Friday, March 14, 2014

Police Shoot Unarmed Airman After Minor Traffic Accident


Police have shot Air Force Airman 1st Class Michael Davidson after a minor traffic accident.
Airman Davidson was driving along Interstate 85 in Alabama when he accidentally hit a semi-truck’s mirror.  As he was on his way to exchange insurance information with the driver, Opelicka police officer Philip Hancock told the Davidson to put his hands in the air.

Davidson turned around holding a wallet raised above his head.  The officer then shot Davidson in the stomach, causing serious injuries that will affect him for the rest of his life.

The police did not notify the victim’s family to until the next day.

More with video @ The Libertarian Republic


  1. They should make these modern day cops put their bullet in their shirt pocket.

  2. I have Cop friends, that after joining the force, it became a matter of just a few short years that they seemed to distance themselves completely from their families and friends who once had been strongly knitted within the circle they created for themselves...And they changed for the worse....
    They became arrogant and boastful, condescending to anything we might say as citizens, especially if we criticized police corruption, and worst still, they seem to had lost all their trust in us, as if they could no longer rely on us to be there for them?
    They are becoming more and more trigger happy by the day and with no apparent punishments nor restraints from their superiors or other law enforcement personnel...
    I have seen but 5 officers fired out of hundreds of cases for their abusive actions and only one charged with homicide after clearly murdering an unarmed man, which he and other officers then claimed was accidental.
    He was fired, but found innocent of the murder he clearly committed...
    We are in some serious trouble here when we can no longer feel safe around law enforcement, and because I'm outspoken about it, I have lost what few cop friends I had...And hoping, they never stop me for anything either!

    1. Thanks for the information and you ain't lost a thing, my friend.:)

  3. One might want to add, out of touch with reality to the list. Notice how any thing that a citizen may hold in hand becomes a gun? Wallet = gun, cell phone = gun, any thing = gun. Shoot first and ask questions later. They also seem to believe that all they have to say is "I feared for my safety", or "he resisted arrest" and that some how makes what every they did justifiable. Wrong answer cops, there will be pay back day coming. By the way cop is short for criminal on patrol

    1. cop is short for criminal on patrol

      Certainly true in many cases these days.
