Monday, February 28, 2011

February's North Carolina Illegal Alien Crime Report

The February edition of the North Carolina Illegal Alien Crime Report has been posted on our website (approx. 30 Word doc pages long). It seems as though violent crime, drug importation and document fraud topped the lists of crimes this past month.

The report can be viewed as a pdf file here: or downloaded as a Word doc here:

James Johnson
North Carolinians For Immigration Reform and Enforcement
NCFIRE Hotline: 1-888-885-0879

“When The Money Stops Flowing Down To The Man In The Street, The Blood Starts Flowing In The Streets”

... and the streets were washed with blood

"Trend forecaster Gerald Celente, of the Trends Research Institute, says that the further expansion of government austerity measures and impoverishment of the majority of the world’s populace will lead to more violence, riots and revolutions.

In his latest Trend Alert® to subscribers, Celente discusses the revolutions breaking out in the middle east and provides a different reasoning than mainstream pundits and politicians for why it is happening and why it will spread to Europe and the US:"

Beyond The Bug Out Bag


Ol' Remus's home made neck knife, a pill container match safe and tea candles, and a typical survivalist backpack.

"The survivalist doesn't get to choose what happens, or when or how, nor where he is when it happens. He does however get to choose how he deploys his equipment and supplies. This will vary from region to region less than one might suppose. Most of what works in the north woods will work in the Mississippi delta or high desert country because basic needs are the same, namely: water, shelter, food, fire, defense and first aid. We survive if these needs are met no matter where we are. The prepper usually has a good inventory of survival gear, here's how it might be organized to fit foreseeable events."

Lessons From Cairo

"Do not consider Collectivists as 'sincere but deluded idealists'. The proposal to enslave some men for the sake of others is not an ideal; brutality is not 'idealistic,' no matter what its purpose. Do not ever say that the desire to 'do good' by force is a good motive. Neither power-lust nor stupidity are good motives."
-- Ayn Rand
Read them all, please.

Lesson #11...People WILL sell you out. Be prepared for it and know that it might come from anywhere...."Friends", Relatives, or employers. Someone will almost assuredly ditch you or put you in a tight spot while covering their own ass. The toughest part of this lesson is coming to terms with the fact that at some point, it's totally justifiable and yes even forgivable. Understand that at some point your OWN family will be the priority and that you will be the one who is selling out people you know and likely care for. I know that this is not at all a comfortable thought, but it is realistic.

Lesson #17....Be intimidating when you think it will work. Develop a war face! Be loud and fearless and look like someone capable of minimizes negotiation and whining in other parties. Simultaneously, know when to fly under the radar and when to say "Katy bar the door!" The nature of SHTF changes over time and necessitates that YOU change who you are to a very substantial degree.

Lesson #20...You learned who your friends are during treat them that way! For example, I no longer visit my big neighborhood grocer who closed and locked sh!t up tighter than a drum for the FULL DURATION of SHTF. I do, however, now regularly frequent the tiny-a$$ little grocery store with the mediocre selection around the corner. Why? Because it is owned and operated by a 50 year old guy who was open every single day of SHTF and I saw him regularly at 2:00am guarding the front of his store (and others) armed with nothing more than a hippo-hide whip (sjambok). He was doing this when the very reliable rumor was that looters had stolen police vehicles, uniforms, and guns. I don't care that this guy doesn't have the shampoo my wife likes, I am buying my groceries from him!

Wisconsin Matters To The World & THE CHE GUEVARA MYTH

"The United States has been getting away with surreal levels of debt for far too long. If the dollar were not the world’s reserve currency, a major debt crisis would have exploded by now. The total outstanding federal debt has reached $14.1 trillion, almost the equivalent of what the economy produces in a year. Meanwhile, the annual deficit, a major source of that ever-mounting debt, stands at more than $1.6 trillion for 2011. It represents almost 11 percent of the nation’s gross domestic product—which compares pitifully even with Greece, whose deficit in 2010 amounted to 8 percent of that country’s economy.

As a result of these imbalances, and of the illusion that unemployment can be brought down with government spending, the Federal Reserve has been printing dollars like crazy—half of them to purchase Treasury bonds. The policy of easy money has contributed to skyrocketing commodity prices, whose ugly political, social and economic consequences we are only beginning to see around the world.

Given this context, the battle of Wisconsin—who would have thought?—has acquired planetary significance. If the forces of reason prevail, the contagion could spread like wildfire, bringing sanity to Washington and across the nation. If they don’t, the best chance in many years to reverse America’s slow decline will have been missed."
Also by Alvaro Vargas Llosa THE CHE GUEVARA MYTH & the Future of Liberty


........there was a gathering on my side of the street also. The defining characteristic between the opposing crowds was clear. One side wants to achieve “economic and social justice” through redistribution of wealth and power. The other side wants to be left alone to live their lives and prosper in accordance with their industry and ability. It’s just that simple: force vs. self reliance.

