Saturday, January 8, 2011

Lincoln's Attempted Genocide Of Southern Americans

“The judiciary of the United States is the subtle corps of sappers and miners constantly working under ground to undermine the foundations of our confederated republic. They are construing our constitution from a co-ordination of a general and special government to a general and supreme one alone.”

Thomas Jefferson, 1820, following McCulloch vs. Maryland

Quote via The Bonnie Blue Blog

Whitehall Memorial Park Dedication Service
(The front of the memorial above. The back will have the names of the fallen heroes and my grandfather's quote HERE. BT)
NC Compatriots:

The following news articles are from the "Civil War News" concerning the Confederate Memorial Service in 2009 and the Fredericksburg Va. City Council meeting that I attended last month.

I spoke not representing the SCV, but as a relative of a Confederate Soldier, that has been degraded and demoralized by bigots of the lowest magnitude! I was only allowed five minutes to speak. One of the council members stated, days after the meeting, that I was almost "inflammatory"! This council does not consider their disgraceful, inhumane, bigoted actions as nothing but spiritual in nature!

If we, as Sons of Confederate Veterans don't stand up in a manner that is forceful in intent, we are going to finally lose (Give Away) our Southern Heritage and will have failed in our pledge and promise to defend the Confederate Soldiers! The heritage that we in 2011 leave will be shameful and deserve to be hidden!

I closed my statement to them, by quoting Joseph Powell Pippen,Esq. in his statement at a Confederate Veterans Service on May 10,1911.

" I say we cannot know your suffering, but this we do know; We love and honor you, veterans, and are justly proud of the heritage you have given us. Just so long as warm blood flows in the veins of man, so long will the words 'Confederate Veterans' cause that blood to tingle with glorious pride, and if there be one among us, born in our glorious Southland, who is not so thrilled, every drop of stagnant blood proclaims him bastard to the South and a coward to all the world."


Progressive politically correct politics have already consumed and infected most Southern born children! How much more are we going to "give away" before,we as Sons of Confederate Veterans take a stand, a real stand, and say no more?

Deo Vindice

Dan Boyette CoS
The original 2009 article is on the paper's website:

Descendant Criticizes City Council’s

Plan To Move Confederate Memorial

By Scott C. Boyd

FREDERICKSBURG, Va. – The great-great-nephew of one of the 51 Confederate soldiers listed on a monument that is the subject of a lawsuit between the Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV) and the city spoke to the city council on Dec. 14.

Dan Boyette drove 260 miles from his home in La Grange, N.C., to urge the council to overturn its decision to move the stone monument. It was placed by the local SCV camp in April 2009 to honor the soldiers who are buried nearby in an unmarked cemetery in front of the former Maury School on Barton Street.

Boyette used his allowed five minutes during the meeting’s public comment period to criticize the council for permitting the parking lot in front of Maury School to be created, paving over the unmarked cemetery and said his family will fight removal of the monument.

Boyette’s ancestor is Pvt. William Sherwood Boyette of the 1st North Carolina Cavalry, his great-grandfather’s brother.

Castigating some for allegedly claiming his ancestor and other Confederates were not American soldiers, Boyette answered that his family has served in American wars from the Civil War through the Vietnam War.

Making a distinction about the Civil War, he said, “I am proud to say that not one Boyette served in Abraham Lincoln’s attempted genocide of Southern Americans.”

“You stand here declaring pride in the history of the U.S. military, while spitting upon and pointing your crooked, sanctimonious finger at Confederate soldiers for protecting their homes from Lincoln’s invading army,”
he said.

Boyette decried the damage Union troops caused to civilians and their property during the Battle of Fredericksburg.

“The indignity of partisan politics and excessive government power over its citizens continues on in this chamber tonight. Must there be another war of this magnitude? This city government has lost all of its sensibilities,” he said

SCV Matthew Fontaine Maury Camp 1722 installed the monument after receiving a building permit from city officials.

The monument is on a traffic island on which the much larger Fredericksburg Area War Memorial to area war dead from conflicts of the 20th and 21st centuries already stood.

At the request of the Fredericksburg Area Veterans Council, which erected the first monument in November 2008, the city council passed an ordinance designating the entire island as being exclusively for the Fredericksburg Area War Memorial and ordering relocation of the Confederate monument to an unspecified location.

That sparked the SCV lawsuit in November 2009.

Asked later about Boyette’s remarks, city council member Kerry P. Devine told Civil War News that his comments were “somewhat inflammatory” and “directed not at really what the issue is.”

Devine stressed the city’s obligation to the FAVC, “a group we’ve been working with for over a decade.”

The case is scheduled for trial in Fredericksburg Circuit Court on April 19.

