Tuesday, June 14, 2016

You Ain't Just Whistlin' Dixie: "I wish Robert E. Lee would come back and straighten all this out..."

This is a beautiful song about the South. It can bring tears to your eyes. I wish Robert E. Lee would come back and straighten all this out...
The true meaning of family. Need the same values today.
This song gets to me every time I hear it. My ancestors are Southern born and Southern bred, and the graciousness of the South is something that is in my blood. You stood up for GOD, your family and your country. I was raised to be proud, hard working, dignified, and not disrespectful to my elders. 
I had to go up north for a while. heard this song and left back home to Tennessee the next day.
I was born in the south and I'll die here. I've never been out of the South and I've never wanted to be!
& 200 more.