecuted for a federal "hate crime" in the death of Trayvon Martin.

The result of all this ginned-up rage that has produced vandalism and violence is simply going to be an ever-deepening racial divide.

Consider the matter of crime and fear of crime.

From listening to cable channels and hearing Holder, Sharpton, Jealous and others, one would think the great threat to black children today emanates from white vigilantes and white cops.

Hence, every black father must have a "conversation" with his son, warning him not to resist or run if pulled over or hassled by a cop.

Make the wrong move, son, and you may be dead is the implication.

But is this the reality in Black America?

When Holder delivered his 2009 "nation-of-cowards" speech blaming racism for racial separation, Manhattan Institute's Heather Mac Donald suggested that our attorney general study his crime statistics.

In New York from January to June 2008, 83 percent of all gun assailants were black, according to witnesses and victims, though blacks were only 24 percent of the population. Blacks and Hispanics together accounted for 98 percent of all gun assailants. Forty-nine of every 50 muggings and murders in the Big Apple were the work of black or Hispanic criminals.

More @ Creators


  1. I don't believe Obama got the result he was looking for, the blacks didn't go rolling out to the streets like they wanted. this would have been the ploy used to deploy Marshall Law. But the blacks didn't roll out in mass as directed from the white house. Why should they? it's hot outside and they have air conditioning, they can eat at the best restaurants, put gas in their late model car, buy grocery carts of food and beverages. They don't have to work, they go where they want when they want and have anything they want. They are satiated and don't feel like going down town and throwing bricks through windows and sticking their ass out. after all, some of the whites have guns, and maybe they don't feel like being cannonball fodder so Obama can have his excuse for full militarization of the USA. In a word, the blacks are fat and sassy and don't need to hit the streets when it won't put more money in their pockets. It's gonna take more than threyvon to pull them into a riot. plan backfired boys, you gave them so much they have nothing left that they are willing to hit the streets for.

  2. Blacks are 12-13 percent of the population between abortion, black on black homicide and the large numbers black males in butt fuck motels (prison) they will always be a minority. Personally rally's are welcome section them off and no food/ water or utilities. Since the tea party left all of their rallies clean I wonder what these 100 rallies will look like.

    1. Haven't heard anything, so I assume they weren't the success they were hoping for.
