Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Redleg: This Video Is For You

WWII German Captured T34 Tank Recovered

"Kurtna Matasjarv was a child when he saw that German soldiers are driving into the lake with the tank. That was in the middle of September in 1944. After 56 years later Kurtna tells his story to the local history club. In February the club starts to dig out the tank, and a half years later the tank was freed with a Komatsu D375A-2 ( as you see). After a little cleaning in the motor room, the tank engine starts to work after 56 years. Sorry for my bad English."

Dr. Ron Paul Is Now The Chairman Of The House Domestic Monetary Policies Subcommittee

And the liberals, Neo-Cons, the Fed, the banksters and all statists are not happy campers. May the heads begin to roll!

Powerful Drunk Driving Video From Australia

Slow at first but, really starts making the point about half way through.

A Gentlemen’s Agreement At The White House

Washington, Dec. 8, 1860

Gate and north portico of the White House, circa 1859-61
Library of Congress
Gate and north portico of the White House, circa 1859-61

"How much weight did 'honor among gentlemen' carry in these extraordinary times? And, for that matter, how much did the Southerners’ 'strong convictions' count for? The Carolinians were certain that they knew the terms of the bargain they had just struck – but there is little evidence that the president did."

Via Ann, Bell Grove

"Obama Does Not Represent America"

DB: You don't think that Obama wasn't born in the United States, do you?

LS: He was not born here.

DB: [Sighs].

LS: That's my belief. I was born here. If someone accuses me of not being born here, I can go — within 10 minutes — to my filing cabinet and I can pick up my real birth certificate and I can go, "See? Look! Here it is." The man has dodged everything. He dodges questions, he doesn't answer anything. And why? Because he's hiding something.

You know what? People who have bad intentions, people that are deceivers or are not of honor and integrity — that's how they act. I've seen it in every — it doesn't matter what level. It can be in politics, it can be in business, it can be in sports, it can be in the construction field. Doesn't matter. It's all the same attitude. It's the same thing.

People who tell the truth, they're very easy to ... their actions prove it. Something as simple providing a birth certificate. Come on. If you're born here, there's plenty of documents. But you know what? There's no documentation of him. No legal documentation of him. There's been lie after lie after lie exposed, but people put it under the carpet. Hence, the problem we have in this country.

LS: There needs to be accountability for the truth. I don't care if you're the president of the United States, you need to be held accountable. If you're involved in treacherous acts, or you're saying things that are against, or are selling out our country, you should be brought to trial.

I mean, no one's above the law. There's a lot of people that fought for their country and that's not something to be taken lightly. They gave their life, everything they had, they gave their lives, to give us what we have. That's why I'm so passionate about my beliefs -- because someone died. They gave their life, their blood was spilled, so I had an opportunity to chase a dream and play baseball for a living.

For me, that's not something, "Oh, thank you." No. "THANK YOU." Let me honor you for that by actions by sticking up for what you fought for and passing it on to the next generation and doing my part.

And a lot more. Read it all HERE.

Via Conservative Heritage Times

Ron Paul: Big Announcement On Freedom Watch At 8PM

“I met with GOP Leadership today about my committee assignments – and, I’ll have a big announcement tonight on Judge Napolitano’s 'Freedom Watch.' Tune in at 8:00 pm ET!”

Via Conservative Heritage Times

Revolt Against The Center

Jim DeMint

"The 'center' tries to impose its will in order to keep the powerful financial interests afloat while gas prices go up with the weak dollar and austerity budgets hurt everyone in hard economic times.

The only way they can be stopped is through rebellion."

27 Round 45 ACP Magazine For GLOCK 21

27 round 45 ACP magazine for GLOCK 21

Talk about overdoing it! It will work in either my 21 or 30, but think I'll stick with my 10 and13 rounders.

Park Service: Dissing Christians Just Dandy

........a guide who "mimicked and mocked [a Christian] carrying and swinging an oversized Bible ... ."

"Even if I said the founders were Christians, how could we really know? Just because people carry a big ol' Bible in their hand, they can still be atheists!" said the guide.


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"Despite the deep budget crisis, North Carolina taxpayers pay UNCG speech pathologists to teach transgender people how to speak like the people of the sex they are trying unsuccessfully to become.
The present state of higher education is the future state of our culture. Its promise is that every man has a right to be happy by becoming whatever he wants to become regardless of what he is. If we just put our faith in the gods of diversity they will deliver us from ourselves. And we won’t be mistaken for men any longer."

Coded Manuscript By Leonardo da Vinci Discovered

Leonardo da Vinci manuscript discovered in Nantes public library, 6 December 2010
"The text is written from right to left in Leonardo's trademark mirror-writing and has yet to be deciphered."

