Sunday, November 23, 2014

America Has Been Warned: Edward Gibbon’s The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

Via Jonathan

What can a chronicler of barbarian invasions, writing in the 18th century, explain to Americans in the 21st century?What lessons can we learn today from the fall of an ancient empire? Plenty. Many.

Indeed, as immigration is a hot issue today, we might look to long-ago scholarship to remind us that the basic patriotic loyalty of the home population can never be taken for granted.  In particular, if the demography of the population changes, its loyalties will change.

Edward Gibbon’s famous work of history, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, was published in six volumes, from 1776 to 1788.   And the first appearance of that work, of course,—in that evocative year of 1776—has led many to consider its significance to American history.  Could America ever fall like that?  Could America collapse like the Roman Empire?

Gibbon was English, and yet even after the American Revolution, his work was widely read in the new republic known as the United States; we know, for example, that George Washington included Gibbon in his library.

 More @ Breitbart


  1. As Dr. Ed Fields stated regarding immigration: The Founding Fathers wanted America to be a safe haven of freedom and liberty for the descendants of European stock for all time to come. This is "The Birthright" of our children, grand children and all descendants for all time to come! The GREAT forefathers never intended, nor in their wildest dreams ever imagined, that one day their seed would live under the heel of despotic black, yellow and brown people's rule. These races have always shown a hostility toward White Europeans. Why is the Congress not standing up and defending the rights of White European Americans ? Why, indeed.
    Sen. Reynolds of NC stated "America for Americans."

  2. In 1967 my high school English teacher, Mrs. Nell Haddock, implored everyone in her classes that would listen to read the Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire. She warned way back then what was to come. I did not take her advice to read the book but I did well remember her admonition. At once I wish that dear lady was still with us and I'm glad she is gone to her well earned reward as I would love to have her council but would hate for her to see the mess we have created and allowed. CH

    1. would hate for her to see the mess we have created and allowed. CH

      You got that right.
