Sunday, October 31, 2010

Corrupt Bastards Club

In some of her harshest language yet, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin blasted journalists covering Joe Miller’s Alaska Senate campaign, calling them "bastards" and suggesting that the initials CBS stand for "Corrupt Bastards Club."

Happy Halloween!


Dixie carved it and I took the picture. (LX5, No Flash, MACRO, F 2.5, 40mm, and ISO 400, 1/10 second)


" Nobody ever lost money underestimating the STUPIDITY of the American public."

A New Hidden Missile System Unknown To Feds

"A Russian weapons company is marketing a new missile system that is hidden inside an ordinary shipping container. It can turn a ship, train or truck into a long range missile launcher. Channel Two Action News anchor Justin Farmer investigated the threat and found officials at the Port of Savannah had never heard of the Club K Missile system." With two videos.

Leave No Man Behind: Bill Bell And The Search For American POW/MIAs From The Vietnam War

Available HERE.
Letter Excerpt
Leave No Man Behind:

"As the US Marine Corps helicopter lifted from the roof of the American
Embassy in Saigon at daybreak on April 30, 1975, I thought about the carnage
that would result from a heat-seeking missile fired by Vietnamese Communist
forces gradually encircling the besieged capital of the dying Republic of
Vietnam (RVN). Exhausted by a lack of sleep for the previous several days,
I no longer felt fear, only curiosity. Tears welled up in my eyes, perhaps
due in part to the anguish of witnessing the tragic events unfolding before
me, but also from caustic smoke belched out of rooftop incinerators glowing
cherry-red from reams of frantically burned secret US Government documents.
Feeling a sense of relief, I nevertheless harbored an even stronger sense of
guilt. On the Republic of Vietnam's final day, as I looked down into the
gradually diminishing compound and into the terrified eyes in the upturned
faces of hundreds of Vietnamese nationals and citizens of other countries
friendly to the United States, who were being left behind, I knew that I
would be haunted for many years to come. As the venerable 'Sea Stallion'
throbbed its way through the damp morning air toward a helicopter carrier
anchored off the coast at Vung Tau, blazing multicolored tracers rising
from the dark-canopied jungle below bade farewell to America and to an era
known as the Vietnam War.

With the fall of the RVN, as many analysts had predicted, jubilant communist
forces quickly invaded and occupied the populated areas. Hundreds of
thousands of former military and civilian officials were required to be
screened, classified and registered as enemies of the revolution to be
detained in remote, isolated concentration camps under horrific conditions.
Thousands died due to disease and malnutrition, many never to be heard from
again by family members. At the same time, the communist leadership
insisted that the Democratic Republic of Vietnam in the north and the
Provisional Revolutionary Government in the south be united as one.

From that day forward, according to the constitution, only one political
party, the Vietnam Communist Party, would be allowed to exist. On official
letterheads of government stationery the three previously used terms
comprising the national motto of the communist north:
'Freedom, Independence and Democracy' were changed forever to read 'Freedom, Independence and Happiness.'
To the Vietnamese people this change in terminology, especially
the reference to happiness, would provide one of the few sources of humor
during a desperate time. To add insult to injury, the graves of fallen RVN
military personnel were razed by bulldozers in cemeteries across the
country. Typewriters, radios, televisions and anything that could be used
for propagation or communication were required to be registered with the
'Military Management Committee' responsible for political security under the
new 'Socialist Republic of Vietnam.' As interest began to wane, occasional
references to the Vietnam War coined phrases such as 'a noble cause' or 'an
unnecessary war.' The question as to whether the Vietnam War was or was not
necessary was just as divisive in postwar debate as it was during the days
following the 1968 'Tet Offensive.' In my own assessment of both the
necessity for and the outcome of the Vietnam War two primary
considerations were the U.S. national interest at the time and the mission
of the U.S. Military Forces that fought in Southeast Asia.

At the beginning of the War in Vietnam, the basic mission of American
soldier worldwide was to kill, destroy, or capture the enemy, or repel his
assault by fire. Over one million men and women answered their nation's
call, and they did their level best to carry out their mission in Southeast
Asia. As a result, some 58,000 Americans and some 225,000 allied personnel
made the ultimate sacrifice, while by comparison, communist Vietnam
suffered the loss of over 1,300,000 personnel, including 150,000 personnel
who were killed-in-action but never recovered. I personally witnessed the
strongest blow struck at communist forces by hard-fighting American and
South Vietnamese troops that occurred during the January 31, 1968, 'Tet'
offensive. The bodies of thousands of communist personnel were stacked in
piles around installations throughout South Vietnam, and losses were so
heavy for the communist side that the entire military rank structure was
temporarily abandoned and cadre selected to command and control units were
assigned based on position or job title only, rather than actual military
rank. The loss of life to the communist side was nothing less than
staggering, and any U.S. military commander whose losses approached even a
small percentage of actual communist fatalities at that time would most
likely have been relieved of command.

Even though America's servicemen and women fought valiantly during the
1968 'Tet' offensive, the U.S. and international media nevertheless managed to
reshape their hard-earned victory into a political defeat. Vietnamese
communist propaganda experts were so skillful that they were able to
convince many members of the media and even some military analysts that two
separate governments, the National Liberation Front in South Vietnam and
the Democratic Republic of Vietnam in the North, existed side by side and
that both were involved in a 'civil war.' It has since been proven that
both the NLF and the DRV were tightly controlled by the Vietnam Communist
Party and both governments were actually one and the same. Moreover,
personnel of the two purported military organizations of both illusionary
governments, the North Vietnamese Army (NVA) and the Viet Cong (VC),
were in reality members of the Peoples Army of Vietnam (PAVN).