Via Jeanie, Belle Grove

The 9 Weirdest Things About The WikiLeaks Story

Photo Credit: AFP
"The release of the US embassy cables has thus far been one of the most... interesting moments in recent US (and World) history, impacting global politics in a way that is unprecedented. Nestled amid the outrage and debate are some truly weird aspects that make the brouhaha seem like a lost installment in the Jason Bourne chronicles (or Catch Me If You Can). More important than the drama and gossip, WikiLeaks is a tentpost in the information age, a milestone potentially heralding a new era of internet transparency. As world governments balk at the exposure of their secrets -- and scramble to suppress the information -- Assange and his crew are expressing their right to free speech and facilitating the public's fundamental right to know exactly what their leaders are up to, particularly when it entails wars, torture, and secret military action. Here are the 9 craziest facets of the international uproar surrounding WikiLeaks and Julian Assange."

SCV CIC Michael Givens On Hardball

"As there is a degree of depravity in mankind which requires a certain degree of circumspection and distrust: So there are other qualities in human nature, which justify a certain portion of esteem and confidence. Republican government presupposes the existence of these qualities in a higher degree than any other form. Were the pictures which have been drawn by the political jealousy of some among us, faithful likenesses of the human character, the inference would be that there is not sufficient virtue among men for self-government; and that nothing less than the chains of despotism can restrain them from destroying and devouring one another."
--James Madison, Federalist No. 55, 1788

Dixie and H.K. at the conclusion of the H.L.Hunley Funeral/Parade, April 17 2004.

UPDATE: Posted as comment also.

Well, folks, they did it again. I just got off the phone with the Hardball folks and they have once again asked to punt. I am told that they are too wound up over the tax debate. I am sorry for the game of ping-pong but I have been the ball. I look forward to the opportunity and am sure it will be back. I will let you know when it happens.

Please let anyone you told know of this update.

Thank you.

Michael Givens
Sons of Confederate Veterans

(931) 442-1831


Via Ben Sewell, Executive Director, SCV

Gentlemen Sons of South Carolina

Fellow Southrons,

For Public Release:

Sons of Confederate Veterans, Commander-in-Chief, Michael Givens is scheduled to appear “live” on the MSNBC Hardball show with Chris Matthews today, Wednesday 8 December 2010. TIME: 5:00 p.m. and again later (assume taped) 7:00p.m.

Those of you who are familiar with MSNBC’s Chris Matthews know that he is “brutal” with opposing viewpoints on his program and will, no doubt, do his best to trip, frustrate and test the patience and knowledge of Commander Givens. In short, Matthews doesn’t soft shoe anything and will make a full frontal attack on Commander Givens and the SCV with claims of slavery, racism and the like…..we are confident that CiC Givens will demonstrate the best of courage and honor and will represent, with pride and dignity, the SCV and the memory of our Confederate forebears.

The purpose of this email is to inform you first, of the program schedule should you wish to view and second, to ask that you offer the following prayer at some point during the day or some version of it on behalf of Commander Givens and the Sons of Confederate Veterans. The world is watching us again on the eve of this sesquicentennial of the Cause for Southern Independence; let us unite our hearts together in “One Voice” to the God of Heaven, asking for Grace and Strength in this coming hour.

A Prayer for Confederate History

[Composed by Bishop Ellison Capers of South Carolina]

Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, we adore They love and providence in the history of our country and especially would thank Thee for our Confederate history.

We thank Thee for its pure record of virtue, valor and sacrifice: and for inspiring reflection that despite its bitter disappointments and sorrows, it proclaims for us, to all the world, that we came through its years of trial and struggle with our battered shields pure, our character as a patriotic and courageous people untarnished and nothing to regret in our defense of the rights and honor of our Southland.

Give us grace, our Heavenly Father, faithfully to accept Thy will concerning us, and make us all to glorify Thee in a sincere obedience to Thy holy commandments through the merits and mediation of They Son, our only Saviour, Jesus Christ, Amen.

Mark A. Simpson, Commander

South Carolina Division

Sons of Confederate Veterans

HP: 864-576-4561

Office: 864-576-1224

Mobile: 864-680-2514


Description: "Street banner in Charleston, before the Civil War began."—E. Benjamin Andrews 1895
Source: E. Benjamin Andrews, History of the United States from the Earliest Discovery of America to the Present Day, Volume III (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1895)III:310.....Image copyrighted - used by permisssion (University of South Florida)

"It Literally Went Down The Second They Announced It"!

"The State is great fiction by which everyone seeks to live at the expense of everyone else."
-- Frederic Bastiat (1801-1850)

"PandaLabs, the malware detection laboratory for computer security firm Panda Security, said the prosecutor's website,, was brought down by members of the loose "cyber hacktivist" group called Anonymous. As of 6.30am Wednesday morning, the prosecutor's website remained inaccessible."
Go to fullsize image

Keep it up, boys. Palin, you are no friend to freedom or liberty, so Ron Paul, a true Libertarian, All The Way, Sir!

Via The Bonnie Blue Blog