Thursday, December 30, 2010

Attempted Illegal Search?

"Next year, both Groundhog Day and the State of the Union address occur on the same day. It is an ironic juxtaposition of events. One involves a meaningless ritual in which we look to a creature of little intelligence for prognostication while the other involves a groundhog."
--Air America Radio
"It is not these well-fed long-haired men that I fear, but the pale and the hungry-looking."
-- Julius Caesar, as quoted in Plutarch's Lives
"A compelling video of an altercation involving twenty or more police outside a Lincoln, Nebraska mobile home was mysteriously removed from youtube after being featured on several libertarian websites." Story HERE. Saved videos below. Caution: Language.

The Real Agenda Behind The Food "Safety" Bill
........this bill is doing exactly what it was supposed to do: Destroy small farms, wipe out family farm operations, imprison raw milk producers and centralize food production in the hands of the big corporate food producers whose operations are steeped in pesticides and soil degradation.

This bill should have been called the "Big Agriculture Monopoly Act" because that's what it does. It will ensure that America's food supply will be controlled by Monsanto, DuPont and other agricultural giants who have been at odds with small organic farms for years.

Via Tom

Ft. Damnation And The "History" Channel

A Confederate boy, age 14, lies dead in the trenches of Fort Mahone, or Ft. Damnation as the Yankees called it, at Petersburg with the 53rd NC.

See video and information on the 53rd at the top right hand side of blog.
Thursday, December 30, 2010 12:29 PM

History Channel Update


As expected, the History Channel has expressed no interest in changing their decision to pull our history segments from the Atlanta market, in spite of the fact that their vice-president who made the decision did so without having even seen the segments first. We have, however, managed to interrupt their office efficiency on several specific days recently at the A&E headquarters in New York City. Additionally, we have now had multiple radio and television interviews here in Georgia related to the story, as well as a large number of newspaper and online articles... all are great exposure for the Division and the SCV in general. We are also working with national HQ to try to stimulate some national exposure for the SCV from this story.

I have been in communication with both Commander Bridwell and CIC Givens; and our next plan is to single out one History Channel advertiser at the time and target them for mass communication from our members and supporters.

Any of you (or your family members) who have the time to do so, please make a complete list of advertisers from the History Channel over the next several days and email them to me personally at We have a list of criteria that we will be using for prioritizing which advertiser to target first and will let everyone know as soon as the decision is made so that we can focus our firepower in one direction at the time.

For the Cause,

Ray McBerry

Via T

Victory Along The Chickamauga

Triumph at Chickamauga
General Ben Hardin Helm, Commander of Kentucky's Orphan Brigade and brother-in-Law of President Lincoln, leads the 2nd Kentucky against George Thomas' Federals at Chickamauga.

The Stainless Banner, Volume 2, Issue 1.pdfThe Stainless Banner, Volume 2, Issue 1.pdf
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Victory Along The Chickamauga

The Law: #4 Of The Top Ten Books Of 2010 Published By Mises Institute

4. The Law

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"There are many editions of this great classic by Frédéric Bastiat available today, but when we put this edition out, we were the only ones publishing it. Then it became rather famous due to the Tea Party movement, which somehow turned this 19th-century defense of freedom and rights into a manifesto of sorts. Of course it is a fantastic book. Leonard Read probably deserves more credit than anyone for having made it famous in the United States. *In France, we are told, most people have never heard of the author."


* Typical.

The Law By Frederic Bastiat

Mint Juleps Of Venerable And Mellow Bourbon

It is said that author John Davis first mentioned the mint julep in 1803 and its origins in the South are in the eighteenth century. Senator Henry Clay of Kentucky introduced this unique beverage to Washington City’s Round Robin Bar in the Willard Hotel.

Bernhard Thuersam, Director
Cape Fear Historical Institute
Mint Juleps of Venerable and Mellow Bourbon:

“Aunt Lina,” said Mama, “you know the ladies didn’t drink in your day.”

“Drink?” said Aunt Lina, who had been born and brought up before the war (Civil War, of course) and even before the Victorian era, “I should say they did drink. Why, every evening at the Springs the gentlemen used to sent a tray of mint juleps up to the ladies in their rooms before supper.”

As a matter of fact, Aunt Lina was drinking a mint julep at that instant in her room at home. It was in the early afternoon, but there was no need for hurry. Her dinners (they were not lunches) rarely started before three o’clock in the afternoon – to give the diners time to let breakfast settle – and it would be two-thirty anyway before the turkey would be done properly. Violet, the colored cook, would see to that, and after she had finished her julep Aunt Lina would go in the kitchen and give the meal the finishing touches.

The gentlemen were having mint juleps in the parlor. These juleps had the confident simplicity of great works of art. Violet had picked a dozen handfuls of the mint from the mint bed between the woodhouse and the backhouse while the dew was still on it and kept it in the icebox. She had cracked the ice and got out the big silver goblets rimmed with the Greek key design. But nobody but Aunt Lina had made the juleps. She had put a lump of loaf sugar in the bottom of each goblet, dissolved it in a mite of spring water, pressed the mint with the back of a silver spoon against the goblet until it had yielded up its flavor, and then filled the goblet with cracked ice.

The next step was to pour from a bottle of venerable and mellow bourbon until the amber liquor reached a hair’s breadth of the top, then garnish with sprigs of mint until one was reminded of Coleridge’s words – “and ice mast-high came floating be as green as emerald.” The result was a drink which was smooth and sharp, sweet and biting, cold to the fingers and hot to the stomach, delicate but authoritative, and “annihilating all that’s made to a green thought in a green shade.”

“Gentlemen,” said Uncle John to Papa and me, “that is reverend stuff.”

(Southern Accent, From Uncle Remus to Oak Ridge, William T. Polk, William Morrow and Company, 1953, pp. 125-126)
Mint Juleps Of Venerable And Mellow Bourbon

Civil War (Sic) Has Lessons For Today

"Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence, (I conjure you to believe me fellow citizens) the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake; since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of Republican Government."
--George Washington, Farewell Address, 1796
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"In your Dec. 21 article "Dance, protests key anniversary of S.C. secession," NAACP leaders protested a private fundraising ball to remember Southern men who died in the Civil War. These leaders referred to Southerners of that era as terrorists and Nazis. For an organization that touts tolerance, multiculturalism and diversity, this attack seems irresponsible."

Via Jamey, SDYC