Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Flag Sickness Among the Politically Correct

Via Billy


On September 10th there was a Confederate flag rally at the state capitol in Jackson, Mississippi to garner signatures  for Initiative 58, which is a worthwhile effort to keep Mississippi's State Flag as it is and to deny the cultural Marxists, in the future, the chance to tinker around with it until they remake it into some ghastly leftist perversion that no one could even look at before breakfast.

Interestingly enough just a few days before that, on September 8th I think, a federal judge dismissed a lawsuit that would have declared the Confederate emblem on the state flag as "an unconstitutional relic of slavery."

The suit had been filed by Grenada, Mississippi lawyer Carlos Moore who  stated that the state's flag literally made him ill. The judge, although sympathetic to Moore, was at least honest enough to dismiss his plea. The judge stated: "Moore's arguments are phrased as constitutional claims, yet his allegations of physical injuries suggest that he is making an emotional distress tort claim.  To succeed in constitutional litigation, however, Moore needs to identify that part of the Constitution which guarantees a legal right to be free from anxiety at State displays of historical racism. There is none."


  1. This is great. A symbol makes you sick eh ? I can think of a few myself. The NAACP symbol the SPLC logo the Hilary Clinton logo. Not to mention the SF 49ers helmet and the rainbow flag. I am barfing my guts out. Where's my friggin lawyer ! LOL