Successive administrations in Washington, D.C. have pressed for democracy in
many countries around the world, including Russia, Haiti, South Africa,
Afghanistan and Iraq. But there has been very little interest shown in
gaining democracy for Asians, and this double standard is difficult to
understand. It is almost as though we Americans have a collective mentality
whereby we believe that peoples with yellow skin cannot manage freedom, and
that tight control is the only option available.

The American business community, aggressively buying up cheap products
manufactured in Asia for resale on the U.S. market, is blinded by the lack
of labor unions, cheap wages and fear of violent reprisals against labor
strikes. It is ironic that after some 58,000 fine young Americans died in
Vietnam while fighting for democracy the American business community is
now steadily developing the economy of communist controlled Vietnam,
insuring that the Vietnam Communist Party will not only remain in power,
but that it will increasingly have the ability to maintain an even larger and
more powerful military force. Concerning the plight of the families of Vietnam
War POWs and MIAs, democracy can also go a long way to help in this regard.
I believe that most Americans, especially Vietnam veterans, will agree that
for the most part the Vietnamese people are honest and hardworking. Like
our people right here at home, I can't imagine a situation where the people
of Vietnam would be willing to hide the remains of anyone's loved one in
order to extort money from them. Although during the past 30 years the
ruling communists have gradually doled out bits and pieces of skeletal
remains and personal effects in return for large monetary sums, once the
Vietnam Communist Party has collapsed the Vietnamese people will rise to
the occasion and provide whatever assistance is necessary to resolve the
issue of our missing men. We should all be doing everything we can to make
sure that day comes.

Garnett 'Bill' Bell, a retired GM-14, DoD, went to Vietnam as an infantryman
in 1965 and served four tours there. Bell was awarded 20 individual
decorations and numerous unit awards. Bell later served as an instructor in
the Department of Exploitation and Counterintelligence, U.S. Army
Intelligence Center and school. During his career Bell served in the 327th
Airborne Battle Group, 101st Airborne Division, the 1/35th Infantry
Regiment, 25th Infantry Division, the 2/506th Airborne Infantry Regiment,
101st Airborne Division, the 101st MI Company, the 525th Military
Intelligence Group, the Defense Language Institute, the U.S. Army
Intelligence and Security Command, the 6th Special Forces Group, the Joint
Casualty Resolution Center (JCRC), the Four Party Joint Military Team
(FPJMT) and the Joint Task Force Full-Accounting (JTFFA). *Bell's wife and
son were killed and a daughter critically injured in April 1975, when the
families of U.S. officials assigned to the American Embassy in Saigon were
evacuated in conjunction with the 'Operation Babylift' program. After
being evacuated by helicopter from the roof of the American Embassy on the
final day of the Republic of Vietnam (RVN) (30 April 1975), Bell returned
to postwar Vietnam as the first official U.S. representative after the war
ended when he was assigned as the Chief of the U.S. Office for POW/MIA
Affairs in Hanoi. He served more than 12 years on the POW/MIA Search Teams.

An Airborne-Ranger and Jumpmaster, Bell eventually became a member of the
Congressional Staff, U.S. House of Representatives. Fluent in Vietnamese,
Thai and Laotian, Bell is a graduate of Chaminade University and the author
of 'Leave No Man Behind.' Bell is employed as an investigator in the 12th
Judicial District western Arkansas.

Dr. Stuart Rochester, co-author, 'Honor Bound: The History of American
Prisoners of War in Southeast Asia, 1961-1973'
*Vietnam Babylift, My Story

Via Dan

Armed Patriots Taking to the Streets in Atlanta Oct. 30th

"This was done with no permit this time and no chamber flags. About 30 of us showed up. There were a few local cops observing, of course, and they were very supportive. I was also told that there was a Homeland Security agent there as well."
Two RTC Reports: Horse Pens 40, Alabama & Atlanta/Little 5 Points

the Georgia RTC team captured the quote of the week from an anonymous Atlanta police officer:
"If you guys were here more often, our job would be a lot easier."

Study: Immigrants In US Gain Jobs, Native-Born Lose

"Immigrant workers have gained more than half a million jobs in the United States since the end of the Great Recession last year, while US-born workers continued to lose jobs in the same period, a study released Friday shows. The only group in which native-born workers outperformed immigrants in the jobs market was Asian-Americans."

Hispanic migrant workers plant tobacco from the back of a planting machine

Via Billy

The Humanitarian With The Guillotine

"........the principal political figures now wielding power in Europe, including those who have sold their countries to the invader, are socialists, ex-socialists, or communists — men whose creed was the collective good."

Hmong Of Vietnam And More

The Hmong in the South and Central Vietnam, as well as in Laos fought with the Americans during the war. Also the Chinese/Vietnamese Nungs and Montanyards.

NAGO was a Nung.
My Friend, NAGO And Drew Dix, CMOH Winner

(Hamp is a Texan, and served in Vietnam in the Army Special Forces. He fought with the Yards as they were called. Many have been relocated to the mountains of NC. BT)

Hamp's III Flag+

"No one else could engage the machinegun that trapped Shriver's men -- it was up to Mad Dog. Skittish Yards looked to Shriver and his half-grin restored a sense of confidence. Then they were on their feet, charging -- Shriver was his old self, running to the sound of guns, a True Believer Yard on either side, all of them dashing through the flying bullets, into the treeline, into the very guts of Mad Dog's great nemesis, COSVN. And Mad Dog Shriver was never seen again."
SFC Jerry "Mad Dog" Shriver

CIA Hmong Still Fighting Communists, As Are We......


Via Ann, Bellegrove

Hampton Author Files Suit To Stop Revision Of Controversial History Textbook

"Information about African American soldiers deserves to be in there," she said in an interview Thursday after filing the suit. "To eliminate the passage totally was wrong. To not consult an African American scholar and form a committee to revise the passage was wrong."