Via Western Rifle Shooters Association

Smackdown: Walker On Obama

Gov. Scott Walker on Monday afternoon responded to comments President Barack Obama made earlier in the day about the protests in Madison:

Walker’s office issued this statement:

“I'm sure the President knows that most federal employees do not have collective bargaining for wages and benefits while our plan allows it for base pay. And I'm sure the President knows that the average federal worker pays twice as much for health insurance as what we are asking for in Wisconsin. At least I would hope he knows these facts.

“Furthermore, I’m sure the President knows that we have repeatedly praised the more than 300,000 government workers who come to work every day in Wisconsin.

“I’m sure that President Obama simply misunderstands the issues in Wisconsin, and isn’t acting like the union bosses in saying one thing and doing another.”

Via Weasel Zippers

George Davis Attorney General CSA

"North Carolina seceded from the United States on May 20, 1861 and Davis found himself elected to a two-year term as a North Carolina Senator to the Provisional Confederate Congress. During his term, Senator Davis was considered a strong supporter of the Jefferson Davis administration and advocate for North Carolina, though tragedy struck his home as his beloved wife Mary passed away.

Appointed Attorney-General:

President Davis appointed him Attorney General on 31 December 1863 (succeeding Thomas H. Watts) and he served in that Cabinet post until the end of the War Between the States and the dissolution of the Confederate government. He assumed the office of Attorney-General on January 22, 1864, performing the routine duties admirably and writing seventy-four opinions for Jefferson Davis's administration. His friendly advice and counsel to President Davis is seen as his most important service to the American Confederacy, and the latter genuinely respected George Davis. The defeat of the Confederacy brought his surrender to Northern authorities at Key West, Florida, and imprisonment at Fort Hamilton, New York until his parole in January, 1866."


George Davis Attorney General CSA

WI Democrat Representative: "YOU ARE F'N DEAD!"

Rep. Gordon Hintz, 54th Assemble District, speaks out against Gov. Walker's budget fix bill Friday in Madison.
He's a real class act, ain't he?

Photo of Representative Litjens

Last week, we heard thatState Rep. Gordon Hintz (D-Oshkosh) had been busted in a prostitution sting.

State Rep. Gordon Hintz was issued a municipal citation in Appleton earlier this month for violating a city sexual misconduct ordinance.

Appleton police said the citation was issued Feb. 10 in conjunction with an ongoing investigation of Heavenly Touch Massage Parlor, 342 W. Wisconsin Ave., in Appleton. Police searched the business and a nearby residence in the 1300 block of North Division Street Jan. 28, after investigators had staked out the properties for several days after receiving a tip.

Last Friday.... after the Assembly voted to engross the Budget Repair Bill, Hintz turned to a female colleague, Rep. Michelle Litjens and said: "You are F***king dead!"

New tone, indeed. Will he be held accountable?

Walker Gives 24-Hour Deadline

Governor Walker’s office sends along this bit of news:

One component of Governor Walker’s budget repair bill is debt refinancing, which will save taxpayers $165 million in fiscal year 2011. According to the Legislative Fiscal Bureau, if Senate Democrats refuse to return to Wisconsin and cast their votes in the next day the option to refinance a portion of the state’s debt will be off the table.

Along with this notice Governor Walker’s spokesman, Cullen Werwie, released the following statement:

Senate Democrats claimed they fled the state to slow down the process so the public had enough time to learn about the budget repair bill. If that was their true intention, they have been successful.

Now they have one day to return to work before the state loses out on the chance to refinance debt, saving taxpayers $165 million this fiscal year. Failure to return to work and cast their votes will lead to more painful and aggressive spending cuts in the very near future.

This is the Senate Democrats’ 24 hour notice.

What Is States' Rights? Part VI

Virginia Plan for national government in Madison's HandwritingAs a brief recap on the debate concerning the Virginia Plan (See Parts 4 & 5), a model for a “national” government, Mr. Morris of Pennsylvania clearly explained the difference between a federated and a national government as follows

What Is States' Rights? Part VI

Excellent Article On H.K. = School Accused Of Practicing Southern ‘Cultural Genocide

Dixie and H.K. at the conclusion of the H.L. Hunley Funeral/Parade, April 17 2004.

Waiting for the parade to start. There is a boat flying a huge Battle Flag in the background.
A two-hour vigil, to protest what participants termed yet another sign of “cultural genocide,” based on a decision last spring when a student at Flat Rock Middle School was warned that she could not continue wearing a T-shirt with Confederate flag on it to school, was staged by three persons early Tuesday morning across the street from the school.

