Thursday, October 7, 2010

This Is Your Last Chance

"I am not saying that there won’t be a long hard fight after this. But if you don’t stand on the Constitution, and do what the Founding Fathers intended for you to do, if you don’t stand in the breach right now, then there will be no recourse but to arms after that"

Blessing of Fleet honors hard work of fishing crews

" An annual tribute to the lives – those past and present – of commercial fishermen focused on faith, hope and love.

With the wind and rain whipping outside, a crowd of nearly 1,000 amassed in a warehouse Sunday at the N.C. Port of Morehead City to pay tribute to the industry during the Blessing of the Fleet.

The religious ceremony puts a fitting bookend on the N.C. Seafood Festival – a reminder of who harvested the bounty served, and the danger that goes along with it."

Speaking Frankly

If Paul Kengor is correct about Frank Marshall Davis is it anything to worry about that the “mentor of the current president of the United States was a Communist — and not only a party member, but an actual propagandist for Stalin’s USSR”? The rest HERE.

Glock 30

Glock 30 (.45ACP) 10+1 Intermediate Size

I have the Glock 21 in addition to this one which is the large size. 13+1 They also make a small one, the 36 with 6+1, but now have an extender to make it 7+1. You can use the 21's 13 rounder magazine in the 30, also.


Bad Eagle Reunion: October 11, 2010

"It comes at a time when identity, race, culture, and religion are under serious assault in American life. Beginning with the life of Bad Eagle himself, our family generations have seen a good deal of cultural evolution, political change, and national development. Bad Eagle, born in 1839, saw many changes before he died in 1909." Read the rest HERE.

Day Of Atonement v. Day Of Resolve

Washington Rebel
"How could a semi-white POTUS ride on a wave of sick collective White mea culpa with the help of nonwhite vote fraudsters at ACORN and SEIU into the White House and turn sugar daddy and rainmaker for a vast domestic black clientele for “Obama money” taken from you either through taxes or printing? How could the GOP put up a white sellout coward, John McCain, to contest the race against Obama and not make a peep about what was already plainly apparent about Latte Messiah’s background and intentions?

What is the ridiculous Glenn Beck doing on his knees all the time with his tearing face buried in the trouser seat of Martin Luther King? Want to know how a black man feels about it who hasn’t lost his primary allegiance to America? Listen to Pastor James Manning here:"

He starts out slow, but hold on!

What's Wrong With White Folks? Video With Pastor James Manning

Obamacare Results: Three Major Catholic Hospitals Closing

Family Research Council

Obama 'Waivers' on Health Care

The President's new health care law is finally resulting in some bipartisanship. According to a new poll, both parties are growing to hate it. Although the numbers for repeal are solidly in the Republican camp (56% want the law overturned), a general dissatisfaction is starting to creep into the President's own party. A shocking one in four Democrats is now in favor of repeal--with 49% of undecided voters piling on. That news is particularly bad for 12 Freshman Democrats, who are taking a crack at a second term in hostile districts. In each one, "a majority of those surveyed said they want the controversial law gone." And that starts with firing the people who put it there.

For Reps. Chris Carney (D-Pa.) and Paul Kanjorski (D-Pa.), their case isn't helped by news coming out of Scranton, Pennsylvania that three major Catholic hospitals are selling off their facilities. Despite being on sound financial ground (owners say they're actually ahead of this year's budget), "the new requirements brought on by the new health care legislation make it hard for [us] to stay in business." When asked about ObamaCare, the CEO said that it "is absolutely playing a role" in their decision to unload three hospitals that have been mainstays in the community for almost one hundred years. Sister Marie Parker talked about how sad they are to let go of a century of service. "Sisters of Mercy are strongly supportive of this decision because we do understand the realities of health care and we think it's best for the community."

By "realities," she's undoubtedly talking about the most despicable part of ObamaCare: taxpayer-funded abortion. Without strict conscience protections in place, medical workers everywhere could be ordered to perform these procedures against their will. So Mercy Health is protecting itself the only way it knows how--by getting out of the business before that business includes abortion. How many others will be forced to do the same? Since the very beginning, there's been a history of faith-based health care in America. Some estimate that as many as one in five patients get their care from hospitals with religious ties. As the government crowds out the groups that meet those needs, where will people go?

And the medical community isn't the only one being crushed under the weight of this law. Businesses--small and large--are feeling the squeeze of the new regulations. McDonald's is just one of the corporations that threatened to cut coverage for employees because of rising premiums. When the chain made its displeasure known, the administration intervened. At least 30 unions and businesses that have made a public stink about the costs have been rewarded with waivers from Health and Human Services. "The big political issue here is the President promised no one would lose the coverage they've got," said Robert Laszewski, a health policy consultant. "Here we are, a month before the election, and these companies represent one million people who would lose the coverage they've got." Unfortunately for the average American, there aren't enough exemptions to go around.

Christine O'Donnell New TV Ad - Only Four Points Behind

Christine O'Donnell says in a powerful new TV ad "I'm not a witch." In fact, Christine says she's just like "you." — "I'm You."

Do Southerners Have the Right to be Described as "Native Americans"?

"Southerners who celebrate their cultural heritage, are among the most misunderstood people in America. Italians who celebrate Colombus Day, and Irishmen who celebrate St. Patricks Day, never have to suffer the grief that Southerners who want to celebrate Robert E. Lee's Birthday have to endure."

Virginia Living's Best Dressed Man Contest

My vote is for the Brooks Brother man who isn't in these pictures. How times have changed. I guess I would pick 5 0r 13 if I was forced to vote.

Poverty Pimps

The lead poverty pimp
"Recently, I asked Lurone to explain what factors he thinks have contributed most to poverty in our city and nation. Without missing a beat, he said, "Poverty Pimps," referring to those who are elected to public office on the promise of a handout rather than a hand up -- this from a man who has devoted his life to serving those most irreconcilably ensnared by those pimps."