CWN reporter Scott C. Boyd is a member of SCV Camp 1722 and assisted with the Confederate Monument project.
Lincoln's Attempted Genocide Of Southern Americans

Calhoun On The Great Consolidated Democracy

John C. Calhoun

The great statesman John C. Calhoun’s early years touched and understood the original fabric of American political ideals as he met and spoke at length with Thomas Jefferson at Monticello in the summer of 1805. Underscoring the education Calhoun received in the precepts of the Founders, Dr. A.G. Holmes, Dean of the History Department of Clemson University said of Calhoun in 1944: “In a period of national perils, it was Calhoun who time and again sounded the alarm because of the expanding powers of the Federal Government….Calhoun never urged secession. He held it as a right – a weapon to force the majority to compromise with the minority. To him, this doctrine was a means of not destroying but preserving the Federal Union by preserving the personal liberties of its people and the principles of the Constitution itself.”

Bernhard Thuersam, Director
Cape Fear Historical Institute
Calhoun on the Great Consolidated Democracy:

“That the Government claims, and practically maintains, the right to decide in the last resort, as to the extent of its own powers, will scarcely be denied by any one conversant with the political history of the country. That it also claims the right to resort to force to maintain whatever power it claims, against all opposition, is equally certain. Indeed it is apparent, from what we daily hear, that this has become the prevailing and fixed opinion of a great majority of the community. Now, I ask, what limitation can possibly be placed upon a government claiming and exercising such rights?

And if none can be, how can the separate governments of the States maintain and protect the powers reserved to them by the constitution – or the people of the several States maintain those which are reserved to them, and among others, the sovereign powers by which they ordained and established, not only their separate State Constitutions and Governments, but also the Constitution and Government of the United States?

But, if they have no constitutional means of maintaining them against the right claimed by this Government, it necessarily follows that they hold them at its pleasure and discretion, and that all the powers of the system are in reality concentrated in it. It also follows that the character of the Government has been changed, in consequence, from a federal republic, as it originally came from the hands of its framers, into a great consolidated democracy.

It has indeed, at present, all the characteristics of the latter, and not one of the former, although it still retains its outward form. The result of the whole of these causes [of sectional conflict] combined is – that the North has acquired a decided ascendancy over every department of this Government, and through it a control over all the powers of the system. A single section governed by the will of the numerical majority, has now, in fact, the control of the Government and the entire powers of the system. What was once a constitutional federal republic, is now converted, in reality, into one as absolute as that of the Autocrat of Russia, and as despotic in its tendency as any absolute government that ever existed.”

(Calhoun’s Last Speech in the Senate, March 4, 1850, John C. Calhoun – The Man, Harriet Hefner Cook, R.L. Bryan Company, 1965, pp. 95 -105)
Calhoun On The Great Consolidated Democracy

SC Cadets Re-Enact 1861 Firing On US Supply Ship

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"The incident is deeply ingrained in the history of the state military college, founded in 1842. The Citadel's regimental colors carry eight Confederate battle ribbons."

Via Jamey, SDYC

Big Brother At Work

"If congress can employ money indefinitely to the general welfare, and are the sole and supreme judges of the general welfare, they may take the care of religion into their own hands, they may appoint teachers in every state, county, and parish and pay them out of their public treasury; they may take into their own hands the education of children, establishing in like manner schools throughout the Union; they may assume the provision of the poor; they may undertake the regulation of all roads other than post roads; in short, everything, from the highest object of state regulation down to the most minute objects of police, would be thrown under the power of Congress....Were the power of Congress to be established in the latitude contended for, it would subvert the very foundations, and transmute the very nature of limited Government established by the people of America."

--James Madison's letter to Edmund Pendleton, January 21, 1792]

Quote via Western Rifle Shooters Association
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Obama To Hand Commerce Department Authority Over Cybersecurity ID

Democratic Congresswoman Shot And Killed

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"Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and six others died after a gunman opened fire at a public event on Saturday, the Pima County, Ariz., sheriff's office confirms."
"I have to admit, I'm a little surprised that Americans have begun shooting elected officials instead of bankers."
From the comments.

"One down, five hundred thirty four to go."

Jackson’s Value To Lee

Second only to Robert E. Lee as a great American military commander, Stonewall Jackson’s death proved to be a calamity which may have cost Lee the battle at Gettysburg. Jackson, like Lee, could handily defeat far superior forces as he did between April 30 and June 9, 1862 in the Valley, frustrating 70,000 Northern troops with less than 18,000 men of his own.

Bernhard Thuersam, Director
Cape Fear Historical Institute
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Jackson’s Value to Lee:

“It was not until the spring of 1862, when Lee became Jefferson Davis’ military advisor and Commander of the Army of Northern Virginia that Jackson’s independent command in the Shenandoah Valley came under Lee’s control. It was at this time that the partnership between Lee and Jackson first took form.

At once Lee sensed Jackson’s integrity. Lenoir Chambers…wrote that while Jackson and Lee were far apart, as far as communications went, they were always able, through their letters and orders, to project themselves into the future. Each had a sagacity to discern what the other was thinking or desired. Lee never had a subordinate so quick to grasp his thoughts or so reliable in carrying them out or, when on his own, in taking care of himself while he fitted all his movements to the grand purpose as did Jackson in the Valley Campaign of 1862.

On several occasions, Jackson demonstrated his zealous devotion to his chieftain. During the winter of 1863-63 [near Fredericksburg], Lee once sent word that he wanted to talk with Jackson at his convenience on a matter of no great urgency. Thereupon Jackson arising at daybreak and without breakfast rode through a blinding snow storm to Lee’s headquarters, 15 miles away.