University Of Virginia Eliminates All Speech Codes

"This week, the University of Virginia (UVa) confirmed that it had eliminated the last of its policies that unconstitutionally restricted the free speech of students and faculty members. While more than two-thirds of the nation's colleges maintain policies that clearly and substantially restrict freedom of speech, UVa is now a proud exception, having fully reformed four speech codes. UVa has now earned a coveted "green light" rating from the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE)."
Most encouraging.

Via Rebellion

Tea Parties: What More Do You Want?

"I will do anything to make my country safe. Sometimes I get nervous, but that is rare.
In 20 years I've never been injured."

"It occurs to me that there is a prevalent assumption that the Tea Party Movement is a precarious force, as if it were subject to running out of steam at any moment. The thought is that the reforms that need to be made must be made in a hurry, before there is no longer a will to continue.

I wrote a post a while back called “I Have But One Life” I think, the gist of it was that I had dedicated my life to this pursuit, not to holding signs and attending rallies, but to rolling up my sleeves and staying involved until there is a recognition of Constitutional limitation of government and that the words in the document mean something. I am certainly not alone."

Aki Ra Cambodian Landmine Expert

"Aki Ra is one of the most amazing individuals I’ve ever seen. He’s so incredible that he has been proclaimed a Badass by one website. Why is Aki Ra so amazing you ask? Because he has personally cleared over 50,000 landmines out of Cambodia minefields. 50,000 Landmines! He has done this with the most basic of tools and without the protective gear that is so commonly worn by EOD experts who deal with bombs and mines. Aki Ra has put his life in jeopardy 50,000 times for a cause he believes in and to help make Cambodia a safer place." Two short videos.

Roundabout via Billy

Colorado Governor: Hickenlooper (D), Tancredo (ACP) Take It To The Finish

"The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in the state shows Hickenlooper with a 47% to 42% lead over Tancredo, a former GOP congressman now running as the candidate of the American Constitution Party. Maes trails with five percent (5%) support. Six percent (6%) like some other candidate in the race, and one percent (1%) is undecided."
If ding-dong Maes would drop out Tancredo would win easily I believe, but he still has a chance.

Lincoln Vs. Jefferson: Opposing Visions Of America


Lincoln vs. Jefferson: opposing visions of america

The Sons of Confederate Veterans request you save the dates of February 4-5, 2011, so that you may attend the Stephen Dill Lee Institute. We are returning to the Hotel Francis Marion in Charleston, South Carolina.

As of this date, the following speakers will lecture---

Thomas DiLorenzo – “Poles Apart: Lincoln and Jefferson’s Economic Views”

Donald Livingston – “Is Nullification Constitutional? The Jeffersonian Position”

Kent Masterson Brown – “Kentucky’s Jeffersonians”

Marshall DeRosa – “Lincoln’s Unconstitutional Constitutional Legacy”

Donnie Kennedy – “Republican: Lincoln or Jefferson”?

On Friday February 4, there will be a special Meet the Speakers night hosted by the South Carolina Division of the Sons of Confederate Veterans. Special guest speaker will be Dr. David Aiken of the College of Charleston and the Citadel.

Conference fees remain the same at $150 for non-SCV participants and $125 for SCV members and families. The hotel has offered a significant discount at $129 per night and is located in the heart of historic Charleston.

The Institute has significant Scholarship funding for students and teachers. Contact Brag Bowling at 804-389-3620 for further information. Also please visit the Institute website at to register and obtain hotel information.

Repeat post. Via Bazz

"I Really Like The Cops"

Oleg Volk

Listen to the song performed by a guy who later got shot and killed by (Mexican) cops.

From the video of Brad Will singing it

Friday, October 29, 2010

A Visiting Ex-Rhodesian On Collectivism, The Dangers We Face, And How We CanTriumph

I have had an interesting visitor from South Africa. He owns the website "African Crisis," and has written a book called "Government by Deception" about the Communist takeover of Rhodesia, where he lived. He and many other Rhodesians fled the country and now he lives in S.A. I wrote some of the things he told us here Visiting America Part I. Like a modern de Tocqueville, he observed many things about common Americans and their land. He stayed with the people and ate with them rather than getting hotels or eating out, and also broadcast on a few radio stations.

Lydia, SWR

CONFIRMED: Psychiatric Manual DSM-IV-TR Labels Free Thinkers, Non Conformers As Mentally Ill

Manual Labels Free Thinkers as Mentally Ill

"It is now confirmed by USWGO News that the DSM-IV-TR Manual labels free thinkers, non conformers, civil disobedient advocates, those that question authority, and people considered hostile toward the government (aka Oath keepers and local militias) as mentally ill with the illness titled “oppositional defiant disorder” or ODD."

Via Bazz

No Compromises, Congress

"A loud and clear message should be sent to all newly elected Reps in DC at the beginning of the new congress to the effect that there will be no tolerance for compromise among true conservatives. And furthermore, all compromises of the past must be rescinded. Nothing short of constitutional restoration and restraints on government will be acceptable and anything short of that will bring about another groundswell of dissatisfaction in the worst sort of manner."
We saw what compromise got us in the Late Unpleasantness.

2ncrca, A&M

The Ruckus: Part II

"In The Ruckus yesterday we suggested an optimistic scenario for Patriots to consider as a means of peacefully insisting that our Political Class return to a more faithful implementation of our Founding Principles." More HERE.

Via The Cliffs of Insanity

Shelton Book A Humdinger

"Shelton says he liked former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfield personally, but he says he was arrogant, would not listen to military advice and was responsible for a flawed Iraq war plan, 'a fiasco.'

“There was absolutely no link between (Saddam,) and 9/11,” Shelton writes.

