Sunday, July 4, 2010

Have Your NC Tintype Made

(Kindness of Cousin John. BT)


Photography at Aycock Birthplace

Mr. Fields and Mr. Williams,

We will have a photographer from Wilmington that coming to the Aycock Birthplace on July 21 in the afternoon and the evening. This photographer does tintypes similar to the Civil War era ones. He was at Fort Anderson back in February and wants to come down and take pictures of the area. He is also willing to take pictures of people at the Birthplace. His stuff is pretty good. This is his blog site if you are interested:

Open it HERE.  

He was at Ft Fisher on June 10 and he has posted some pictures of that and also of Ft. Anderson in Feb. To tell you the truth some of those pictures are hard to tell whether or not the pictures are modern or Civil War. His prices are for a ¼ plate is $40 and ½ plate is $50. A plate is 6 ½ X 8 1/8.  

I hope that you might spread word the members of the Dr. Person SCV Camp and see if any are interested in having a good tintype made in their uniform or in present day clothing or even y'all might be interested in a group shot., they are more than welcome to come by the site and I know that the photographer would have no problem with paying customers.

Johnny Joyner
Historical Interpeter II
Governor Charles B. Aycock Birthplace State Historic Site
264 Governor Charles B. Aycock Road

Fremont, NC 27830
919-242-6668 (fax)

Terry Warren On Australian Radio!

Terry Warren On Australian Radio!

As of last night, T said he was in second place among all country singers on this radio station! Read the rest HERE

Let The Pittsboro Confederate Soldier Statue Stand!

Let the confederate soldier statue stand in front of the Chatham courthouse

As an alumnus of UNC-Chapel Hill, I am familiar with the efforts, every couple of years, by some student group (Socialists of UNC, Karl Marx Society, or something like that) to force UNC to take down the statue of "Silent Sam. Read the rest HERE.  

Also, please read in conjunction with Pittsboro, an article by my great  grandfather.

25th Anniversary of General Lee's Surrender April 9th, 1865

"I with Needham, a Negro servant, as my only companion turned south to my home, Pittsboro, NC, passed through Chapel Hill and the Federal brigade of Gen. Atkins stationed there."  Read the rest HERE.

Ron Paul On Lincoln & More

"Most people consider Abe Lincoln to be one of our greatest presidents, if not the greatest president we’ve ever had. Would you agree with that sentiment and why or why not?

"No, I don’t think he was one of our greatest presidents." Read the rest HERE.

For July 4th

"On this Independence Day, I will remember the fire of liberty that burned in the Virginia House of Burgesses, when Patrick Henry, a Southern man, rose to declaim, "Give me liberty or give me death." Virginia Burgess Peter Poythress was there to pledge his fortune and faith to his countrymen." Read the rest HERE.