Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Oleg Volk

"TSA Tags. Would be funny if it wasn't sad.

I wonder if the fine, brave men and women serving the American public by violating travelers would ever feel sufficiently shamed to go home and slit their bellies with kitchen knives. I would even settle for them simply quitting the agency."
"They are worrying about the wrong people
TSA is trying to keep a list of people who act out at airports in response to being poorly treated. That's not a very smart approach: people who throw temper tantrums are doing so out of feeling of helplessness. The creatures with rubber gloves should worry more about those who smile, move along and make plans for the future. A snide comment or a kicked suitcase doesn't much matter, whereas a careful person determined to re-visit TSA employees away from the video cameras and ready access to the airport cops could just be the disincarnating agent of comeuppance. Few Americans capable of effective violence would actually employ it except in direct self-defense. Given the occasional lynching of plain child molesters, it would seem likely that the molesters under the color of the law would be equally harshly treated if only by a tiny fraction of the millions they annoy daily."
Achtung, TSA!
Funny coincidence

"Found this while searching for keyword "TSA". But it doesn't stand for our favorite friends of the people."

Taleb Says Fed Doesn't Understand Risks Of Quantitative Easing

"When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes… Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain."
-- Napoleon Bonaparte
See him HERE.

Top RNC Staffer Collins Resigns, Blasts Steele

"Republican National Committee political director Gentry Collins resigned from his post Tuesday morning with a stinging indictment of Chairman Michael Steele's two-year tenure at the committee."

The Federal Reserve Is Laundering Money

Caution: Language
This would be much more effective if the cuss words had been left out and it also doesn't allow me to have Dixie see what otherwise is an excellent presentation.


Via Wes

The Militia Secret Hand Shake

"The problem with many militias in many areas recruiting new members is they are scared. They are acting upon the assumption they are doing something they need to hide. This assumption is what keeps us few and far between in many areas. If you are hiding your actions and beliefs you have already lost your liberty. We have not lost our liberty, we are fighting to keep it."

The Big 10: America's Greatest Generals

Four of the ten were Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest, Gen. Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson, Gen. Robert E. Lee and Gen. George S. Patton who learned the history of the WBTS on his grandfather's knee, an ex-Confederate officer.

NC Blue Dog Schuler: I'll Challenge Pelosi For Democratic Leader

"Without wishing to damp the ardor of curiosity or influence the freedom of inquiry, I will hazard a prediction that, after the most industrious and impartial researchers, the longest liver of you all will find no principles, institutions or systems of education more fit in general to be transmitted to your posterity than those you have received from your ancestors."
--John Adams, letter to the young men of the Philadelphia, 1798
"The reason they had to try to take me down is because I've been effective in fighting the special interests in Washington, D.C.," she said.

Yes, believe it or not, Pelosi actually said this.

Hagan Says Kagan Will Be A Moderate!

Patriot Post - Motivation

November 16, 2010

Dear Friend,

Thank you for contacting me regarding the nomination of then Solicitor General Elena Kagan to be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. I greatly appreciate hearing your thoughts on this important nomination. I apologize for my delayed response.

On May 10, 2010, President Obama nominated Solicitor General Kagan to the Supreme Court to replace retiring Justice John Paul Stevens. The Senate Judiciary Committee held hearings, beginning on June 28th, to closely examine Solicitor General Kagan's record and ask questions of her and a variety of witnesses. On July 20th the committee approved her nomination, and she was confirmed by the full Senate on August 5th. I voted in support of her nomination, along with a bipartisan majority of my colleagues. On August 7th, she was sworn in as an Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court.

After attending Princeton University, Oxford University, and Harvard Law School, Justice Kagan worked as a clerk on both the Federal Court of Appeals and the United States Supreme Court under Justice Thurgood Marshall. After working in private practice, Justice Kagan began her career as a professor, teaching at the University of Chicago Law School. In 1995, she worked under President Clintion as Associate White House Counsel and then was named Deputy Director of the Domestic Policy Council. After her service in the White House, Justice Kagan returned to academia, becoming a professor at Harvard Law School and in 2003 she became the first women ever to be named Dean of Harvard Law School.

While I understand your concerns regarding several issues on which Justice Kagan commented during her tenure as Dean of Harvard Law School and as White House Counsel, I believe she will be a moderate and thoughtful Justice on the United States Supreme Court. She has repeatedly insisted that the military had full access to the students at Harvard Law at all times. In fact, during her tenure as Dean, the number of military recruits actually increased, not decreased. Additionally, the American Bar Association (ABA) unanimously found Justice Kagan to be "well-qualified," which is the highest rating the ABA gives to judicial nominees. Finally, she was endorsed by many prominent figures from both parties, including the eight Solicitors General that preceded her, a group comprised of members from the Reagan, Clinton, and both Bush administrations.

I want to make my position on Supreme Court nominees clear - I believe a justice's duty is to uphold the law, not make the law. In analyzing a nominee's record, I do not impose any litmus test, but I do pay particular attention to where he or she stands on privacy, civil rights and liberties granted under the Constitution.

I believe Justice Kagan will be an extremely well-qualified, mainstream justice. Given her commitment to the rule of law, along with her wide range of work in academia, the federal judiciary, and the White House, I believe she will make an excellent addition to the United States Supreme Court.

Again, thank you for contacting my office. It is truly an honor to represent North Carolina in the United States Senate, and I hope you will not hesitate to contact me in the future should you have any further questions or concerns.



Kay R. Hagan


Two pathetic idiots.

Slavery In transition: 1863 To Present

Many historians write about the “inevitable” decline of slavery in America. They state that the relative cheapness and the flexibility of free labor. Slave owners also had to deal with the aged and the infirm and, occasionally, with the runaways and the “uppity.”

Yet, despite all those disadvantages, slaves were expensive. A healthy male slave could bring 1,000 pre-war dollars, quite a steep price when daily wages of unskilled laborers hovered between one and two dollars per day. Since price on a commodity is usually a rational phenomenon, slaves were obviously a useful aspect of the economy.

Many believe that slavery in the US went away after the Civil War. However, a different kind of slavery, more efficient and far more brutal, was introduced in 1863 by the North. Instead of keeping a cross-section of a population, strong youngsters and useless dotards, they temporarily enslaved only strong young men. Unlike the blacks who only had to work conventional jobs, these were forced to report to training camps, sent into battle and used as cannon fodder. Once used up, the surviving slaves were released, with only minor obligations towards them by their captors.

People born to bondage and kept ignorant, seldom appreciate the predicament of their own position. Slave insurrection and defections were not as common in the South as we'd expect based on our own reaction to being enslaved. Not surprisingly, the draft proved unpopular in the North and was ended with the end of the war because people affected by it had an expectation of personal freedom. However, the concept stayed with us.

During the Spanish-American War or 1898 and the World War 1, the state propaganda was successful in convincing many to join up voluntarily. By WW2, the population had wised up and had to be forced into uniform. The same happened during Korean and Vietnam wars: thousands of men were forced to enlist on the pain of imprisonment. As far as I know, relatively few fled abroad and no one went hunting for those politicians who voted for the draft. And to think that the impressment of a few Americans by the British navy had once triggered a war!

Other governments, notably the German, require two years of either military of other service without compensation or much choice, reinforcing the concept of the state government owning its residents' lives. In American schools, mandatory “volunteer” work is a graduation requirement, a perversion of the concept of volunteering. The US government doesn't draft men at this time, but reserves the right to cherry-pick temporary bondservants in case of perceived need. I can only hope that this situation will improve by the time I have kids, so that I may be spare the obligation to someday hunt those who would enslave them.

Oleg Volk