He accuses Bush of 'intentionally deceiving the American people.'

He is critical of the Central Intelligence Agency. He writes John McCain has 'a screw loose.' He has no use for Al Gore, which gives Shelton credibility with me.

He tells of attempts to kill bin Laden that were rejected by our State Department.

I found the story about Clinton’s aides losing the 'biscuit' funny to me, but misplacing the nuclear launch codes is not amusing.

Another story is about a senior Clinton official who proposed letting Iraq shot down a low-flying Air Force U-2. You got to love Shelton’s response."

NC Fall Fishing Secrets

TARBORO — " Tight Lines has featured the fishing success of professional guide, Gary Dubiel, on several occasions. His business is called Spec Fever Guide Service, but Speckled Trout are not the only species light tackle specialist Captain Gary pursues.

We recently received a communication we would like to share with our readers."

Captain Gary’s Top 5 Best Kept Secrets of North Carolina Fall Fishing


WASHINGTON, D.C.Today U.S. Congressman Walter B. Jones (NC-3) encouraged his fellow Members of Congress to expedite H.R. 6275, the Air Cargo Security Act of 2010. Congressman Jones is one of two cosponsors of the bill, which was introduced in September of this year by Rep. Edward Markey (MA-7). The bill aims to amend title 49 of the United States code to improve air cargo security. Currently the bill sits in committee for a length of time to be determined by Speaker Nancy Pelosi..

“In light of today’s security threat involving cargo planes, the importance of this bill has become very apparent,” said Jones. “We must be proactive when it comes to homeland security and I urge Speaker Pelosi to move forward with this imperative piece of legislation.”

The Air Cargo Security Act of 2010 states that through the Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security (Transportation Security Administration) each airport in the United States that serves passengers will establish and operate Federal air cargo screening centers for the screening of cargo transported on passenger aircraft operated by an air carrier or foreign air carrier in air transportation or intrastate air transportation.

The Reason The Left HatesThe 2nd Amendment

The strongest reason for their aversion to gun rights isn't "gun violence," or the supposed threat of "right wing terrorism"'s that they believe that a strong-willed, vigilant citizenry, prepared to say "No!" to government excess, and equipped to back that denial up, is right now impeding the "progressive" agenda.
Aww and rightly so.

Via Sipsey Street Irregulars

Civil Rights Panel Postpones Vote On New Black Panthers Report After Member Walks Out

"A federal commission had to postpone a vote on a report that criticizes the Justice Department's handling of a voter-intimidation lawsuit Friday after a Democratic panelist walked out of the meeting in protest."

Via 2ncrca, A&M

12 Polls That Prove That The American People Are Really, Really Pissed Off As Election Day 2010 Approaches

Patriot Post
"Those who bought Ford stock in February 2009 are happy they did. The stock closed that day at $1.58, and as of this writing it's at $14.41. General Motors stock went down 74 percent between February and the end of May 2009, when trading was suspended and GM declared the biggest industrial insolvency in U.S. history. GM stock reemerged under the humiliating name 'Motors Liquidation Co.' and peaked at 93 cents in August 2009. It now trades for 27 cents."
--The Washington Times


"The American people are mad. No, check that, they are steaming mad. In the weeks leading up to the election, poll after poll after poll has shown that the American people are angrier at government than at any other point in modern U.S. history. American voters have been angry before, but this time it is different. Instead of being mad at just one political party, the American people are now clearly disgusted with both political parties. "

An AK47 And A Toyota Hilux

"Why rebels and insurgent groups the world over love the Toyota Hilux pickup as much as their AK-47s."

Via Survival

My Favorite Short-Range Scope

Oleg Volk
"Just got another 1-4x scope mount. Can't beat it for the money. Given it's continued survival on my friend's .450 Marlin bolt gun, it should do just fine on 5.56/6.8/.308 AR15 types."

Our Latest Interview With The White House Insider

"I will not support Barack Obama in 2012. That possibility has left the table for me. Based on what I know, what I have been told, what I have seen in recent weeks…no, I cannot support the President for a second term. My concern for the party, for the country…my conscience does not allow me that option any longer. Obama is not fit to be president. He simply does not possess the inclinations necessary to lead the country."
PART TWO AVAILABLE NOW: “President Obama is Lost. Absolutely Lost.”
"The word is out there – President Obama is in real trouble. They may not have the specifics, but the story of a big scandal coming is circulating now within the party – both parties. So why put your own political career on the line supporting a president who is facing such a fiasco? Simple – they won’t. And so you are seeing the separation happening. The party itself is starting to separate itself from the president. You ever watch those nature programs where the herd doesn’t hang out with the sick one? You got that poor sick antelope or whatever standing all by itself and when it tries to join back with the herd they run away from it? They’ll even attack it themselves if they have to. That’s what happens in politics. If you are in real trouble, the others separate from you. That is what is happening to the president right now.

(Long pause)

And the lions are starting to gather…"

Via Washington Rebel

Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Democrat Civil War Already In Progress

"........that the Democrat party did not need blue-collar white voters, the Jacksonian voters, the Hillary voters, because the party was “Obamafied” and would win elections for generations with the Obama coalition of blacks, Leftist elites, Hispanics, low information gay voters, and self-hating Jews."

This is all the Democrats have left........"

Via Robert McKinney

New Island Listing Here Both In Carteret County

Bells Island

North Carolina, USA

US$ 895,000 - 62 acres

62+ acres of pristine, untouched, natural land with sandy beaches, woodlands, and beautiful marshes.

> view listing

This one has been on the market for quite some time.
Cedar Island
Cedar Island 270 acres US $1,399,000
A gorgeous property in North Carolina's Outer Banks region, perfect for development and just minutes from one of the best beaches in the world.

