Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Independent Institute: Love Gov Video Series Satirizes Intrusive Government

The United States just celebrated 239 years of independence from England, but have Americans become too dependent on Washington, D.C.? And what does it mean—in human terms—when we say that the federal government has become too involved in the lives of young adults? Rather than address the question with numbers and graphs, we thought it would be more memorable (and entertaining) to tell you the story of Alexis Smith—an idealistic college student who falls for Scott “Gov” Govinsky in Love Gov, a satirical video series from Independent Institute that we’ve just released on YouTube.

Each of the series’ five episodes follows Alexis’s relationship with Gov, a confident young man whose “good intentions” wreak (comic) havoc on her life. Watch Alexis as she deals with excessive student debt, costly housing, underemployment, bureaucratic healthcare, and more. Alexis’s loyal friend Libby tries to help her see Gov for what he really is—a menace. But will Alexis come to her senses in time? Tune in to find out!

Love Gov is a way to help anyone, especially Millennials, understand the federal government’s ever-expanding reach into personal lives,” says David J. Theroux, founder and president of Independent Institute. “It’s a lighthearted approach to reach audiences on a personal level, and inspire them to learn more and take action.”

The Love Gov video series also connects with the updated MyGovCost mobile app, a tool that helps users estimate their lifetime federal tax liability, their contribution to 17 federal spending categories, and the amount of money they would have accumulated if they had invested the money they paid to the U.S. Treasury and earned a modest six percent return.

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