Saturday, August 14, 2010

Secession Considered As Acceptable Right

I note that, in Miles Vander Molen's Aug. 5 letter, he appears to be a victim of what I described in my earlier letter — studying and then espousing history as written by the "victor." Read the rest HERE.

Out Of Power, Republicans Suddenly Discover States Rights

A Convenient Doctrine
"At the time of the founding, such statesmen as Thomas Jefferson and James Madison believed that states retained residual powers beyond those specified in the Constitution. Among these non-enunciated powers was the right of state legislatures to interpose themselves between the people and a federal law they believed to be improper. The interposing legislature could then nullify what it considered to be an arbitrary assertion of federal power." Read more HERE.

The Lincoln Memorial...

"...... the man who, more than any other, was responsible for creating the foundations of our modern tyrannical state; a monument no better suited to any city in America than the one that has been the principal beneficiary of his vicious policies; all of this merits the protection of some twisted sense of impartiality and content neutrality?" Read more HERE.

Tuscarora threaten Colonial North Carolina

'In 1711, when the Tuscarora Indians attacked the North Carolina settlement at New Bern and were on the verge of annihilating that colony, New Bern asked Virginia and South Carolina for assistance. Virginia did not respond, but South Carolina sent two separate expeditions. Led by John Barnwell and James Moore Jr., a handful of white South Carolinians and hundreds of Indian allies destroyed the Tuscarora. The war cost South Carolina £4,000 currency ($75,500) and fifty-seven dead.'

-South Carolina: A History by Walter Edgar, University of South Carolina Press, 1998, page 98