How Were You Raised With Love For The Southern Cause?

"when i was young , i would slip around and listen
to the old people talk . i learned who was the woods colts
in the family, and how the bloodlines ran . grandpaw and
grandmaw would tell me the old tales . grandmaw would
scream the rebel yell , that her father taught her .

now historian where did you get your knowledge ?
a bastardized yankee library .

my school teacher how her grandfather walked home
from virginia , living on black snakes and redbirds .

i asked grandpaw our bloodline , he told me indian
but not all . for some reason they never told the complete
story . me and some relatives have pieced together
what we are . mixed blood , inbred mountaineer."

radiofreedixie, SWR

The Ruckus

"For the members of the military who feel compelled to take a side in the fight, leave your uniform in the closet and walk away from your unit. That is the honorable move, regardless of the side you choose to support."

The Cliffs of Insanity

Vote Fraud Is Murder, Not A Minor Glitch

"The vote fraud being perpetrated throughout the nation is and must be a design of those desperate to steal power from the people and secure it to themselves. They arrogantly shrug off the possibility of fraud, exposing themselves as the fraudulent guardians of that vote."

WBTS Dolls Get X-Rayed For Signs Of Quinine/Morphine

"Two Civil War-era dolls thought to have been used to smuggle medicine past Union blockades were X-rayed Wednesday, disclosing hollowed papier-mache heads that once could have contained quinine or morphine for wounded or malaria-stricken Confederate troops."

Via daughter Bonnie

The Final Push

Congressman Ron Paul

Congressman Ron Paul
Dear Patriot:

Please take a look at this video about the Kentucky Senate race.

My son Rand is nearing what will be an historic victory - and the first truly pro-liberty Senator in a generation or more.

You can help put him over the top. Rand and his team have informed me that they must raise an additional $200,000 between now and 10am tomorrow for their last round of TV, radio and get-out-the-vote efforts.

Please do all you can today by donating to Rand. You can do that by clicking HERE.

In Liberty,

Ron Paul

The Hundred Year Starship: The Nasa Mission That Will Take Astronauts To Mars And Leave Them There Forever

"The mission is to boldly go where no man has gone before – on a flight to Mars.

The snag is that you’d never come back.

The U.S. space agency Nasa is actively investigating the possibility of humans colonist other worlds such as the Red Planet in an ambitious project named the Hundred Years Starship."

65% Favor Getting Rid Of Entire Congress And Starting Over

"Let’s face it: Most Americans don’t have much use for either of the major political parties and think it would be better to dump the entire Congress on Election Day"

Video: WWII Bomb Detonated In Germany

"A 550lb (250kg) bomb from World War II has been successfully detonated during a controlled explosion in a river in Potsdam, Germany. Nine tonnes of straw had to be placed on top of the bomb, to contain the blast and shrapnel"

Art Robinson Vs: DeFazio (Of Impeach SCJ Roberts Fame)

Dear Friends,

Rush Limbaugh mentioned the Art Robinson/DeFazio race on his radio show today! It came up because of DeFazio's ridiculous political stunt in which he called for the impeachment of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Roberts.

Rush Limbaugh also mentioned that Charlie Cook - a well known analyst - has moved our race from safe Democrat to "in play"!

Although he did not mention Art Robinson's name, it is an indicator of how this race is gradually attracting more and more national attention. Most political analysts have been assuming up until now that DeFazio is unbeatable, largely because he has been there so long. If we can win on election day (which we are very likely to do), it will be major national news. Please continue to work as hard as possible to make sure our campaign is a success! Almost 1/3 of Oregon voters don't usually vote in the midterm elections - often because they just don't get around to it. Only you can make sure they do this time!

If you would like to call or e-mail Rush Limbaugh and tell him more about our race, it would be very worthwhile. He is probably not aware of the 17,000 yard signs, 24,000 car door magnets, and tremendous enthusiasm and grass roots support in our campaign. This, of course, is because of all your hard work! It has been a very unusual race, but Rush Limbaugh is covering the election as well as other things for the entire country. You can e-mail him at: or call in tomorrow between 9:00 am and 12:00 noon at: 1-800-282-2882.

If you would like to learn about our campaign or make a contribution, our website address is:
. We need to increase our Radio and TV presence if at all possible and we can do this on short notice as contributions come in.

Best Regards,
Noah Robinson

Wirz Memorial Set For Sunday, November 7th

How many Talk Show hosts or politicians speak about the men and women who helped make America the “Land of the Free and Home of the Brave?” Glenn Beck, of the Fox News channel, often speaks about the Constitution, Bill of Rights and those who stood for America’s Independence.

Is anyone talking about the upcoming War Between the States Sesquicentennial? The 150th Anniversary of the War for Southern Independence will be commemorated by such groups as the Georgia Division Sons of Confederate Veterans. See more information at:

Do young people know the truth about Henry Wirz?

The 35th annual Captain Henry Wirz Memorial Service (a tradition started by the Alexander H. Stephens Camp 78 Sons of Confederate Veterans and Americus Chapter United Daughters of the Confederacy in 1976) will take place on Sunday afternoon, November 7th at 3 PM in the town of Andersonville, Georgia.

The guest speaker for the event will be Dr. Richard Rhone from Tuscaloosa, Alabama who is the Lieutenant Commander General of the Military Order of Stars and Bars. John Carroll will lead those assembled in the singing of “Dixie” and Andersonville Mayor Marvin Buagh will bring welcome.

For more information about the event contact James Gaston by email at:
Captain Henry Wirz was born, Hartman Heinrich Wirz in November 1823, in Zurich, Switzerland where his father, Abraham Wirz was highly respected.

