Thursday, March 26, 2015

Comment on House Dem: Global Warming Could Force Women to Trade Sex for Food

Comment my Anonymous on "House Dem: Global Warming Could Force Women to Tra..."

Imbecile seems to be living in her own alternative version of reality. She is ignoring how our own culture is saturated with sex 24/7. It seems you can not (see) a TV program at night without some reference to sex. 

With the pop music it is sex=love, and love=sex. Our schools can not/ will not teach students how to read, write, do basic math, history, basic shop skills have been forgotten, geography and basic civics. 

BUT, they will insure that they are taught how to have safe sex, masterbate (as if THAT has to be taught) , anal sex and gay sex. AS well as the USA is the most evil nation in the world and every single thing that is wrong in the world is entirely the fault of evil sexist racist white straight males. 

"Climate change" is the newest means to scare people into submission, with the "solution" being more government control and more tax money spent to combat it. It is a scam.


  1. 1st of all-WHAAAT???? 2nd Global warming as presented by our govt scam artists does not exist. True the world cycles. It warms it cools for sure. 3rd. More women sell themselves for drugs than anything. (At least in this country) 4th who paid this woman to present this dribble?

    1. who paid this woman to present this dribble?

      Unfortunately, us'ns the tax payers. :)

  2. Speaking of sex...a pennstate fraternity is being charged criminally for taking and posting pics of drunk, passed out college girls. (On fb) Oregon or WA i believe judges rule that pervs can take pics up girls skirts in the public domain.

    Insane. When there aren't enough criminals, the state creates them.

  3. I've got some extra cans of Dinty Moore beef stew, any idea how I can get in touch with her to make a deal?

  4. The ladies have been trading sex for food as long as they have existed.
