Sunday, May 1, 2016

Changing The Tune Before The Changing Of The Guard.

Via comment by JWMJR on The Trump Test


Even before Donald Trump marched to an over whelming victory in his native New York and swept through the rest of the Northeast by phenomenal margins, the meme coming from the Cruz campaign and the legless "stop Trump" operations was that the Indiana primary would be "pivotal" and would at last change the momentum of this primary season.

Well the Indiana primary is but two days away and now we are hearing that it is California that will be "pivotal". Seriously? Either these camps think we have short memories or little comprehension of the English language.

I get it, Indiana is a tough state when it comes to political polling. The divide between upstate and downstate are marked. Trump is up, Cruz is down, Cruz is up Trump is down. If I had the copywriter on the phrases I could have made a small fortune. If the is one thing however that has been consistent it has been the failure of the "experts" of the pundit class to predict what Donald Trump will do and how the public will rally around him.

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