Saturday, October 16, 2010

Billboard Depicting Obama As Terrorist Comes Down

"Well, hell, I already get death threats so I guess it’s time for me to step up. I don’t have a picture of the billboard, but I’ll just repost this. It’s all about incentives."
Billboard Depicting Obama As Terrorist Comes Down
The truth hurts.

Via Western Rifle Shooters Association

When I Go Home To Dixie

Copyright T warren BMI Red Dirt and Redskin music 2010

"I can hardly wait, to get off this road,

Settle down and shake off this load

Take in the pines, sit under a live oak tree

Walk barefoot in red dirt and set my soul free


When I get home to Dixie, that’s just the way it will be, surrounded by loved ones, friends and family

Lose all the troubles of a worried mind, when I get home to Dixie everything will be just fine

There is something about Dixie that words cant express of all the places I’ve ever been, Ya know I love her best


When I get home to Dixie, that’s just the way it will be, surrounded by loved ones, friends and family

When I was just a young boy, …..I already knew

That Dixie was in my blood, to her I’d remain true

I’ve tried all my life to always ……do her proud

Inside my heart is a Rebel yell and it’s about to get real loud When I get home to Dixie, that’s just the way it will be, surrounded by loved ones, friends and family repeat and end."

In-Town Deer Hunting Starts Monday

“I love to watch ’em, but there are so many of them now that they have taken over. They have eaten everything in my yard, down to the ground.”
Kents hope pet deer survives hunting season
“He really likes Premium saltine crackers.”

Update On The New Hampshire Case After the Hearing And Our Rally

" As I have stated from the start, if we go forward with such claims, I intend to serve as one of the named counsel, but yesterday I also spoke to a couple of excellent New Hampshire lawyers who are very interested in assisting in such a case, and this next week I will be speaking to several other highly skilled, very experienced, and nationally known constitutional law litigators from the DC area about our options. It was high time we assembled a stellar legal team of patriotic, constitutionalist lawyers anyway. Whether we actually pursue formal legal action in this case is largely now up to the employees of the state of New Hampshire – what they do or do not do will make our decision for us."

Paradoxical Thought For Today

"Fathom the odd hypocrisy that Obama wants every citizen to prove they are insured, but people don't have to prove they are citizens".

-Ben Stein

Via Billy Mayo