Led by H.K. Edgerton, an Asheville-based activist who promotes the recognition of Southern blacks who fought on the side of the South in the Civil War, the trio stood with a pair of Confederate battle flags at the corner of West Blue Ridge Road and Smythe Street.

Edgerton, clad in a uniform of the war-era, added, “I’d very much like to go in and talk to the school.” He noted that Confederate memorabilia should be allowed at school, that students should be told about the heroics of blacks soldiers fighting for the South during February, which is Black History Month, and the Civil War should be taught accurately, since this year is the war’s sesquicentennial.


Southern Statesmen Of The Old Regime

Today’s intelligentsia would have many believe that the antebellum South was simply composed of uneducated, dirt-poor crackers lorded over by an aristocratic landed gentry. Yet except for Washington, early American statesmen were largely drawn from the middle class of the South who rose to prominence at the bar. A very strong contrast to the public respect and confidence antebellum Southern statesmen commonly received is seen in the immense wartime corruption of Lincoln’s administration, and his successors descent into legendary political scandals. It is from the latter that suspicion of government and corrupt elected officials emerges in American history.

Bernhard Thuersam, Director
Cape Fear Historical Institute
File:John C. Calhoun.jpeg
John C. Calhoun

Southern Statesmen Of The Old Regime:

"A fact of greatest importance is that the profession (of law) corrected certain inevitable tendencies toward aristocracy in the South. The bar was attainable by every aspiring young man, and success waited upon intelligence, probity and industry. The young man of the humblest origin came to the bar and succeeded if he had the capacity...There are no better illustrations of this than Andrew Jackson and Henry Clay.

It was thus very largely to the influence of the bar, that while the South indisputably presented certain features of aristocracy, it was essentially democratic. It is not true, as soon often asserted, that there were two classes of whites in the South---the aristocracy and the "trash." The aristocrats, so named, the old families of large, landed estates, were comparatively few in number, and the "poor white trash" less numerous than is generally believed. The great body of Southern whites did not belong to either class, but were plain average, middle-class people, intelligent, of sound morals, independent and patriotic. There was, probably, no part of the South where this good element of the population was not in the majority. I furnished many of the more prominent lawyers, and by its numerical strength, enforced a regard for itself which sometimes degenerated into demagogy.

Nothing could be more absurd than the conception of the South as the home of a domineering, haughty, slave-holding aristocracy, without any other white population than the "crackers" and the mountaineers, to whom recent fiction has assigned so many and such varieties of uncouth speech. That the rich slaveholders had an influence disproportionate to their numbers, such as wealth always gives, is true, of course, but the middle class of respectable and intelligent whites, often slaveholders to a limited extent but in no degree aristocratic, in fact or in pretense, was everywhere in the majority, and it was from this class that the bar was most largely recruited.

Let us examine the antecedents of a few of the great Southern lawyers and political leaders. If we leave out Washington, the most conspicuous names in the Old South are Jefferson, Clay, Jackson and Calhoun. Not one of these was of Cavalier blood or, strictly speaking, of the aristocratic class. Another fact worthy of mention is the record of Southern statesmen of the old regime. It is enough to say that without exception...the great statesmen of the South before the war were men of unquestioned integrity and of sincere patriotism. By force of intellect and of character they long exerted a controlling influence in affairs and almost, without exception, deserved and received public respect and confidence...they were strong, fearless, capable, honorable men, strenuously and genuinely patriotic, and their long ascendancy in affairs of state was marked by efficiency, honesty, economy, and fidelity to duty."

(History of the Literary and Intellectual Life of the Southern States (Vol. VII), Joshua W. Caldwell, Southern Publication Society, 1909, pp. 347-351)

Southern Statesmen Of The Old Regime

March Confederate Birthdays

General Braxton Bragg - 22 Mar. 1817 - Warrenton, N.C.

Warrenton, VA 600 Confederate Dead (My Old Stomping Grounds)
You have a good view of this monument from my parent's gravesites; however my father didn't like the spot my mother picked, because there were no trees and would be too hot!:)

Old Warrenton Cemetery Confederate Gravesite Speech
Thomas Moore, Chairman Of The Southern National Congress
“The struggle of man against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting.”





Midnight Picnic: 1947


Lt. General Wade Hampton - 28 Mar. 1818 - Charleston, S.C.

Maj. General Matthew Calbraith Butler - 8 Mar. 1836 - Greenville, S.C.

Maj. General Thomas James Churchill - 10 Mar. 1824 - Jefferson Co., Ky.

Maj. General Henry DeLamar Clayton - 7 Mar. 1827 - Pulaski, Ga.

Maj. General Patrick Romayne Cleburne - 17 Mar. 1828 - County Cork, Ireland

Maj. General George Bibb Crittenden - 20 Mar. 1812 - Russellville, Ky.

Maj. General James Fleming Fagan - 1 Mar. 1828 - Clark Co., Ky.

