Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Inheriting the Earth

Via Daily Timewaster


 "The victims died because they didn’t understand that some people are limited by nothing."

It is customary to imagine the strong colonizing the weak, but history shows the weak colonize the strong all the time, provided they have a sufficient sense of entitlement. Joseph Conrad captured the paradox exactly in his description of the ship Patna as it sailed with 800 Muslim pilgrims across the Indian ocean to the Red Sea in his novel Lord Jim.
They streamed aboard over three gangways, they streamed in urged by faith and the hope of paradise, they streamed in with a continuous tramp and shuffle of bare feet, without a word, a murmur, or a look back … Eight hundred men and women with faith and hopes …
At the call of an idea they had left their forests, their clearings, the protection of their rulers, their prosperity, their poverty, the surroundings of their youth and the graves of their fathers. They came covered with dust, with sweat, with grime, with rags—the strong men at the head of family parties, the lean old men pressing forward without hope of return; young boys with fearless eyes glancing curiously, shy little girls with tumbled long hair; the timid women muffled up and clasping to their breasts, wrapped in loose ends of soiled head-cloths, their sleeping babies, the unconscious pilgrims of an exacting belief. …
Below the roof of awnings, surrendered to the wisdom of white men and to their courage, trusting the power of their unbelief and the iron shell of their fire-ship, the pilgrims of an exacting faith slept on mats, on blankets, on bare planks, on every deck, in all the dark corners, wrapped in dyed cloths, muffled in soiled rags, with their heads resting on small bundles, with their faces pressed to bent forearms: the men, the women, the children; the old with the young, the decrepit with the lusty—all equal before sleep, death’s brother.
The white men in the pilot-house,  – the infidels — were of course less than nothing in the eyes of their passengers.

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