Lee expressed amazement, saying: “You know, General, I did not wish you to come in such a storm. It was a matter of no importance and I am sorry you had such a ride.” Thereupon Jackson blushed and simply said: “I received your note, General.” Jackson’s personal loyalty to Lee was intimately bound up with his confidence in Lee’s military ability. Once when an officer had criticized Lee, Jackson instantly replied: “Lee is a phenomenon. He is the only man I would follow blindfold.”

On that beautiful Sunday morning of May 10, 1863, when he was informed that Jackson could probably not live through the day, Lee at first refused to believe it, saying: “Surely God will not take from us now that we need him so much.” Notifying Gen. Jeb Stuart of Jackson’s death, Lee said: “The great and good Jackson is no more…May his spirit pervade our whole army; our country will then be secure.”

It was only after the war that General Lee gave a glimpse of what he may have thought in 1863 of the ultimate consequence of the removal of Jackson from the scene. In a conversation with one of his friends at Washington College, of which he was then president, he remarked: “If I had had Stonewall Jackson, as far as a man can see, I should have won the battle of Gettysburg.”

(Wartime Relationship Between Lee and Jackson, Dr. W. Gleason Bean, Rockbridge Historical Society Proceedings, Volume Six, J.P. Bell Company, 1966, pp. 43-46)

Huck Finn And The N Word:)

“The judiciary of the United States is the subtle corps of sappers and miners constantly working under ground to undermine the foundations of our confederated republic. They are construing our constitution from a co-ordination of a general and special government to a general and supreme one alone.”

Thomas Jefferson, 1820, following McCulloch vs. Maryland

Via The Bonnie Blue Blog

Jeff Danziger

Via Ann, Belle Grove

When We Were Negroes (Video)

Now the censorship of Huck Finn makes sense: this publisher's bio shows he was in bed (figuratively, but who knows, maybe literally) with Southern Poverty Law Center. Thanx to Carol & Jim for this.

Read this bio written by the man who is publishing the new sanitized version of Huck Finn. Clearly he has no agenda and is just doing it to preserve the genius of Twain for coming generations...Ha!
The 90-Second Autobiography of Horace Randall Williams
I was born (1951) and mostly raised in Chambers County, Alabama, a place which also pro-
duced Joe Louis, one of our country’s greatest black athletes, and Cotton Tom Heflin, one of our
greatest racist demagogues.You figure it.
My people, on both sides of the family, were mostly dirt farmers and cotton mill workers.They
married young and had big families; I have fifty first cousins.
In due time, I graduated from LaFayette High School and enrolled (1970) in Samford Univer-
sity, a small, conservative, Baptist institution in Birmingham, Alabama.
I married.Young. So was she. It was the thing to do.
I intended to become a lawyer but liked English and then history and then journalism and be-
came editor of the school newspaper. A conflict with the school president over the definition of news
cost me my scholarship in my senior year and I never graduated.
I became a professional journalist and worked as a reporter and editor and publisher for daily
and weekly newspapers. I also freelanced; I do not recommend it as a career.
I had been raised as a racist and a religious fundamentalist but for reasons I cannot fully articu-
late I had abandoned both of these philosophies. I had become — yes — a liberal.
I went to work (1976) for a liberal organization, the Southern Poverty Law Center. I produced
the Center’s publications and investigated cases. I was almost a lawyer after all.
I had my mid-life crisis early. I divorced. I took a leave of absence from my job. I extended it. I
moved to North Carolina to work with the Institute for Southern Studies.
I moved to Georgia to help start a newspaper.The newspaper went bust. I freelanced some
more. I still don’t recommend it.
The Southern Poverty Law Center said my leave of absence had lasted long enough. I went back
and organized the Klanwatch Project. I watched and wrote about racists. I was good at it. I under-
stood them.
I could only watch racists for so long.They eventually depressed me. It would have happened to
anybody. I quit my job (1986).
I went into business for myself. I wrote and edited and designed newsletters, magazines, news-
papers, and books. I began a non-fiction book about contemporary racists. I also began a book of
fiction about an Alabama governor. A short governor. Sometimes I still have trouble separating the
two books.
Some years ago I published a book for another writer. One book led to two.Then four.Then ten.
Now I am a book publisher. Sometimes I turn ink into magic. Other times I just murder trees.
Four hundred books later, the manuscripts keep coming. Everyone I ever met wants me to pub-
lish his book. Oprah will love it, she says.
I like my job. Deep down, I am still looking for the heart of Dixie.The search will take time.
Meanwhile I can work any seven days of the week I choose. I intend to keep doing this till the money
runs out. I tell my two sons, one day this will all belong to you.They have always known to laugh
when I say this. So it goes.
I still live in Alabama.

Via Billy

Virginia Living (Mosby Country!) Digital Edition

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Middleburg Hunt Club and I'm not sure about History Under Glass, I'll have to thunk' about that for awhile, my mother would say sacrilegious, I am sure.:)