Maj. General John Sappington Marmaduke - 14 Mar. 1833 - Arrow Rock, Missouri

Maj. General William Thompson Martin - 25 Mar. 1823 - Glasgow, Ky.

Maj. General William Henry Chase Whitting - 22 Mar. 1824 - Biloxi, Miss.

Brig. General William Wirt Adams - 22 Mar. 1819 - Frankfort, Ky.

Brig. General William Nelson Rector Beall - 20 Mar. 1825 - Bardstown, Ky.

Brig. General William Robertson Boggs - 18 Mar. 1829 - Augusta, Ga.

Brig. General William Felix Brantley - 12 Mar. 1830 - Greene Co., Ala.

Brig. General John Bratton - 7 Mar. 1831 - Winnsboro, S.C.

Brig. General Montgomery Dent Corse - 14 Mar. 1816 - Alexandria, D.C.

Brig. General William Ruffin Cox - 11 Mar. 1832 - Halifax Co., N.C.

Brig. General Johnson Kelly Duncan - 19 Mar. 1827 - York, Penn.

Brig. General John Dunovant - 5 Mar. 1825 - Chester, S.C.

Brig. General John Echols - 20 Mar. 1823 - Lynchburg, Va.

Brig. General Martin Witherspoon Gary - 25 Mar. 1831 - Cokesbury, S.C.

Brig. General Hiram Bronson Granbury - 1 Mar. 1831 - Copiah Co., Miss.

Brig. General Louis Hebert - 13 Mar. 1820 - Iberville Parish, La.

Brig. General John Robert Jones - 12 Mar. 1827 - Harrisonburg, Va.

Brig. General John Herbert Kelly - 31 Mar. 1840 - Pickens Co., Ala.

Brig. General Lewis Henry Little - 19 Mar. 1817 - Baltimore, Md.

Brig. General Robert Lowery - 10 Mar. 1830 - Chesterfield Dist., S.C.

Brig. General Samuel Bell Maxey - 30 Mar. 1825 - Tompkinsville, Ky.

Brig. General Thomas Taylor Munford - 28 Mar. 1831 - Richmond, Va.

Brig. General Allison Nelson - 11 Mar. 1822 - Fulton Co., Ga.

Brig. General Elisha Franklin Paxton - 4 Mar. 1828 - Rockbridge Co., Va.

Brig. General Edward Aylseworth Perry - 15 Mar. 1831 - Richmond, Mass.

Brig. General William Flank Perry - 12 Mar. 1823 - Jackson Co., Ga.

Brig. General Roswell Sabine Ripley - 14 Mar. 1823 - Worthington, Ohio

Brig. General Felix Huston Robertson - 9 Mar. 1839 - Washington, Tx.

Brig. General Jerome Bonaparte Robertson - 14 Mar. 1815 - Woodford Co., Ky.

Brig. General Robert Emmett Rodes - 29 Mar. 1829 - Lynchburg, Va.

Brig. General Francis Asbury Shoup - 22 Mar. 1834 - Laurel, Ind.

Brig. General William Richard Terry - 12 Mar. 1827 - Bedford Co., Va.

Brig. General Edward Lloyd Thomas - 23 Mar. 1825 - Clarke Co., Ga.

Brig. General William Henry Wallace - 24 Mar. 1827 - Laurens Dist., S.C.

Brig. General John Wilkins Whitfield - 11 Mar 1818 - Franklin, Tenn.

Brig. General Sterling Alexander Martin Wood - 17 Mar. 1823 - Florence, Ala.

Via T

March Confederate Birthdays

More Union Goons

Another. I guess that must be his I.Q. Check a out the pamplet at the end.

Frank Buckles, Last US WWI Vet Dies At 110

Frank Buckles

"MORGANTOWN, W.Va. -- He was repeatedly rejected by military recruiters and got into uniform at 16 after lying about his age. But Frank Buckles would later become the last surviving U.S. veteran of World War I.

Buckles, who also survived being a civilian POW in the Philippines in World War II, died of natural causes Sunday at his home in Charles Town, biographer and family spokesman David DeJonge said in a statement. He was 110."

Gaddaffi Has Chemical Weapons & Iran Has Military Bases In Libya

"The ordaining of laws in favor of one part of the nation, to the prejudice and oppression of another, is certainly the most erroneous and mistaken policy. An equal dispensation of protection, rights, privileges, and advantages, is what every part is entitled to, and ought to enjoy."
--Benjamin Franklin, Emblematical Representations, 1774


Go to fullsize image Go to fullsize image

Iran Has Several Military Bases In Libya

"In an interview today on the Al Arabyia news network, an informed source within the Revolutionary Guards Corps revealed that Iran has several military bases in Libya.