At the outbreak of the War Between the States, Wirz enlisted in the Fourth Louisiana infantry on June 16, 1861. He was promoted to sergeant a year later and was wounded at the Battle of Seven Pines. He never recovered from the injury to his left wrist and it caused him great pain for the rest of his life.

Wirz was promoted to Captain on June 12, 1862 and was first detailed to General John Winder where he was given command of a Confederate military prison in Richmond, Virginia.

After serving a year as special emissary to President Jefferson Davis in Paris and Berlin, on March 27, 1864, he was installed as commandant of Andersonville Prison at Fort Sumter in Georgia. Wirz did the best he could do with many Union prisoners and very little food and medicine. It is written that the guards got the same food and medicine as the prisoners.

The Confederacy sent a distress message to Union President Abraham Lincoln and Union General Ulysses S. Grant. The South pleaded for an exchange of Confederate and Union prisoners. Lincoln and Grant, however, refused believing the Union prisoners might go home but the Confederate prisoners might go back to fight another day.

Captain Henry Wirz was unfairly charged of war crimes and even though witnesses for the defense could testify, his fate was already decided. Among those who knew of Wirz’s innocence was a Union soldier who was a prisoner at Andersonville.

Wirz was executed in Washington, D.C. on November 10, 1865.

The Confederate Reenactors and Honor Guard of the Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp 78 (Muckalee Guards) will perform the closing ceremony at the monument to Wirz in Andersonville placed there by the United Daughters of the Confederacy (Georgia Division).

Calvin E. Johnson, Jr.

Nothing Has Changed For 100 Years+

"The Business Of Journalists Is To Destroy Truth"
"The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press?

We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes."

(My G, G Grandfather Electioneering In 1836)
when men's private and public character both are publicly assailed unjustly and without the shadow of truth, it becomes necessary that the accused should endeavor to confute false reports."

Who Do You Save........A Prostitute Or A Politician?

Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership
"Okay, here's a little scruples quiz for you ...

Imagine you're a fireman in a small town where you know everybody. You rush into a burning hotel, and there, unconscious on the floor of one of the rooms lie a pair of people you know to be a politician and a prostitute. You're by yourself, and you can only rescue one of the two.

Question: which one do you save?"

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Vanderbilt University No Guns Sign

Oleg Volk

Nice to know that state legislature would only take a part of your life for the crime of seeing to your own safety.

National Deception

"Is there a perverse marriage between monopoly capitalism and 'marxist' operatives? A lot of people think there is. Exactly how it got started is beyond my awareness, but it is a fascinating area of study."
Don't miss this link: Republican Mother
If you're trying to make sense of the scariness of our real world, listen to Charlotte Iserbyt read an account of the Reece Committee, which I've recently highlighted. Mrs. Iserbyt is an authority on the surreptitious hijacking of America's public education system. She names names and mentions specific documents. Mrs. Iserbyt is also notable as having the only known copy of the Reece Committee hearings. The powers that be bought up all of the other copies and had them destroyed. She now offers free downloads on her site, American Deception - so check it out if you're really curious about how your country was taken over and before the usurpers lock down the internet. (It is over 2000 pages broken up into three parts.)

Charlotte also discusses how socialism jumped the ocean and how the collapse of the Soviet Union isn't what you have been led to believe."

Or this: Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution
Since the early 1920s, numerous pamphlets and articles, even a few books, have sought to forge a link between 'international bankers' and 'Bolshevik revolutionaries.' Rarely have these attempts been supported by hard evidence, and never have such attempts been argued within the framework of a scientific methodology. Indeed, some of the "evidence" used in these efforts has been fraudulent, some has been irrelevant, much cannot be checked. Examination of the topic by academic writers has been studiously avoided; probably because the hypothesis offends the neat dichotomy of capitalists versus Communists (and everyone knows, of course, that these are bitter enemies). Moreover, because a great deal that has been written borders on the absurd, a sound academic reputation could easily be wrecked on the shoals of ridicule. Reason enough to avoid the topic.

Fortunately, the State Department Decimal File, particularly the 861.00 section, contains extensive documentation on the hypothesized link. When the evidence in these official papers is merged with nonofficial evidence from biographies, personal papers, and conventional histories, a truly fascinating story emerges.

We find there was a link between some New York international bankers and many revolutionaries, including Bolsheviks. These banking gentlemen — who are here identified — had a financial stake in, and were rooting for, the success of the Bolshevik Revolution.

Who, why — and for how much — is the story in this book"

Insider Selling Volume At Highest Level Ever Tracked

"The largest companies in three of the most important leading sectors of the market have seen their executives classified as insiders sell more than 120 million shares of stock over the last six months. Top executives at these very same companies bought just 38,000 shares over that same time period, making for an eye-popping sell to buy ratio of 3,177 to one."

Oakwood Confederate Lantern Walk

Saturday, Oct 30 6:00p to 10:00p
at Oakwood Cemetery, Raleigh, NC

The annual Confederate Lantern Walk is a family-oriented event of volunteers, wearing authentic period clothing, presenting interesting and historical vignettes. Groups of visitors will be led to each site on pathways of flickering candles by ladies in period dresses of mid-19th century. At the end of the tour, refreshments will be served in the House of Memory. read more

Price: $6 per person over eleven - $3 for ages six to eleven – free for six and under.
Phone: 779-5888

The annual Confederate Lantern Walk is a family-oriented event of volunteers, wearing authentic period clothing, presenting interesting and historical vignettes. Groups of visitors will be led to each site on pathways of flickering candles by ladies in period dresses of mid-19th century. At the end of the tour, refreshments will be served in the House of Memory. Profits are for the ongoing restoration work in the Confederate Section of Oakwood Cemetery.

