Monday, October 11, 2010

Rally For The First Amendment!

This Thursday, October 14, Dover, NH

Please visit The Oath Keepers website for more information and the events that led to this rally

As you know the baby of John Irish and his fiancee Stephanie was taken 16 hours after her birth. She was taken in part because of association with Oath keepers.

The time is now to stand up and protect the rights of all all parents freedom to associate and yours too. Join us.

We will be holding a rally in support of the First Amendment protected right of freedom of association, to be held this Thursday, October 14, at:

The Rochester Family Division Court, 259 County Farm Rd, Dover, NH 03820-6016.

The rally will be held from 12PM to 4PM

Stewart will be there, and he is calling on all Oath Keepers, all who "associate" with us, and on all other organizations that stand for the Constitution and for liberty to be there for a peaceful gathering in support of both the due process rights of the parents (who have a hearing there, on that day), but also to stand in support of the rights of free speech and association, free from persecution, for ALL Americans.

There will be many other organizations there standing up in defense of First Amendment protected right of association for everyone.

Gary Franchi, Sons of Liberty Riders, New Hampshire Free State. and more will be there in support for this crucial issue.

We need you there. If you live within a 1000 mile radius, you should be at this rally.

Please join us!

The New Jersey Incident--What Motivates Bureaucrats

We use his curriculum:The Robinson Self-Taught Homeschool Curriculum

"We all traveled together in those days because the children were then ages 7, 12. 12. 14. 16. And 18 and there is only one parent. I still prefer not to have them away (ages now 11-22). All of us speak by telephone every day (usually during an evening Bible reading).

We were then on a trip in a pickup truck (two doors with back seat) and were visiting Dr. R. B. Merrifield, a scientist at Rockefeller University who received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for being the first to synthesize an enzyme and for the development of related techniques. Rockefeller University is in New York City and, for the visit, we were all dressed in the best clothes we had with us. The plan was to visit the lab at Rockefeller and then spend the weekend at Dr. Merrifield's home in New Jersey.

Matthew had developed a cough, so Dr. Merrifield suggested that Mrs. Merrifield could make an appointment with a pediatrician. The Merrifield's raised several children, but all were grown, so she just picked a pediatric clinic from the yellow pages. We arrived there after hours at 5:30 p.m., so two women M.D.s and two nurses were on after-hours duty.

Matthew and I went in, while the other five children waited in the truck. After an about one-half hour wait and following the quickest physical exam I have ever seen, one of the pediatricians announced that Matthew appeared to have a very serious, rapidly fatal bacterial infection - which could be stopped only by immediate hospitalization and intravenous antibiotics. I called our pediatrician in Oregon, who told me that the disease, while rare, did exist - and he could not, of course, advise about Matthew without seeing him.

So, the other children went on to the Merrifield's, while Matthew, Arynne, and I went to the hospital. (Arynne also had a cough, but wound up sleeping in the pickup that very cold night because the hospital would not allow her inside unless I admitted her.) Curiously, the Dr. did not suggest examination of the other children who had, presumably, been exposed to this dread and contagious illness. The admitting physician at the hospital seemed confused, since she could find nothing wrong with Matthew other than a bad cold - but she dutifully ordered a set of x-rays and administered the IV and an intermittent respirator, while telling me "you have nothing to worry about" and commenting that our Dr. must have "a very low threshold." I was later to learn that the hospital record code number for Matthew designated "admitted for reasons other than a medical emergency."

What I did not know throughout that night at Matthew's bedside was that, when we visited the clinic, one of the staff members noticed the truck and asked the children to talk with her and to get out of the truck. She, being a stranger, they refused to do either. The Dr. then called New Jersey social services and a plan to trap us through hospitalizing Matthew was decided upon. My first warning was when a woman from New Jersey social services appeared in the hospital room late the next morning backed (in the hallway outside) by two men with guns - one detective and one police officer. She repeatedly demanded that I leave the room to meet with them, which I, fortunately, refused to do.

The interrogation of me that followed (in the room with her running back and forth to talk to the men outside) then centered almost exclusively upon our finances. How much money was in my wallet? How much did our home cost? Where did we get the money to buy it? Etc. In retrospect, I believe that their main purpose was to determine whether or not we were wealthy enough to fight them. After a couple of hours, they demanded to see the other children. So, after reaching an agreement that, if I left Matthew's room, I would be permitted to go back in, we drove to the Merrifields - detective, social worker, and me.

