Wednesday, June 30, 2010


The "North Carolina Illegal Alien Crime Report" has been updated with the latest crimes by "suspected" illegal aliens in North Carolina. It is 48 pages of murder, child molestation, rape, drug activity, robbery, assaults, DWI, hit and run, driving without a license, etc, etc, etc. Read more HERE.

‘Nullification’ Taps National Psyche

Glen Beck doesn't get it.
Book Sales climb as ‘Nullification’ taps national psyche

Glenn Beck’s South-Bashing

Beck and Barton made three blatantly inaccurate claims about the Confederacy:
1. The Confederate Constitution explicitly addresses the constituent states as “slaveholding” states in the title of the document.
2. The aforementioned document prohibits non-slave states from joining the Confederacy.
3. It also prohibits member states from abolishing slavery.

Read the rest HERE.

Our Past Shall Not Be Forgotten

"It may well be that the most lasting contribution made by any soldier on either side during the Civil War came from John Baptist Smith born at Hycotee, Caswell County, NC. September 19, 1843." Read the rest HERE.