The source, who requested anonymity due to his sensitive position within the Guards, elaborated further that the Iranian military bases are located mostly along Libya’s borders with the African countries of Chad and Niger. From there, he said, the Guards actively smuggle arms and supply logistical assistance to rebellious groups in the African countries.

According to this source, Guards enter Libya under the guise of oil company employees. Most of these companies are under the control of the Revolutionary Guards."

Via Double Tapper

Collective Punishment

"Bolsheviks and Nazis alike practiced collective punishment. The Reds would take hostages against 'good behavior' of residents of a town and shoot them if any resistance was offered. Nazis would sometimes kill everyone in a town near which one of their troops perished. We look at such practices with abhorrence, though US and Allied bombings probably killed a few innocent bystanders of their own. As a culture, we don’t view collective punishments as acceptable…or do we?.........The problem with gun control and other control schemes is that they violate individual rights deliberately, sometimes with excuses and more often by the 'might makes right' principle. And that’s precisely how much of the world ended up disarmed in the face of totalitarian menaces."

Coast Guard Weapons

Use the Russian to English translator and check out all the links. It's U.S. related.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

"I'm A Marxist"

Because it worked so well before, right? 100,000,000 dead, but this time it will be different........A "useful idiot' who will be exterminated later if they succeed, but over our dead bodies.

Via American and Proud

WikiLeaks Exposes Origins of Cartels' Weaponry

“Our obligation to promote the public good extends as much to the opposing every exertion of arbitrary power that is injurious to the state as it does to the submitting to good and wholesome laws. No man, therefore, can be a good member of the community that is not as zealous to oppose tyranny, as he is ready to obey magistracy.”
--Reverend Samuel West (1730-1807) Colonial Preacher and Patriot

"The idea that we'd ever find WikiLeaks information relevant to the protection of United States citizens' gun rights wasn't anywhere on our radar when the NSSF's Larry Keane tipped us off to some disturbing information gleaned from leaked State Department documents.

According to State Department cables, the Mexican drug cartels are getting their weaponry from an international operation, with the cartels getting military weapons through various government channels. Some of those weapons did, in fact, come from the United States, but they weren't the result of the "gun show loophole" straw-man purchases or any of the other individual criminal acts anti-gun groups would have you believe.

Large quantities of those US weapons -everything from rifles to machine guns, grenade launchers, explosives and ammunition, came from purchases by the government of Mexico from the United States. As the underpaid, undermanned and undermined soldiers of the Mexican army skipped out on the military to put their training to work for the cartels, they took their issued-arms with them.

Others come from weapon buys from guerilla groups in South and Central America that are then smuggled into the country.

No specific numbers on how many of those guns "recovered in Mexico and traced back to the United States" were, in fact, military purchases, but the State Department cables indicate a portion of the fewer than 12 percent of the traceable weapons actually came from the United States in gun shop/individual type purchases. Remember, that's not 12 percent of the tens of thousands of weapons recovered - it's only 12 percent of the weapons recovered that were traceable. It's nowhere near the 12 percent figure that has been misquoted and used as evidence of the United State's "horrific" problem of illegal gun sales."

Open Carry Infringement & Wisconsin Poll

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker Poll.
"A poll of Wisconsin voters released Thursday finds more of them support Gov. Scott Walker’s proposed reforms than oppose them.

The poll, conducted by former Bill Clinton political consultant Dick Morris, finds Walker’s reforms--as a package--are backed by 51 percent of the more than 400 likely voters surveyed while 47 percent indicated they were opposed."

"Wed Feb 24: Atlanta, GA Capitol Police telling us we can’t carry weapons across the street from the Capitol building. So we ended up going down the block to where “the line” was and set up with rifles, pistols, flags, and signs. Awaiting video and pix from that part. The video above is just the tip of the iceberg. More to follow for sure."

"Verbatim reports from the field via FreeFor counterprotesters in opposition to Saturday's union/fellow traveller demonstrations in Atlanta and Raleigh:"

An Imbecilic Moron, Liberal Or Am I Being Redundant........?:)

Newsweek’s Eleanor Clift Asks “Since When Does Scott Walker Represent ‘The People’?”

Duke Snider Dies At 84

He had a bowling alley in Fallbrook where we had a house for three years and he lived nearby. One of my heroes and I became a Dodger fan because the Yankees would beat them every year.:) I remember when Larsen pitched his perfect game and near the end Snider hit a ball and the announcer exclaimed "There's a long ball, it's going, going, going, gone, foul!":)


Baseball Hall of Famer Duke Snider died Sunday morning at the Valle Vista Convalescent Hospital in Escondido, Calif.. He was 84.

Snider died of natural causes, his family said.


Hall-of-Famer Duke Snider played for the Dodgers, Mets and Giants. Take a look back at his career.

He was elected to the National Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, N.Y., in 1980 after an 18-year major league career in which he hit 407 home runs.