Since we refused the social worker's demand to see the children alone, she questioned them in the presence of Mrs. Merrifield and me - while the detective questioned Dr. Merrifield in another room. Before beginning, the social worker gave us a short talk on how good she was with children. After a couple of hours of this, the two conferred and then left. Professor Merrifield told me that the detective said the most suspicious evidence was that the children were "too quiet." Dr. Merrifield said he kept telling the guy that children learn by example, but he wouldn't believe him.

Back at the hospital, they still refused to release Matthew. However, after I agreed to participate in meetings and examinations the next morning, they let him out. We, of course, immediately drove out of the state.

When I asked later for the state records of this episode, I was told that they were sealed. I was not to be allowed to read them.

Several things should be realized. First, most states have passed laws allowing them to receive child abuse money from the federal government. When a child is seized, these programs provide over $100,000 per child which pays the people who seize the child and their retainers in the police dept., child services, foster homes, etc. Our family was worth at least $500,000 to the social services industry of New Jersey. Second, these laws specify that certain professionals - including MDs - are guilty of a serious crime if, knowing about a potential case - they do not report it. Therefore, at the clinic, once one of the staff had raised a question about the children, all of the staff members were at serious personal risk if they did not call the "social services" people. The ruse they then participated in order to snatch Matthew was, of course, highly unethical. It was after hours and the child services people needed time to get their act and paperwork together. Third, Matthew's need for child protection was, as far as I was able to determine, of little interest to these people. If we had been relatively poor and had not been visiting a famous man. I am sure that all six children would have been seized - and I would have been involved in a long fight to get them back. Even if successful, this fight would have devastated our work, since it would have been waged 3,000 miles from home.

At present. There are more than a million allegations of child abuse each year. 80% are dropped - but usually after the children have been seized and interrogated. About 200,000 children are currently incarcerated in locations away from their parents. Federal funding of this now stands at about $3 billion per year. This pays about $100,000 per child for the seizure and institutionalization of 30,000 children per year. States supply similar amounts of money. After the child has been processed and placed in a "foster home," Yearly tax-financed expenditures are less."

"The price of lead, brass and powder........

Oleg Volk
Is several lousy cents
But what would you pay to have them
When your world is about to end?

When your door hangs open, splintered
When your family screams for help
When half-dozen revolver cartridges
Are all that can ward off hell

The price of weapons and training
Seems high on a peaceful day
But most would pay it gladly
To emerge unscathed from a fray

When evil comes home to dinner
Or tells you to come along
We'd shoot and not spare the ammo
Until every hostile is gone

The price of defense is money
Time and certainly sweat
But that spending pays real dividends
When no other options are left

When we stop mad dogs or people
Mere inches from those we love
To hell with the cost accounting
Fight hard when push comes to shove!"

Dead Che Shirt With Girl And M44

Oleg Volk

Tom's M44. (Click to enlarge) Mine Later

Russian, WWII, Nagant, Bayonet, Scope

Want To Improve US National Security? Cut The Defense Budget.

"Reining in irresponsible defense spending will combat the most significant threat to our national security: the debt."

Via Rebellion

Soros: I Can’t Stop A Republican ‘Avalanche’

Asked if the prospect of Republican control of one or both houses of Congress concerned him, he said: “It does, because I think they are pushing the wrong policies, but I’m not in a position to stop it. I don’t believe in standing in the way of an avalanche.”

Via Sipsey Street Irregulars

A Den Of Vipers And Thieves

"Gentlemen, I have had men watching you for a long time and I am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter, I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves."
-– Andrew Jackson More HERE.

CONFIRMED: Court Did Rely On Oath Keeper Association To Take Baby

Either you defend the Constitution for everyone, or we may as well just scrap it and let government agencies and judges do whatever they want to those they deem bad, using whatever arbitrary “reasons” they want, like in some third world junta. The choice is yours. I hope to see you in New Hampshire, the “Live Free or Die” state on Thursday.

"Next Wave Of Military Politicians"

Capt. Adam Kinzinger, AFNG (R - IL - 11)

Former Special Agent Michael Grimm, USMC/FBI (R - NY 13)

Lt. Col. Steve Stivers, USANG (R - OH - 15)

Maj. Tim Griffin, USAR (JAG) (R - AR - 2)

Congressman Duncan Hunter, Capt-USMCR (R - CA - 52)

Congressman Michael Coffman, Maj. USMC (R - CO - 6)

Former Col. Chris Gibson, USA (Ret) (R - NY - 20)

GySgt. Nick Popaditch, USMC (Ret) (R - CA - 51)

Lt. Col. Allen West, USA (Ret) (R - FL - 22)