The Hayseed Rebellion

"The good news is that we 'hayseeds' -- that is, those of us who are not part of the rootless, cosmopolitan elite -- have endured so many accusations of "racism" that we're pretty much immune now. We've had enough, and change -- real change -- is going to come, no matter what our handlers have to say about it."


"I do not know what will happen, my friends. I know where Patriots want to go, rhetorically speaking. I know where the Political Class wants to go.

There will be ugliness."

In the end...

...we will have this...

...or we will have this...

ObamaCare And The Constitutional Crisis

"An unintended consequence of the Supreme Court ruling, should they rule in favor of the Case Law adherent, is that the Literalist majority of Americans might come to feel as if they are no longer free, as if they are unable to understand the rules under which they have given their consent to be governed, as if the conclusion of a long-felt oppression is complete. At this point, social upheaval is not only possible, but likely."

Washington Rebel

Harry Reid’s October Surprise

"A desperate Harry Reid, facing defeat at the hands of countermoonbat Sharron Angle, has probably been hoping for an October surprise — but not this one:"

Via Richard, SWR


The Patriot Post
"The history of ancient and modern republics had taught them that many of the evils which those republics suffered arose from the want of a certain balance, and that mutual control indispensable to a wise administration. They were convinced that popular assemblies are frequently misguided by ignorance, by sudden impulses, and the intrigues of ambitious men; and that some firm barrier against these operations was necessary. They, therefore, instituted your Senate."
--Alexander Hamilton, speech to the New York Ratifying Convention, 1788

Election Predictions!:)

October 26, 2010

My Post-Election Predictions

Pessimistic Prediction: The Republicans, thanks to TEA Party candidates, take over the House and Senate and make the following deal with Obama: “We won’t object to your socialized medicine if you, in turn, do not object to our invasion of Iran.” War with Iran will necessitate the resurrection of the form of involuntary servitude known as military conscription.

Less Pessimistic Prediction: The TEA Partiers form their own caucus — and eventually their own party — and throw sand into the gears of this insanity.

Optimistic Prediction: The dollar crashes and, as a result, Ron Paul is elected president. Charles Koch packs up all of his GOP/Fed-bootlicking D.C. think tanks and goes home.


I like my spell checker as it evidently doesn't like Obama since it refuses to correct his mispelled name correctly!

Via Bazz

Court To Hear SC Confederate Clothing Case

"A three-judge panel of the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond will hear arguments Wednesday in the case of Candice Hardwick, who claims the Latta School District violated her free-speech rights by prohibiting her from wearing shirts depicting the Confederate battle flag."

Via Jamey, Sam Davis Youth Camp

Black Republican Gets Confederate support

"Once inside, they were treated to a pig roast, a motorcycle rally—and presented with $5,000 in contributions for his campaign."
Charles Lollar For Congress


The U.S. Public Is About To Revolt

"This would happen in any nation where a vision of prosperity has been shown to be a Ponzi sham, engineered by the authorities to help disguise the fact that the rich have been getting a whole lot richer."


"Why is it so difficult to explain survival to family and friends? Well, for starters you first have to explain that the country they think they live in simply no longer exists."
-- SurvivalBlog Reader Roger D.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Once Again: The Greatest Fight In Our History

Recycled again, and I don't agree with everything he states, but by far the majority. To recover our Republic will take much more but let's pray it can be through the means he is advocating.

Via Sister Anne

Tancredo Urges Rival To Step Aside In Colorado

"The polls show Colorado governor candidate Tom Tancredo with a commanding lead over his Republican rival Dan Maes, but John Hickenlooper still leads overall, so Tancredo is leaning on Maes to step aside for the good of the state.

Hickenlooper is remembered as the mayor of Denver who continued the sanctuary city program there. In addition, when he owned a restaurant, the business hired an illegal alien who later murdered Denver police officer Donnie Young in 2005. A Governor Hickenlooper would be a very bad thing indeed for the rule of law."

Via Conservative Heritage Times

Black Confederate Soldiers

dateTue, Oct 26, 2010 at 5:14 PM
subjectRE: Virginia 4th-grade textbook criticized over claims on black Confederate soldiers

Dear Mr. Boyette,

Thank you for forwarding this information. You'll recall that I found the original Harpers Weekly “Rebel Negro Pickets” over five years ago and have since incorporated it into the program: Colored Confederates and United States Colored Troops. I most recently gave this program at the History a la Carte at the North Carolina Museum of History this past August 2010.

We hope to have this podcast up and running on our Museum of History and Civil War 150 website very soon.

Thank you again.


Earl L. Ijames, Curator

North Carolina Museum of History

5 East Edenton Street

Raleigh, N. C. 27601-1101

(tel) 919.807.7961

(fax) 919.715.6628


Whitehall Memorial Park Dedication Service

(Earl L Ijames, Curator NC Museum of History speaks on NC blacks: slaves, free, slave owners, and Confederate soldiers, facts they don't teach you in school. BT)

Harper's Weekly, Drawing Of Rebel Negro Pickets

The Parental Rights Amendment

Gear Up for Victory in 2011

We are looking to win a major victory in 2011: we would see the U.S. House adopt the Parental Rights Amendment and send it to the Senate. We are making good progress toward that end, but there is still much work to be done.

The single greatest thing you can do right now to pave the way for this 2011 victory is to schedule and host viewings of “The Child: America’s Battle for the Next Generation.” The more people who see this film, the larger the army of voters we can raise in support of protecting children by safeguarding the rights of their parents through this Amendment. As grassroots support swells across the country, it will become easier and easier to persuade congressmen from every state to stand up and support this measure.