Call For Papers: Energy & Climate Change Conference

Gee, thanks for the invite, but as I won't be able to make it, I'll just submit a report now........::) Dr. Robinson (Dixie's Homeschooler) Myth Of Global Warming

Dear Colleagues,

You are invited to join the Climate Change Working Group (CCWG 2011), third annual Energy and Climate Change Conference focused on the practical applications of social and behavioural research to achieve viable solutions to energy/climate challenges. It builds on the overwhelming success of previous CCWG conferences at which 800 participants from universities, government, corporations and organizations discussed successful policy and program strategies, shared important research findings, and created dynamic new networks and collaborations.

Conveners: Climate Change Working Group-147 Stoke Newington High St N16 0NY, London, United Kingdom. Ph: +44 702 407 5825, +44 702 406 2757
Call for Presentation Abstracts: The CCWG 2011 Organizing Committee requests proposals for presentations from policymakers, businesses, social scientists, researchers, media specialists, marketers, energy experts, program designers, implementers, and evaluators. We invite proposals for three types of presentations:

1.Oral Presentations (15-20 minute formal presentations and slides)
2.Lightning Talks (5-7 minute presentations - highlights of results, insights, or novel/transformative ideas)
3.Poster Presentations (informal presentations)

We are seeking well-documented, effective applications of behavioural approaches in energy/climate policies and programs; new behavioural research findings; successful programs/scale-ups; measured results; and best practices. We are also interested in thoughtful discussions of emerging policy/program issues, behavioural research methods, and selected novel/transformative ideas.

Topic Areas: Abstracts must be submitted online fewer than one of the following categories; if your topic doesn't fit easily into one of these categories (or if it fits into multiple categories) please choose the closest match.

·Climate Change and the Oceans
·Sustainable Development, Environment, Health and Development
·Remote Sensing and Global Surveillance
·Water Resources Management
·Carbon & GHG Management
·Extreme Events and Impacts Assessment
·Greenhouse Gas & Ecosystems
·Human Health In a Changing Climate
·Agricultural and Forestry Resources Management
·Clean Energy Technology
·Low GHG Transportation
·Education: Global Change & Sustainable Development
·Case studies.

Proposal Submission: Interested presenters should submit an abstract of less than 250 words of text summarizing the proposed presentation and a short bio (100 words, email: or fax on: +44 844 774 7599 by March 04, 2011. Submissions will be judged on relevance to conference themes, clarity of thought, data/documented results, creativity, fit in conference program and other criteria. Deadline for notification of acceptance is March 11 2011.
Conference Registration: All presenters are expected to register online by March 11 2011. Registration is free of charge for delegates from developing countries. Also free flight ticket, travel insurance, visa fees and per diem to be provided for all paper presenters and participating delegates.

For more details on online registration, abstract submission, full papers and power point presentation, accommodation, flight, and venue, please email:
or fax on +44 844 774 7599.

Important dates:
04 March 2011 Deadline for abstract submission
11 March 2011 Notification of acceptance/Full paper Submissions
25-29 March 2011 Conference Dates

We look forward to seeing you at the conference.

Dr. Richard Edward
Conference Chair.
Climate Change Working Group
147 Stoke Newington High St N16 0NY,
London, United Kingdom.
Ph: +44 702 407 5825, +44 702 406 2757

British Doctors: Abortion Is Safer Than Having A Baby

"........leaving aside the mental health ramifications, the idea that abortions carry fewer physical risks to a woman than those of pregnancy is absurd, not only for the murdered baby, but the mother as well.

This is how muddled the thinking must become to continue to justify such an horrific act. When the necessary evil inevitably becomes a good in and of itself, Satan's face is revealed in full."

Via Weasel Zippers

Pawlenty On Obama: 'What Planet Is He From?'

Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty accused President Obama and Democrats of "coddling" unions and applauded the Tea Party movement as "modern-day Paul Reveres."

Speaking to a convention of Tea Party activists in Phoenix on Saturday, the Republican White House hopeful sounded a populist tone while blasting unions and Democrats. "Thank you for standing up to the ruling class ... and big bailed-out businesses," he told attendees.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

84 Year Old WWII Sniper Does It Again

Nothing else to say, since the video says it all.

What A Pathetic Piece Of Humanity

Punk, do we pace off or just do it now?

Jury Nullification Advocate Is Indicted


"Since 2009, Mr. Heicklen has stood there and at courthouse entrances elsewhere and handed out pamphlets encouraging jurors to ignore the law if they disagree with it, and to render verdicts based on conscience.

That concept, called jury nullification, is highly controversial, and courts are hostile to it. But federal prosecutors have now taken the unusual step of having Mr. Heicklen indicted on a charge that his distributing of such pamphlets at the courthouse entrance violates a law against jury tampering."