Congressman Steve Pearce, Capt-USAF (R - NM - 2)

Lt. Col. Rick Tubbs, USAF/USAFR (R - CA - 7)

CW4 York Kleinhandler, USANG (Green Beret) (R - NY-17)

Lt. Col. Todd Lally, AFNG (R - KY - 3)

Col. J. Patrick Murray, USA (Ret) (R - VA - 8)

Maj. Michael Crimmins, USMC (Ret) (R - CA - 53)

Former Cpt Joseph Miller, USA (R - AK - Senate)

Lt. Col. Dick Muri, USAF (R - WA - 9)

Maj. Brian Rooney, USMCR (R - MI - 7)

Congressman John Kline, Col-USMC (R - MN - 2)

Lt. Col. John Loughlin, USAR (Ret) (R - RI - 5)

SSgt. Daniel Gilyeat, USMC (Ret) (R - KS - 3)

Congressman Mark Kirk, Cdr-USNR (R - IL - Senate)

Maj Andrew "Rocky" Raczkowski, USAR (R - MI - 9)

Sgt. Jesse Kelly, USMCR (R - AZ - 8)

Maj Charles Lollar, USMCR (R - MD - 5)

Via Val, SWR

Christie 14%, Palin 13.5%, Paul 12.5%

2010 Virginia Tea Party Patriots Convention Straw Poll
The poll which HUMAN EVENTS sponsored “is unique because, for the first time, it takes the pulse of a number of Tea Party, Patriot and 9/12 organizations,” said Jamie Radtke, chairman of the Virginia Tea Party Patriots Federation.

Lee The Man Of Honor

Robert E. Lee, Died October 12, 1870

“The public images of Lee are many. There is the young, handsome officer of the Engineer Corps, the dutiful husband and affectionate father, the fighting soldier of the Mexican War, and the world-renowned commander of the Army of Northern Virginia. And there is the peace-loving, quiet, fatherly college president. They are all Lee, all facets of the same basically simple, straightforward person.

Many of Lee’s best qualities came from his mother, for he hardly knew his father. Dr. Wiley says:

“He grew up to be more of a Carter than a Lee. The outstanding traits of the Carter family were geniality, devotion to family – they intermarried to a confusing extent – loyalty to community, and devotion to church. The Carter’s were traditionally religious, but none was fanatic. They mixed revealed religion and noblesse oblige in a delightful manner, with little thought of creed or system. Lee’s mother was a true Carter. She taught him to revere the Carter code, and to avoid the pitfalls into which his father had fallen; namely, recklessness, extravagance, debt and irresponsibility in business matters. She held up constantly to Robert the axioms sacred to the Carter family: economy, moderation, self-control, courtesy, gentility, honor and devotion to duty.”

It is these old-fashioned virtues which make Lee a symbol of all that is best in the Anglo-American tradition. He should be remembered not merely as Lee the soldier or even as Lee the educator, but also as Lee the man – the man of honor, the great gentleman, good and decent human being who others – even his enemies – knew could be trusted without reservation.

His life was gentle, and the elements

So mix’s in him that Nature might stand up

And say to all the world “This was a man.”

(Robert E. Lee, The Man and the Soldier, Philip Van Doren Stern, Bonanza Books, 1963, page 254)

Via Bernhard


(Click to enlarge)

*the elements So mix’s in him that Nature might stand up
And say to all the world “This was a man.”

*These words are on my print above.

Protests Held Over Removal of Christian Flag From War Memorial

A holy war is brewing in a small North Carolina city, where the Christian flag seems to be flying everywhere.

A meeting of the King, N.C., City Council was packed on Monday with dozens of citizens who asked city officials to put the Christian flag back up at the local Veterans War Memorial. The council had voted to take down the flag rather than spend the estimated $200,000 to $300,000 it would cost to fight the American Civil Liberties Union in a First Amendment lawsuit.

A holy war is brewing in a small North Carolina city, where the Christian flag seems to be flying everywhere.

A meeting of the King, N.C., City Council was packed on Monday with dozens of citizens who asked city officials to put the Christian flag back up at the local Veterans War Memorial. The council had voted to take down the flag rather than spend the estimated $200,000 to $300,000 it would cost to fight the American Civil Liberties Union in a First Amendment lawsuit.

Currency Wars Are Necessary If All Else Fails

"America is on the verge of learning this lesson from the losing side for the first time in its history, as the arrogance of its political class, financial elites, and citizens will destroy any ability to succeed because we 'expect to win' instead of making an effort to actually win, starting with the moral high ground."

Via Western Rifle Shooter's Association