Our goal is to premiere in 1000 locations starting Nov. 20, and so far we have 100 sites. I hope this is a good sign, as I know many will need to check with locations before they can sign up for a showing. So check with the appropriate people and let us know as soon as possible. We look forward to hearing from you! (For more on “The Child” or to sign up to host a showing, visit

The second greatest thing you can do this week is take one last opportunity to encourage every candidate in your area to sign the Parental Rights Pledge before next Tuesday’s elections. Through your efforts we have gained the support of 2 dozen candidates across the country, including contestants in hot races like the Nevada and Kentucky Senate elections. Even more importantly, we have added to the number of districts in which, no matter who wins next week, the Parental Rights Amendment is guaranteed support in the next Congress. Please, visit, click on your state, then on Elections 2010 (or click your state name here), and call those candidates who still have not pledged their support.

I look forward to posting your movie showings and pledge successes online!


Michael Ramey
Director of Communications and Research

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To date we have 142 cosponsors in the U.S. House and 7 cosponsors in the U.S. Senate.

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P.O. Box 1090 Purcellville, VA 20134 * (540)-751-1200 *

Washington - An Organized Criminal Enterprise

23 October 2010

In the wake of the League’s 17th annual national conference, we believe it is time to restate the obvious for those who still don’t “get it” yet: the US government in DC is an organized criminal enterprise. Despite being founded on the “principle” of limited government, it has its tentacles in virtually every aspect of our lives all over our beloved Southland. It has become Godless and is rapidly approaching bankruptcy. Something must be done quickly to free us from this monster.

Don’t tell us to wait until the November elections—the GOP is not our savior. Rather, it is only the other side of a counterfeit coin. After all, who started this corrupt bailout business in September 2008 in the first place? Obama was merely a candidate at the time, though he has certainly continued to advance the Bush policies of allowing the banksters to continue their crime spree unabated.

The "Tea Party", while showing some promise in the beginning, is now being predictably absorbed by status quo Republican politicians. These are people who think reducing government spending by a meager 1-3% is acceptable, but they aren’t even serious about accomplishing that much. It is all a ruse to get re-elected, and unfortunately the bulk of “conservative” America will fall for it yet again.

The Republican Party’s “Pledge to America” is another fraud that is carefully written not to set measurable goals or bind the Republicans to any sort of consequences if (or more accurately, when) they fail to fulfill their promises. A major GOP victory in November will be a devastating setback because conservative voters will think they have “won.” Consequently, they will continue to serve the Federal regime while they wait in vain for their anointed Republicans to bring some kind of meaningful reform to Washington, D.C. Even if today’s Republicans were to faithfully deliver on every single principle mentioned in their “pledge," it would only be a fraction of what needs to done. It would take many decades of sweeping electoral victories in both houses of Congress and the presidency to undo the monstrosity that has been created over a period of 150 years in D.C. Oh, and let’s not forget that all of this will also require the blessing of the US Supreme Court. These are events, of course, that will never occur in the current political system.

Finally, the mainstream Republican Party has no interest whatsoever in curbing the insatiable appetite of the United States government to occupy and control other nations. Irrational fear of the Islamic terror threat has prompted far too many Americans to endorse a perpetual military occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan, with the prospect of war with Iran and possibly Pakistan on the horizon as well. The magnitude of resources consumed by the war machine that is the US military will continue to drag down our economy; yet among all the outrage within the Tea Party and its supporters about government spending, we hear very little about reducing the US military presence in foreign lands.

We at the League of the South believe all peoples are entitled to the right of self-determination even those who do not share our Southern cultural values. The people of Iraq and Afghanistan should be free to decide for themselves what government they will have, just as the people in Dixie have the same God-given right. This is why we advocate peaceful separation from the United States government. In a free and independent South, although we would pity other Americans who remained subjects of the United States government, we would not set out to make enemies of them.

If we don’t begin thinking and acting “outside the box,” the establishment elite will continue to loot us with impunity and violate our rights at every turn. Indeed, their greed (with the assistance of our inaction and even complicity) has essentially destroyed our economy. Instead of trying once again to reform that which cannot be reformed (those who most need reforming control all meaningful avenues of reform), we need simply to leave DC behind. There is even less reason to “save the Union” today than there was 150 years ago when our ancestors fought to be free from it.

Yes, we’re talking about Southern independence NOW! The sooner we get off this sinking ship, the better. The policies conducted by the ruling elite in Washington, D.C. can only end in utter collapse, chaos, and extreme hardship on our future generations. Independence achieved now, although sure to be challenging and not without sacrifices, is infinitely preferable to the chaos that will ensue as the US inevitably self-destructs. We are confident that another bid for Southern independence in our own day will be more widely supported by other nations than it was in 1861. This international support will make it much more difficult for the United States to use military force to thwart our independence. The League of the South does not seek to exact revenge on the United States government in any way, and we seek independence that is free of bloodshed. Just like President Jefferson Davis said in 1861, “All we ask is to be let alone”.

If Southern independence sounds like a good idea to you, then help us. You can start by going to our website, and signing the online petition entitled “States Rights, Secession, and Big Government.” Leave your address so we can contact you. Also, we are preparing another petition that will be presented to the people of the Southern States face-to-face. It calls for immediate secession and independence by our various State governments. We will have it available soon, and it will be announced (and probably downloadable) on the website. We will need your help in acquiring signatures.

Moreover, we need you to join the League of the South. If you’re reading this and are not already a member, please join today. If you were once a member but let your membership slide, please re-join. If you are a member in good standing, then recruit your family and friends into our organization. We need numbers along with hardworking hands and minds.

We also need people who are not afraid to hear the truth and to proclaim it; that Southern independence is the only way short of a direct miracle from the Lord that we can save the South for future generations. I want my children and grandchildren to live free and prosperous in a free South. I’ll bet you feel the same way about yours. Let’s make it happen together right now! Don’t let anyone tell you it can’t be done.