Via Restore The Constitution

NUGENT: When The Going Gets Tough, Democrats Run

"Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin needs to stand his ground. He must remember why voters put him and the GOP in power. Stay the course, Mr. Walker. Do not cut a deal with Democrats and the labor unions. Do what is best for Wisconsin and set the example for other Republican governors to follow.

Terminally whacked as he is, at least Col. Whackjob Gadhafi has so far vowed to stay and fight to the end in Libya. He hasn’t run away yet from the mob of Libyans looking to lynch him, but maybe he hasn’t been following what is happening in Wisconsin and Indiana. I doubt he knows there are a Wisconsin and Indiana.

Americans intrinsically know that running away is a sign of weakness, and significant weakness is what we are beginning to see in the Democratic Party poppers who have chosen to flee."

Sign An Open Letter To Governor Scott Walker


Dear Brock,

The union militants aren't backing down.

Late Thursday night, the Wisconsin State Assembly passed Governor Scott Walker's public-sector union monopoly bargaining reform bill.

The legislation would give most government employees the Right to Work without having to pay tribute to a labor union and take state government out of the hands of Big Labor, and put it back where it belongs – with the taxpayers.

Please click here to sign an Open Letter to Governor Scott Walker urging him to continue his efforts to curtail the monopoly bargaining and forced-dues powers of the union bosses.

For years, government-sector union bosses have built up enormous political power and influence by extracting forced union dues from public employees and getting their own favored candidates elected to state and local government -- in effect, putting the union brass on both sides of the bargaining table and leading to fiscal nightmares the taxpayers cannot afford.

A fragile national economy and massive budget gaps across the country inspired grassroots citizens like you to fight back, and in the 2010 elections concerned voters kicked Big Labor-backed incumbents nationwide out of office.

But as we're seeing in Wisconsin, the battle didn't end with the elections.

Now, pro-forced unionism Democrats in the State Senate continue to hide out in Illinois, shutting down the upper chamber in a desperate attempt to protect the union bosses' power over the people.

Big Labor is hoping elected officials will give up.

That's why it's vital you act today.

Tell Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker not to give in to the union militants. Click here to sign the Open Letter to Governor Walker IMMEDIATELY.

Grassroots activists like you must keep up the pressure on elected officials to end the union bosses' control over workers and taxpayers.

Please, sign the Open Letter to Governor Scott Walker today.


Mark Mix

The National Right to Work Committee

The Line In The Snow




honest working union workers integrity purpose unions people work money

"........they should be fully aware and informed of the real truth that these groups along with the leadership’s of the Unions (not rank and file but the leadership) were well involved in the riots all across Europe and in the Middle East as well. Those are documented facts and you are welcome to do your own homework to find that out. I have posted over the last five months many articles, and videos to back that up. I understand the media and in large part even the Union leadership do not want this fact be known or do they?

What we are seeing is just the smallest tip of the iceberg to what may be coming to this nation."

Via Conservative Heritage Times

An Islamic Valentine For Lara Logan From Abdul

"Over the transom of the WRSA International desk comes this thought-provoking essay. Note that for young people or other folks not steeped in wonderfully-diverse and equally-valid cultures from around the world, some of the following content may be disturbing:"

Bush Cancels Speech Over Assange Invite

View Image

Seems Bush has it backwards.


Former President George W. Bush canceled his planned visit to Denver today after learning that Wikileaks founder Julian Assange would be speaking at the same conference he was to attend.

Bush had been scheduled to give the keynote speech at the Young Presidents' Organization conference at the Colorado Convention Center.

"Six months ago, President Bush accepted an invitation to speak to the YPO Global Leadership Summit in Denver on February 26, 2011. This week, upon learning that Julian Assange had recently been invited to address the same summit, President Bush decided to cancel his appearance," said Bush spokesman David Sherzer. "The former president has no desire to share a forum with a man who has willfully and repeatedly done great harm to the interests of the United States."

A Picture From The Arctic Patriot

"This is a picture I saw the other night at a gun store. It is about 30 years old, and I think it was taken on Kodiak island.

That's a Bear skull, a human skull, and a rotted out firearm. Look close, it's held together with electrical tape. What a story.

A thousand words? No, this one is worth a book or two."

Via The Arctic Patriot

NC $PLC "Hate" Groups:)

The precursor of our ruin.
"On this black day in 1862 the yankee congress passed the Greenback Act authorizing legal tender notes, that is, completely unbacked fiat paper money. Lincoln's revolutionary government issued so many greenbacks that later in the war greenbacks depreciated to 50c in gold. Not content with this ruin, a year later congress passed the National Bank Act which cartelized banks to make floating war bonds easier. That was the embryo of central bank born in the the Federal Reserve in 1913."
--The Moneychanger
View ImageSPLC-DHS Certified Right Wing Extremist website - Leave now or you may be reported!

