Wednesday, March 19, 2014

High-Handed meddling: The Moneychanger nails it for the second night in a row

Coup in Ukraine illustrates U.S. addiction to meddling and regime change


I want y'all to picture something. Suppose the #2 elected official in Russia made a trip to Toronto and Mexico City. Suppose further he said in public speeches, "I understand how worried y'all are that the United States might invade y'all again, as it did in the past, so I am here to assure you that Russia is on your side." I'm betting y'all would be pretty ticked off  and consider that high-handed meddling.

So yesterday the US Vice President Joe I-Had-A-Hair-Transplant Biden went to Poland, Lithuania, and Estonia and said all this, but aimed at Russia. Look at it from both directions: if you were the Russians, how would you take that? If you were the Poles, Lithuanians, & Estonians, how much would you trust it? And if it would be high-handed meddling if the Russians did it, why is it not high-handed meddling when formerly bald Joe Biden does it?

Only a nacheral born durned fool would ask questions like this.


  1. Yes, this is meddling. While the Europeans are all for it, and the others do not trust us. What the Europeans are looking for is simply American protection, and miles. Miles! (They are thinking like Europeans again.) They want to put miles between themselves and the Bear. Like that would make any difference. The next war will not be like their last. But our government of fools, and amateurs, will get us involved in another war. All for Miles. Miles!

    We have the weakest leadership in our history to sort this thing out. We can count on them for one thing only. That is, when it comes to making hard decisions, that they will make the wrong ones.

    1. I wouldn't want to have anything to do with the ECU. Russia looks good to them. :)

  2. Yeah. I forgot to mention that if we don't show up for their party, they will just flip on us. I doubt that they'd have a hard time adjusting to Communism. If that's what it takes to keep them from having to defend themselves.

    1. You could add:

      I doubt if American citizens would have a hard time adjusting to Communism, if that's what it takes to keep them from losing welfare.