I guess I'll have to try harder although I did send them an email years ago asking why they didn't have one of their "little ole' red stars" over Tarboro since I belonged to the LoS. No reply.


Alarm & Muster: The Modern Day Alarm Riders

Constitution Party

Cultural Freedom

Granny Warriors

Carolina American Republic

North Carolina Citizens Militia

North Carolina Regional Militia

United Nations of Turtle Island

Washitaw Empire

Washitaw Nation

We Are Change

We the People


The Despicable $outhern Poverty Law Center

Friday, February 25, 2011

Disarm The People, Crush Dissent, All In A Days Work

"Common sense evidently doesn't know crap about history. This country was founded by men with guns fighting for freedom. That some citizens still know that Joan Peterson wets herself.

"Power comes from the barrel of a gun" Chairman Mao.

Political power is always backed by force. Joan, why do you want the people powerless? Is it so that you and your ilk can politically rape us with impunity?

You can't convert me Joan, you can't force me to submit. At best you can kill me."

Via The Arctic Patriot

"Preparing For Independence"

2:15pm - 3:15pm Pastor John Weaver; Handgun Safety and Handling Procedures

HEH! Pastor Weaver is one of Dixie's favorite at the

each year. A Pastor you can depend on. He likes Glocks also.


League of The South

Georgia Chapter League of The South Annual Conference

Our theme this year is "Preparing for Independence". And we have lined up some great speakers and interactive programs.

Date: 26 March 2011

Time: 11:00am


Indian Springs State Park group shelter (near Forsyth and Jackson, Georgia


Pastor John Weaver,
Dr. Michael Hill,
Mr. Justin Huff and

Mr. Thomas Moore

Dinner meal "Cookout Style":

$10 each meal with children under 12 free (RSVP is required to insure enough food and please give the number of adults and children under 12)

Please RSVP meals to Ed Wolfe at:

Dress: Casual

Host Motel:

Hilltop Garden Inn, Forsyth, Georgia 478.994.9260,

mention League of the South for a $42.95 per night rate. (15 min from park)

NOTE: Each vehicle is required to pay a daily parking fee of $5.


11:00am - 11:15am Welcome and Devotional

11:15am - 12:00pm Mr. Justin Huff; Overall Preparedness

12:00pm - 2:00pm Dinner Cookout Style

2:00pm - 2:15pm Ed Wolfe; State Projects and Announcements

2:15pm - 3:15pm Pastor John Weaver; Handgun Safety and Handling Procedures

3:30pm - 4:30pm Mr. Thomas Moore; Preparing for Independence; Do Not Take Council of Your Fears

5:00pm - 6:pm Dr. Michael Hill; What You Will Need When the SHTF

6:00pm - 6:15pm Singing of Dixie, Closing Prayer and Closing Comments

6:15pm - till Fellowship and eating of leftovers from Dinner

Each speaker will have a table where you can ask questions during free time. We will also have some vendors tables to browse.

I hope that each of you can make it this year. I put the date out about a month ago so that everyone could adjust their schedules around our meeting date.

I look forward to seeing y'all there. Please send RSVP for meals to Ed Wolfe at:

1929-1933 Škoda 860

Then please tell us genius, why you fought against the South.
"The right of revolution is an inherent one. When people are oppressed by their government, it is a natural right they enjoy to relieve themselves of oppression, if they are strong enough, whether by withdrawal from it, or by overthrowing it and substituting a government more acceptable." --Ulysses S. Grant

( 4 photos )

The Ancient ATF - SPLC Symbiotic Monster Raises Its Ugly, Lying Head Again

The corrupt ATF and $PLC, two rotten peas in a pod.

"Nigger Hunting License" issued at the ATF's get-togethers in the '90s called the "Good O' Boys Roundup.

"Nigger Checkpoint" sign at the entrance to the "Good O' Boys Roundup. Photo from videotape taken by infiltrators belonging to the Gadsden Minutemen constitutional militia, 1994.

just when the ATF prospects for serious chastisement looked most promising, the agency was bought some precious time by their own "white knight" -- Morris Dees of the ill-named Southern "Poverty" Law Center. In a Fox Butterfield story in the New York Times, Dees alleged that the Gadsden boys' videotape was a fake.

Of course it wasn't -- a fact proven later by none other than FBI master evidence technician Frederic Whitehurst. But at a critical moment in the ATF's fortunes, Dees had bought the agency some precious time by virtue of a well-timed lie.

Why would Dees help screen obviously racist conduct when he was nominally the big "anti-racist crusader?" Why would he risk discrediting his gravy train?

Because, SPLC and ATF have always had a two-headed monster symbiotic relationship, and that relationship formed an integral part of his gravy train as well. He HAD to defend such reprehensible conduct, or risk his "intelligence" stream being cut off."